Southeast Bexar County Awareness: Texas Rangers go after Mendelsohn ESD6 partner
Background on ESD6- ESD2
ESD #6, President, Sylvia Ruiz Mendelsohn and her "team", were appointed by County Commission Chico Rodriguez; in less than 10 months, the ESD6 had squandered all the taxpayer funds to push a community center, using Emergency Service District funds. Try as hard as they may, the community members were unable to salvage their 3 volunteer fire departments. Ms. Mendelsohn and her "team" were able to do away with all three. Leaving the district without fire protection. Complaints to Commissioner Rodriguez fell on deaf ears.
Ms. Mendelsohn and Mr. Perez, then, running a training class called SafeD, continued to tear apart the ESD6 community to achieve the community center goal. The center would be run by another "team" member and recent candidate for the Southside ISD school board, Theo Castillo. Castillo's wife being the ESD6 President when Ms. Mendelsohn went to work for Chico Rodriguez' office.
County Commissioner Chico Rodriguez appointees
Who's next?
Do you think the truth will come out about ESD6?
2014--Gil Perez and ESD6
Records show that there were many things going on with ESD2 and ESD6. In June of 2014, ESD2, with the help of Gil Perez appointed two board members to work on contracts with ESD6.
Aug 2014, ESD2, used their community tax dollars to buy a brush truck for use in the ESD6 area, spending cap at $43,000. Then they spent another $8,100 to build a storage shed to store gear used at ESD6.
By Sept. 2014, ESD6, notorious for not paying it's bills; failed to make payments to ESD2 per contract and negotiations began at ESD2 to recoup funds still owed of $162,000 for the 1st nine months of the contract. Amount still owed $312,000. That would be a total of $474,000.
Yet other documents show different figures owed, charged and paid. Even then, Chico Rodriguez would hear nothing of it. Even got angry when asked about the ESD6 activity in the media.
County Commission Calvert Doing His Job
County Commissioner Calvert, listened to his constituents and with that, the Texas Rangers became involved, the auditors discrepancies came to light and Gil Perez is now under investigation for misuse of public funds.
Only time will tell if they will tie in Ms. Mendelsohn and the ESD6 to Mr. Perez. Only time will tell if Commissioner Rodriguez will follow suit or cover for Ms. Mendlesohn once again.
Like Southside ISD, recently, the auditors the "team" hired gave them a good report, an independent audit has found enough evidence to remove it's sitting Superintendent, Joe Gonzales.