Stereotypes are Earned Reputations: Truth you don't like is still the truth.
"If you don't like the Stereotype you are labeled with.. Then Change it by the Life you Live! Stereotypes are Earned over time... For Good or bad... Stereotypes are based on Observations of actions, not multitudes of empty words.
"Whites or Blacks"... "Red Hair and Blondes"... and any other type of Stereotype under the sun... the stereotypes are earned by a significant number of people exhibiting the traits often enough to become noticed by a majority of the people.. the majority of the time.
History also shows that Stereotypes have been applied to groups of people for thousands of years.. In the Bible Paul the Apostle told Titus: "One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;"
Paul in this case Confirmed that the Stereotype that the Corinthians hated... was in fact true and that they needed to shape up their lives and Live it down.
That is of course the best way for any stereotype to be Put to Rest once and for all; By your choice to live above it.
Stop pointing the finger... it serves no purpose... Except as a teacher once showed us in elementary school... that when we point a finger at others... we are then pointing 3 more fingers at our own selves in return.
Live Above the names you hate. Exemplify a Higher Standard... and encourage others of your own people to also Live to a Higher Standard.