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Spanish Revolution or worldwide?

Updated on March 3, 2013

The recent scenes happening, apparently spontaneously, all over Spain are a very interesting development in civil revolt.

Whilst I am now in Penang, some15,000 miles distant from Spain, and therefore no longer able to stick my ear to the ground and report first hand, I lived there for 25 years, so am obviously interested, indeed, had Europe not chosen to pay the bankers debts, which cost me a couple of million Euros! in the property crash, I would probably still be there now.

So I empathise with the many Spanish youngsters who face a dire future due to the greed of the bankers.

I will however state that the Spanish banks were less guilty of the stupidity of immoral chasing after hypothetical promises, made against worthless paper, designed to act as some perverse 'pass the parcel' game, where commissions were taken as each greedy pair of hands passed it forward, until the last hapless sucker managed to get stuck with an empty 'asset'.

So were Spanish bankers somehow more virtuous.... not in the least, they were constrained only by banking laws left over from Franco's reign, which prohibited them from gambling quite so openly with depositors funds.

Frankly the bankers are fortunate that the modern young Spaniards have been so politically corrected by the socialist schools system that they have not thought to put the bankers (and politicians who allowed this mess to happen) against a wall and shoot them, they are far too civilised to resort to such immediate justice, but that may change.

Presently memories are still alert to the last civil war Spain hosted, and a repeat is not desired, however poverty could change that.

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These are celebrities? The ' Only way is Essex' people, who are apparently newsworthy celebrities. Go figure!
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This is what makes one a celebrity?

Sitting in Penang, Malaysia, one can lose touch with what happens in Europe, indeed the rest of the world, and if one still bothers to read UK newpapers (online of course) it quickly becomes apparent that even in one short year of absence things have deteriorated rapidly.

I imagine that being fed a constant diet of inane reportage, made by seemingly illiterate journalists, who seem to work without any sub editors checking their work, may well dull even the most alert brain into soporific inactivity, and (for instance ) the fact that a footballer may have been bonking some unknown 'model ' and as a result, managed to gain a prohibition on the mere mention of his name attracts daily attention, only goes to show how hopelessly uninformed the UK public must be about what is transpiring elsewhere, that is actually REAL news.

The fact that some strange and inconsequential people known as TOWIES are even mentioned in print just clarifies how dumb the UK readers must be.

Meanwhile, in the real world, these outbreaks of civil disobedience that are happening will not go away, and why should they be stopped?

The 'authorities ' know full well that if they attempted to use the draconian measures that our mainly Muslim neighbours have been using to stifle revolt, they would face criticism that would undoubtedly spoil their breakfasts, as they saw the harsh words that would follow in the world press.

Franco would have had the Puerta del Sol cleared in a very short time, and had the road cleaners in to clear up the blood before it dried.

Today's 'rulers ' have no option but to allow it to continue and hope it dies a natural death, which I hope it does not and suspect it will not.

Our modern Spaniards may not be as dramatic as his forefathers, but they are no less determined to overthrow what is patently an inadequate political system that has let them down, sold them out and sided with the bankers over the people.

Would they choose communism again?

In my opinion, and understanding, no way, they (modern Spanish youth ) are used to capitalism and it's benefits, have no taste for hard work and austerity and really only want well paid jobs that supply all their needs with not too much work involved.

In reality they want to be lawyers taking fees for conveying property, to speculative non Spaniards, out to live a life of low cost luxury in the Spanish sun.

The whole concept is ludicrous, but that's how things stand.

Unfortunately the bankers again ruined that, although the government had started the rot when they decided to lean heavily on the local mayors who had traditionally made their cash from taking bribes to issue development licenses to builders.

When they did that, they killed the property market, as no developer knew who to bribe any more, and in any case only the most blithe mayors were still open to doing anything that made money flow into the property market for fear of spending time in the 'Alhaurine Country Club ' (the polite name for the local jail ).

So instant sales drought and price collapse, which meant that when the bankers crisis hit, instead of being able to ride out the storm with Spain's 40% GDP income from property construction and sales, Spain became the poor man of Europe again.

Frankly I hope this 'revolution' spreads across Europe and America and that the namby pamby politicos are all swept from power.

That real people, folk who have worked outside of politics and have experience in life, start running things again, and that ordinary people have their needs put over and above the needs of the financial elite who have stolen billions of public funds to finance their obscene lifestyles and behaviour.

It is time for a revolution, hopefully a peaceable non violent one, but that will depend upon whether the power elite wish to try and hold onto power, or will slink off to their private world and step down into obscurity.

Make no mistake, I am a capitalist and have no problem with folk making money HONESTLY by their endeavours, but this current lot of Illuminati scum need flushing away before they ruin everything with their stupid greed, pride and avarice (all deadly sins).

It is not too late for ordinary people to regain control from these parasites, nor too late for them to take their ill gotten gains and run, but I see that the clock is definitely ticking, so change will happen one way or the other.

Unless the dark star gets us first!

OK, the Dark Star may not get us, but how far could this 'revolutionist' action actually go?

To cover that, take a look at some footage shot regarding the Spanish Civil War, (1936-1939) which was a training ground and precursor for WW2.

You will see the same elements of confusion and discontent with the then 'villans' of Spain, the rich and educated upper classes who had abused the trust they held by subjecting the people who worked to maintain their lifestyle.

It too started as a protest movement (as we would call it today) and then coalesced into a rebellion, where anarchists conjoined with police to return order against the communists, in other words the most unlikely unions were formed on shifting sand, only to be changed at a later stage as each section of dissension sought partnerships with anybody who could help them get what they wanted.

As we all know Franco won after the Germans pitched in on his side, partially because he was ostensibly a fascist, mainly because they needed to test their air power before the main event started in Poland.

Make no mistake, this situation is similar in that we have the established powers determined to maintain the status quo at any cost, and the ordinary people united against a common enemy, in this instance the financial and political elite rather than an aristocracy.

Most of those gathered would probably not invite each other to a party, but in a revolutionary atmosphere we tend to accept strange bedfellows.

But if this is not handled properly, there will be bloodshed, either because the proletariat refuse to surrender their revolt against the establishment, or because the proles lose their patience with the establishments refusal to countenance a new direction.

Folk have finally understood and rejected that they have been offered two choices, supposedly on different political platforms, who by virtue of international banking cartels, are forced to carry out the same policies dictated by their banker masters.

If they expect that this will quietly die down and folk will slink back to work (or unemployment) without a change, then they are mistaken and foolish in the extreme.

Here's one we rehearsed earlier... The Spanish Civil War...


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