War Declared! The Entire Animal Kingdom Stands Firm.
The Headlines of the World
This morning a stunned World read the declaration made by the King of the Jungle!
This magnificent Regal, battle scarred Black mained Lion, with his Queens, the White and Tawny Lionesses, accompanied by their offspring strode into the Opening of Parlement, by Her Royal Majesty yesterday. API news feed.
They were not alone, the balance of the Big 5, trumpeting, snarling, snuffling entrerd those chambers.
What Caused this Dream
Before I continue, you must understand where I am and where I come from.
I am South African, which puts me in tthe land of the most sought after destinations for those magic words Safari, Big Five, Sport Hunting, Trophies.
There are all sorts of arguments, pro's and con's regarding the rights and wrongs surrounding this heavy emotional and equally heated debates.
A rug on the floor, Bar Stools seat covers?
An Emotional Overview
There was a discussion on a Social Network, where a female was proudly displaying her catch kebab. This kebab was a crossbow's arrow, with the assorted, once live and living creatures, that she had killed for sport. Obviously this was posted in and by active conservationists.
There are people, out there that are starving, but an elitist group are quite happy to spend vasts amounts of money to please and satisfy there there own vanity.
Arms dealers, selling High Powered hunting rifles with telescopic sites with such magnification that you could tell the sex of the fly settling on antler of the buck, which would grace the wall above your fireplace.
Then there is also the Crossbow addicts that venture out with their highly sophisticated hi tech instruments also off to "bag" that trophy at 200 fps to 350 fps, true, the skills required are more challenging,as the do need to be closer to the animal to make thatkill.
It is their absolute right, protected in the constitutions both here in South Africa and in the US of A., for them to do so. These are governed by seasons and in some cases some few species that are totally protected against the fear of being hunted in any season.
Sure, there are some of the hunters who do shoot for the pot as well as the trophy, however they could also affords to buy the amount of meat from a supermarket as well, but we have to be MEN, and this is a skill thing the hunt the and chase the kill, whith a bullet travelling at 2600 fps.
But is it moral?
Protected Yes - Hunted for a Horn, a supposed Aphrodisiac
Back to the Dream!
I had been editing some of my Photos, and came across the above Rhino Mother and calf, and had a CD playing at the same time, the song that was currently playing was "Last night I had the strangest dream" a recorded version that was being sung by Joan Baez, who always adds that special something to any song.
Well I went to bed that night, off late I have been having some very and weird, odd and vivid dreams, I think in part this has something to do with the medications that I am taking.
Seeing the photo, remembering the article about what had happened to that Rhino, I wept for the loss.
That I think was what triggered that dream.
I was floating, quite high above the ground, it was twilight, that period of calm when all are still awake, the sun setting and the moon rising from behind the gathering clouds.
Below me there was a hubbub, a mass of animals of all sorts coming in from all directions, the carnivores the herbivores together moving towards the clearing where the fallen Rhino lay dead with her calf their horns hacked off the calf, a bloodied mutilated, barbarous site! I turned away in disgust at what I saw, that man could be so inhumane as to slaughter a proud beast for 'supposedly enhanced personal pleasure"!
The elephants trumpeted as an aged black mained Lion strode to the side of the disfugered Rhino. In a load voice that carried for miles, shook the trees and chilled my blood. As he uttered this simple statement
A hush fell and they asked of him, but how?
"We shall fight him with tooth and claw,
With stealth and guile.
We will stand and work together
United for one cause
The birds and bees, the ants on the ground
the locusts and scorpions
the vipers all will united stand.
To hunt them down, rend them tobits, not for food, but for retribution.
Domestic cats, dogs, cattle, fowl and birds, will turn on the hand that feeds them.
With beaks and claw,
Outstretched talons.
Infestation of locusts, ants and spiders.
Will there crops be destroyed,
The fish will lure them deep out into the sea,
Where the whales in shoals will destry their boats.
Where there is Man their is animals of one sort or the other, to destroy Him.
The message was given to migratory birds, the fish carried the message across the seas, ants marched, locusts gathered and flew picking up locusts along the way, feeding on the wheat, barley and other Mans crops, leaving the sweet grasses for the beasts.
Wave upon wave of animals move like a phalanx of soldiers, as the elephants memories of Attila the Hun and how they where used, the Indian Elephants used their training too Man had taught them, that knowledge they used maim and kill.
As I watched I heard a chant arise from that checkered board of seething life.
"Shoulder to Shoulder Toether we shall Stand"
A cloud of dust arose covering them as they moved forward repeating that chant.
Fences fell, cars trampled and overturned, Wildebeest, Buffalo, Buck and Warthogs, marched at the side and behind trampling Man as they attempted to escape.
Raptors flew ahead and with beak and talons slashed at the common enemy
Genesis 1:28
"And God Blessed them, and God said unto them, 'Be Fruitful, and multiply,and replenish the earth and subdue it" and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over fowl of the air, and over wvery living thing that moveth upon the earth."