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Speaking Of Wacko Birds...

Updated on August 5, 2013

Certified Loon Of The Left?

Oh Yeah, There's Plenty Of Money...

Some things I end up reading, or watch, bring forth bile that is as rancid as it comes and Keith Ellison, a Democratic Muslim Congressman from Minnesota, ranks right up there with Nancy Pelosi in stupidity and not even understanding this nation's history and the US Constitution. How any "informed" electorate can elect then re-elect these imbeciles is beyond me. What has gone wrong with this nation should be easily understood by just watching and listening to the idiots we elect to represent "We, the People..." They take an oath of office to uphold the United States Constitution without the slightest idea, other than their particular version, of what that document says and the history behind it.

Now according to this Congressman there is "plenty of money and 'government has a right' to it." He's referring to the hard earned money those of us who work try to keep out of these professional pick pockets money grubbing paws. This guy has to be a master of class warfare and a constitutional revisionist to put the icing on his cake.

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The very concept of which this dunce speaks pertains to the property rights of the citizens of this nation. So according to Ellison we don't have any other than the rights bestowed by the federal government and the US Constitution can be damned? This my fellow tax payers is what this nation has come to. The government has squandered our hard earned money approaching $17 trillion in national debt, nor counting the unfunded liabilities, but the thing is that we're not broke? Is this guy a genius or what? He's not a genius but he's darned sure a died in the wool Democrat.

We're not broke. Of curse we aren't. There's plenty of money around it's just that the government doesn't have it and the likes of Ellison want to confiscate more so they can spend and waste more of what we work hard for. Did you listen closely to what he was caught on tape saying? I hope his constituents do.

Two crucial items were missing in his rhetoric and those two items are specifically delineated in the US Constitution , specifically national defense and infrastructure spending. Both of those items are for the common good of the people who inhabit this nation and are the obligation of the federal government to its people.

Nowhere in that easy to understand body of law called the US Constitution does it give the feds the "right" to run social programs. That's doing a head stand by claiming that to be so. Where do these sort of magical "rights" that the likes of Pelosi and Ellison keep quoting as the basis for their negligence come from? What bestows that right? Have they read the US Constitution? My next question, before you answer, is, "Have you?

The Founding Fathers laid it out there in easy to understand terms being the thinking men they were. "We, the People..." have "natural rights" which have been graciously bestowed upon us by our Creator. That was the basis for the very founding of our nation. Live with it. So folks like Ellison want to contend that the "government, that huge money munching monster, have rights that they pull out of the air and it doing so have a tremendous adverse impact of the citizenry of this country. Our private property rights take a back seat to their inability to properly manage the fiscal affairs that they are charged by the US Constitution with managing.

I am obviously not a statist such as Ellison is. I have no desire for the federal government to manage every little aspect of my life and if you don't see that trend happening I suggest you wake up and start paying attention. We are NOT Greece nor should we want to be. He's been called an insult to this nation and the people of Minnesota should clean up their stinking thinking when they send people like Ellison and Franken to the US Congress. People who fundamentally who do not either understand, nor have the desire, to adhere to the letter of the law called the US Constitution should be run out on a rail from our nation's Capitol. Yes Ellison, we own all that real estate too. You are just supposed to be a care taker - a temporary tenant.

Representatives like this are disgusting and have no business holding office in the first place. What are the people of his district thinking?

"Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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