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Something Stinks Here

Updated on December 31, 2011

Now it has come to this...

Lately a number of news sources have come whizzing through my mail box concerning the actions of Eric Holder and the Department of Justice concerning voter ID laws. You haven't heard? Try paying attention to the actual facts. I'm not black. I'm a white but if I were a black person I think I'd be a bit insulted by some of the things being said and rulings from activist judges and the Attorney General of the United States being handed down to further the race baiting that seems to be building up as we move toward the 2012 election cycle. I'm not a racist, never have been and never will be. But Eric Holder has that aura around him and it stinks, just like his reputation at this point.

In 2008 the US Supreme Court upheld Indiana's landmark voter ID law which requires that any voter produce a government issued ID to prove they are who they claim to be before entering the voting booth. Just to make sure that people who don't have a passport or driver's license aren't disfranchised they included provisions for those folks to obtain a "free" photo ID just for the asking. That majority opinion was written by none other than uber liberal Justice John Paul Stevens. But it seems that Holder knows better than the US Supreme Court. Just who the hell does this guy think he is?

Holder, in his infinite wisdom or maybe stupidity, has determined that the mirror image law that the state of South Carolina has recently passed isn't valid though it contains the very same provisions that Indiana's law has on the books and which was upheld by the SCOTUS. He contends that South Carolina is different from Indiana and that difference demands additional oversight. I must be missing something because every state in the union is "different" from the other states. It is a fundamental right of all citizens of this nation to be able to vote. That is not in question. But on the flip side, it is also our fundamental right as voters to make sure that our right to vote isn't trampled all over in the process by people voting who have no right to vote in the first place. That should be just plain common sense which seems to be in very short supply these days within the Department of Justice. It truly is time for Holder to either resign or be fired.

Can We Get Even An Ounce?

I've always thought federal judges were often educated, activist idiots and here is further proof. The city of Kingston, North Carolina, through a referendum, did away with the requirement that the infamous (D) and (R) appear on the ballots of the citizens of that city. Gee, wouldn't that require that voters actually educate themselves on the candidates and their record or lack of having a record? That was challenged by the DOJ who banned the city from enacting the law which the citizens decided was in the best interest of their community.

The DOJ used a particular form of twisted logic in enforcing Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. That Act requires approval of the DOJ for changes to voting laws in regions where, in the very distant past, there was a history of racial discrimination. Folks the Civil War was over long ago. Why do Obama and Holder want to declare a rematch? This is the twisted logic that Holder used in the challenge: "the elimination of party affiliation on the ballot will likely reduce the ability of blacks to elect candidates of choice." What it will likely increase is the likelihood of the the stupidity of voters who decide to vote for a party rather than the most qualified candidate.

So along comes this bone headed federal district judge, who also just happens to be an Obama appointee, which fact the Lame Stream Media just conveniently happened to not report, who decides that the DOJ had a valid point. My valid point is that a voter, any voter regardless of their skin color, shouldn't need any designation beside anyone's name in order to make an informed decision about voting for the candidate of their choice. If I were black, which I am not, I'd be insulted by this type of thinking. I'm insulted anyway because it says to me that because you are black you just may need someone else to do your thinking for you which you should be doing yourself in this day and age.

This Should Be Everyone's Party Affiliation

So what's the bottom line here? Obama can't run on his record, especially with the black community where unemployment is disproportionately high and he hasn't produced on the promises he made back when and has made a train wreck of the US economy which wasn't in such good shape when he assumed office. So the race baiting must start and Holder is the pivot man. Since you can't get reelected based upon your dismal record lets just start the race baiting routine so that it appears that Obama, under the guise of the DOJ, is the African-Americans champion riding to the rescue. That is rather insulting to me.

Now if you actually believe that I don't think you are smart enough to vote in the first place, right or no right. It is indeed a right to vote and actually your duty as a citizen of this country to do so. It is also your duty to actually study the records and qualifications of the person who you select. If that had been done in 2008 Obama wouldn't be sitting up there vacationing all the time on our dime. I need you to think about this. The voter ID laws that are being enacted across this nation are there to safe guard your right to vote, not dilute it. For every valid vote to count all the invalid ballots need to disappear. Don't say it doesn't happen because it does. That's part of the (D) and (R) mentality and it has gotten to the point where it stinks to high heaven in this nation and what is seriously wrong with what we see happening on Capitol Hill these days. It is all about them continuing to get reelected and has very little to do with "We, the People..."

I rest my case and have a Happy New Year!

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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