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Updated on September 21, 2012

Saving America Comes First

It's starting to remind me of my days as a Drill Sergeant. Obama continues to do so many about faces on things he said and promised but this latest gaffe during his Univision townhall appearance is about as patronizing as Obama can get and he can get that way in a jiffy. He has to think the American electorate are as stupid as a box of rocks in Chicago where he comes from. He ran his entire campaign in 2008 saying not much but how he, and he alone, would bring change to Washington DC and there would be a new way of doing business once he was riding herd on the range. He was going to make the oceans recede and heal the planet. You noticed what has been going on just this last week on the planet earth?

What he said the other day isn't what he was beating his bony chest about back in 2008 in order to peddle his hope and change snake oil which some of you readers I know bought into. I said as he was running around like a banty rooster crowing that malarkey knowing that it would never happen. Here's just a smidgen of some of the things he said to get elected before we listen to his about face on Univision.

Understand That Not One Of These Happened

So now here he comes back pedaling on the simplest of things he could have maybe influenced like his big words in the video above and he failed at even those simple things. Transparency your butt. So now we'll whistle a different tune to not run on his record because there isn't one to run on other than a string of broken promises.

Here's the new tune he rolled out at the Univision gig, “you can’t change Washington from the inside. You can only change it from the outside.” Now I know the koolaid slurpers among you out there are going to cry a bit about context. Have at it. After we review what he specifically said during that interview we'll see whose context is whose. Goodness if the RNC doesn't run some of these blurbs side by side like I do I just won't understand. Before we watch let me set this up a little bit. Obama was a Washington insider albeit a newer one. He was the junior Senator from Illinois and wet behind the ears and unseasoned in the ways of Washington. He did say he was going to change the way business was done in Washington. He was going to usher in a new era of bipartisanship to get things done. His saying that should not be in dispute.

This latest sure isn't the brand of snake oil that he was selling back in 2008. Watch his tune now and then we'll get specific about context.

Listen Closely And Consider What You're Hearing

So lets get down with it. He states that he was an outsider, which he wasn't. He uses that as the reason he got elected. Now this is where it gets a bit pathetic because he actually believes it. Regarding health care he says he listened to the people (the outsiders) as he went about conducting all those hearings in secret that actually crafted the legislation which bears his name. The voices of the people were ignored. It was unpopular then and even more unpopular now that we are learning what is in it. He talks of mobilizing the American people. What the heck is the most divisive President we've ever had talking about?

Next was the "constant conversation with the American people" statement. I like to fell out. That goes back to his "I haven't told the American people enough stories" routine. If he appears before the cameras and takes credit for things he never did anymore than he has he will look just like Pinocchio's brother.

At Least 4 Pinocchio's On The Unvision Gig

He ran his whole shebang of a campaign back in '08 about how he was going to change things. He changed a few stats like how many rounds of golf a President can play, not should play but did play. Or the number of expensive vacations one can take in a three and a half year period while the economy was in a slow boil. Those things he could change but why didn't he have the foresight to know what he is saying now? I'll tell you why. Because he is, and remains, the most inexperienced and unqualified ideologue to ever run for the office. And some of you knuckleheads helped that happen. He should just have said upfront that he was selling snake oil.

The defense of Obama and his minions will be that he was talking about the power of the people. He has a point there. We do have power and voiced that in the 2010 elections and gave him his self-admitted shellacking. Did he hear the voices? No, he ignored them and continues to ignore them. The only voices he heard were the little ones whispering inside his head. He might be out there campaigning to the applause of his cherry picked crowds but not the average American.

But we also give our elected representatives, by extension of our vote, the power to rule effectively and lead. We have not gotten that out of Obama. He is supposed to be the CEO of this nation and lead. He has been an abject failure and finger pointer. It is always someone else's fault and not his.

The American people sent the message of change to Washington in 2010. Obama and his Democratically controlled Senate, under Harry Reid, didn't seem to get the message. But the real problem seems to be that they did get that message then ignored it because they think they know best. They are our employees and they have forgotten that very fact.

Remember This?

That's right Obama you aren't in Chicago anymore and you definitely aren't the Wizard of Oz. He wants to go hide behind the curtain so stop with the nonsense already. So now he says that "change" can't be done? Why didn't he fess up in the first place rather than serve gallons of Obama-Aid to the masses? Many of us knew he couldn't do anything but read a good speech off a teleprompter from the get-go.

His promise was to transcend partisan politics. He has failed because he is a rigid ideologue. He was going to transform Washington DC. Oh it's been transformed to gridlock. So where is he coming from now. What happened to controlling the oceans and healing the planet? He said he would do that. He has failed America. As hard as we outsiders out here doing the daily grind tried, and even sent a message to him in 2010, we just didn't work hard enough to change things. It's now all our fault. How frigging patronizing can anyone get. We failed. He didn't.

The fact is we spoke and he didn't listen.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "This election you can vote for free stuff or you can vote for freedom." The thing you need to understand is that you can't have both.

"Like" it, "Tweet" it, "Share" it because you just can't beat it. Spread the word far and wide. 47 days until we can make some real change ourselves.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November!


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