Strait of Hormuz, the temptation of a candy!
Wouldn't it be a nice ensemble to gather in a family portrait Saudi-Arabia, Iraq, Iran and us (the Americans)? So far to complete the happy family picture, one is missing and it is our anarchic Iran. In spite of all our attempts, trials to destabilize the region, it is still standing on its feet! The photograph that I have in mind is the aerial topography of the Strait of Hormuz. Saudi Arabia our long time booty call with a vivid red lipstick would smile at us, Iraq recently conquered with maestria thanks to our maxima cum laude graduates of the Pentagon would ruminate its rancor nourishing patiently its revenge and, to finish the celebration of this series of trophies, Iran is the last head that escaped taxidermy, that is not hanging on the oval office walls.
The predicament in which the world is, is summed up in the strait of Hormuz with all its repercussions and consequences at stake for the future of dependent economies. Against the unbearable weight forced upon Iran by international sanctions, its government reacted desperately and smartly. Why? Simply because to use the strait of Hormuz as a weapon as well as a trading currency displays the seriousness of the governmental move as for its intentions and its handicap. Intelligent, because 17 million barrels a day of oil transit through the strait. It is the major route uncontrolled by the U.S., the Canal of Panama being the other major axis but carrying the American flag. It goes without saying that who controls the Strait controls the distribution, impacts the pricing towards an inflationary tendency and if embargoed thus disrupts and stresses the international market. The hesitation of the Europeans to pass to action finds there its explanation.
The short (the Nasr), medium (the Nour) and long (the Ghader) range missile testing is a clear maneuver to dissuasion and an explicit message to whom would doubt of the possible outcome. To defend one's policy, at whatever cost, against unjustified measures is where Iran is pushed at, cornered. The choice is not theirs. Few weeks ago, the Chinese facing the uproar and upheaval of its neighbors on the dispute concerning the territoriality of the China sea, used the same tactic for intimidation.
When the U.S. decides mercilessly to impose embargoes, there is no shred of a doubt in its future execution of the plan. The decision of the executive is followed to the letter, no emotions or reasoning process will cross its path. It is time to consider other countries' firmness in their decision, in their self-determination. We can't assume that we are the only ones benefiting of a discretionary power to intervene militarily when it relates to national security! If Iran puts forward the right to defend itself against any aggressor, what is our?
Lurking another country's wealth and strategic strengths is part and parcel of our foreign policy. The child that America still is, can't accept the fact that she can't eat all the candies in the jar that she salivates on. America still needs the matriarchal scolding voice to temper its desires! Anybody?
For a more detailed comprehension of the problem, read "the not so quiet American".