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So Which Is It Going To Be?

Updated on March 30, 2013

There are times when you have to look back. The study of history should be a gradual learning experience so that the big slam dunk doesn't happen all at once. We can tell ourselves that everything is going to be alright and that it "could never happen in the United States of America." But those of us who have lived at least 5 or 6 decades can attest to the fact that it can happen in our country, in fact it has and it doesn't appear to be getting much better.

I used the first graphic on the right to illustrate a point and the video that follows is powerful but sometimes power is found in stark reality. My point of reference in all of this is the giant strides we, the American people, have made just in the decades since I was born. The Democrats didn't do all those things nor did the Republicans. It was We, the people who always pulled together and always should. But sadly I look around and see that isn't happening anymore. Sadly our country has lost its position in the world. We've become like everybody else? Ask yourself why after you watch the video and not before.

Listen To What The Man Says, Not How He Says It...

Did you notice that the video is viral with over 6 million hits and counting? We have another approximately 304 million citizens who need to watch what that man had to say because he is right. Now my question is to those who care, and some who read this don't nor will they, is what kind of a nation are we leaving to our children and how did we get off a proven path and the one we are now on? He laid it out for you with some of the stats on where this nation ranks among the world of nations. Is that good enough?

I didn't like what he said myself but sometimes I'm not fond of the truth as it slaps me around. Sometimes the truth isn't pretty, flowery and sugar coated. The greatness of this nation in the past wasn't about two political parties seeing which one could rape and pillage the tax payer the most so they could beat their chicken chests and tell us how great they were. It wasn't about expanding a federal bureaucracy intent on seeing how much of the tax payer pie it could garner and waste.

Pay attention to some of the things going on around you and start to question them. What is going on when tax payer money is being given away, yes away in grants, to study overweight lesbians, drunken lesbians, duck penis plasticity and the latest is snail sex.

Since when has it been okay for two adolescents to vacation in Atlantis on our money when the nation's children are being deprived of tours of The People's House because we supposedly can't afford it? And our federal government isn't out of control with our money? Good grief! How anyone can defend this sort of thing amazes me. But sadly they do.

Me? I want my country back from the self-serving career pickpockets that we call career politicians. Watch them like you're the mouse with the hawk circling above you. They're so busy trying to figure out how to "one up each other" to hang onto the power they so covet that "We, the People..." have taken a back seat as our nation gets driven into an economic abyss.

At what point was it that you can remember that "We, the People..." became "They, Themselves..."? Or is that all you have ever really known? That, my fellow Americans, has been going on for more than a couple of decades now. We need to look back and bring the things back that once made this nation the greatest nation on earth. The man in the video laid it out clearly.

"The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one." Yes Houston, we do have a problem. And we have the chest beaters in Washington DC who made a complete mess of governing this nation pounding their chicken chests and telling us there isn't any problem.

According to them the problem is the other political party. If you believe that then I have to tell you I think you are one stupid person and have no business voting - EVER.. The other part of problem solving is this. Are you going to be part of the problem or part of the solution?

So Which Is It Going To Be? I don't want you to act like a Republican or a Democrat. Try acting like an American! Do for yourself and don't rely on some Nanny State to do it for you. The United States of America has never been like that. But apparently surveying the political landscape, they have you just about where they want you.

"Vote It," "Like"It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

Have a Happy Easter! The Lord Is Risen! The Lord Is Risen Indeed!!!

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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