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Survival 101 : Human Tracking, including RFID: Radio Frequency Identification Chip

Updated on February 25, 2015
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You are being TRACKED and MONITORED

No matter where you go, you are being tracked and monitored. The Federal Governments, the states and local governments, as well as companies invest millions to track each individual in every corner of the world. Social Security Numbers, driver's licenses, tax id's, Internet, cameras, property tax numbers, e-mail addresses, Social Media, automobile plates, credit/debit cards, RIDF chips and cell phones are being used for human tracking.


Company and Government Tracking

With this world of companies and commercialism, more and more money is being invested into tracking human buying habits. There are companies that put RFID Chips in merchandise to track the person who wears or moves the product. The identification of the person, the movement of the person, how much this person buys, where the person buys and what the person buys is now documented, tracked and monitored.

The government is also tracking, monitoring and investigating certain persons of interest. Most of the people who buy guns, weapons and books of information are now on the list of persons of interest. Any person or company that deposits or withdraws a large sum of money from a bank or financial institution is also a person of interest.

Tracking People is BIG Business

The new business trends are to track merchandise, animals, transportation, money, vehicles and people. There are conferences, advanced technology and training consisting of tracking human beings.

There are companies that are using sophisticated instruments, networks, technology, databases and complex devices to monitor, track and trace humans and human activities. One of the new technologies is the license plate reader, which keeps the information in data banks and the information is available to law enforcement, government officials, private companies and Repossession companies.

Social Medias, such as Face-book and Twitter have become a sort of spy network for the people who participate in the functions. Employers now visit these social networks to "spy" on its employees. Government officials also find interesting entries among the pages of these networks. Because of terrorist activities, the US Terrorism Task Teams scan files, examine human data files and determine if there are any terrorist or criminal behavior patterns.

This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to human tracking. Businesses want to know your activities, your buying habits, how much spendable money that you have. The governments also want to know what you are buying, what your activities are, where you are going, where you have been, what you have bought, how much money you have, where you got the money, how much land you have, how much you drive, what kind of transportation you take, what websites you go on, what you eat and what you have stored.

The RFID Chips, GPS, COMPUTERS, INTERNET, CELL PHONES, CAMERAS, MICROPHONES, EYE SCANS, BLOOD, DNA, RNA, FINGERPRINTS, VOICE RECONITION, PHOTOS, TELEPHONES, LICENSES, PERMITS, TAX RETURNS, CENSUSES and much more are being used for tracking of humans, animals, cars, trucks, merchandise and shipments.

Zip Code Tracking

Businesses, government, spies, employers, co-workers, companies, politicians, teachers, schools, colleges and organizations use the zip codes to follow humans, money, social connections, criminal activity, buying, selling, political agendas, education and activities.

Technology has produced data bases to connect information that is available to find addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, districts, politician areas, wealthy areas, poverty areas, buying, selling, education, criminals, locations, cities, states, counties, boundaries, Census demographics, labor statistics, number and licenses of trucks and cars, credit cards, debit cards, Income statistics, fatal vehicle accidents, temperatures, rainfall, 911 and medical information.

Just think of all those times that you have checked out at the store and the cashier asks you for your zip code when you use your debit or credit card. This is to track human transactions, advertising, buying, promotions and you.

Spy Chips

RFID chips are becoming common place in merchandise and sometimes these are used to gather information on humans, human activities and human movements. RFID spy chips are being placed in garments, credit/debit cards, shoes, purses, makeup and other merchandise to track movement, purchasing habits and wealth. Any possession with a RFID Chip entered into a data based will be recorded and possibly used against you. Once entered into the data base, the chip can now be tracked through stores, checkouts, while traveling or while working.

Spy-bots work to gather information on your computer. These robot searchers enter through the Internet and search your personal information for information such as addresses, e-mail addresses, bank accounts, passwords, transactions, buying habits, spending habits, bank statements, tax statements, payroll statements and URL addresses. This information is sometimes sold to advertisers and companies, gain access to bank accounts or to steal identities

Survival: the Chip and tracking Non-compliance

With this society and industrialized nations, there is almost no escape from being tracked and traced. Every time a person uses the phone, use a debit/credit card, go into a store, pass a scanner, pay taxes, own merchandise, buy anything, sell anything, make any banking or financial transactions, drive or ride any mode of transportation, raise a child, need medical help, be involved in sporting events or basically living in today's world there is a chance that information is going to a data base for profiling and control.

In Revelation 13:16-18, it states that in some time that people will not be able to buy or sell unless certain conditions apply. The ground work is laid down for this type of society, government and rule. With the implementation of the RFID Chips, the gap has closed to have almost total control of merchandise, wealth, food, employment, medical, education and living.

In Hitler's time, IBM used advanced technology to help the Third Reich to track, gather information, trace and capture anyone who was not in compliance. The Jews were tracked, gathered and then killed by the thousands. So now, the technology is much more advanced and sophisticated, the elite and the commanding forces should have little trouble tracking and capturing anyone or confiscating any items.

For all those people who think that it would be easy to escape detection, tracking and following, think again. With the RFID CHIPS, data bases, licenses, fees, banks, electronic money, computers, Internet, cashless transactions and the must for government intervention to live, it would be almost impossible. Without food, water, heat, air conditioning, clothing and electricity, trying to live a modern life would be difficult, if not impossible. Revelation, in the Bible, cautioned about not being able to buy or sell and the age is upon the world where the RFID Chip has made this a reality. The answer would be not be part of the economic system, not have to buy or sell from conventional sources and not be part of the modernized communities.

Companies Behind Tracking

There are more and more companies that are becoming involved in the tracking industries. Many of these are companies sell merchandise and want more information on their customers, habits of customers, how much money the customer has, the addresses of the customers, where the customers shop and how they spend their free time. Some of these RFID Chips are hidden in the fabric, in plastic, in rubber, sewn in seams and labels. These companies include Wal-mart, Champion, Gillette, Michelin Tires, Kraft, Nokia, Procter and Gamble, IBM and Target that are trying to get RFID CHIPS and the technology to track everything and everyone installed and working.

The RFID Chips are linked with data bases that spy on the customers and gather information from the chips and other sources and adds to the profile of the person. The agenda is growing to have control of all humans, their actions and their movement.

Future OF Tracking and RFID Chips

Some of the ideas that are in the making include;

RFID CHIPS implanted in humans for total profiling, tracking, monitoring


Cashless Society

Control of actions and humans

Control of cars, transportation

Buying and selling by scanning

Human Robots

Ending lifes of Humans

Food control


Student control and tracking

Smart homes, retail stores, cars, transportation, ordering systems, hospitals

Medical, welfare, pay, birth, death records in massive data bases

Employment control

Guns and weapons Control

Elderly, retirement, Social Security control

TVs, radios, phones, electronic devices taking pictures and monitoring you


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