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Taking the Covid-19 Vaccination?

Updated on July 25, 2020

Are you ready for the next personal dilemma? That dilemma is whether you will take the Covid-19 vaccination freely or will you be coerced to do so by employers or governmental agencies in order to get social benefits?

With the race to get the world vaccinated once a vaccine is found, the key question many will be asking will be, is it safe? Will there be side effects that are dangerous? Will it cost me? Is one vaccine better than others introduced in other parts of the world? Can one take multiple vaccines? How will agencies that give the vaccine be able to track who has already received it to avoid "double vaccines"?

Related to the vaccine is whether agencies will require everyone within a geographic area be vaccinated? Many will refuse the vaccine because of fears that the vaccine was "fast tracked" in Operation Warpspeed, a competition among pharma agencies to be the first to create it. This race to find the vaccine will skip over important testing criteria that requires considerable time. There is no way the pharma companies can know any long term side effects of any vaccine because it takes years. In the short term, the same applies but we also will not know just how effective the vaccine is, despite what experts tell us because Covid-19 impacts people differently depending on pre-existing conditions, age, and symptoms.

Already, before a vaccine is found, reports indicate some pharma companies will charge up to $25 for the vaccine, even though, many received millions of taxpayer dollars to find the vaccine! Will your employer force you to take it in order for you to keep your job? Many companies now require you to wear a mask, why not a vaccine? The government could also force those on welfare etc., to take the vaccine that years later may be found unsafe due to side effects.

At what point, will your personal freedom of choice be violated? Will the vaccine be a tool to erode your freedom of choice for the benefit of all? The wearing of a mask is one example. Many refuse to wear it and now cannot do business with certain entities or are singled out as violators and frowned upon. Many businesses will no longer serve you if you are not wearing a mask. One can see how a vaccine will follow the path of wearing a mask.

Will all vaccines created be equal? Will a vaccine in the USA be acceptable in the UK or Europe or Russia? Will the vaccine become another political tool or weapon used between governments or countries? Will a vaccine created first in China be used in other countries and can be trusted? The same question can be applied to any country that is the first to create it.

Tracking who has received a vaccine or not may become an issue as it may be limited to one per person. Will a person who is vaccinated also receive a nearly invisible implant developed by MIT? This microscopic implant uses a skin dye only seen by special ultra violet light. It lasts up to five years after injected. It allows one to know who has received a vaccination or not. It has been use in animals for a few years. This tracking injection occurs simultaneously with the vaccine injection.

The only question important to you is, will you take a vaccine that protects you now but may be dangerous a few years later with unknown side effects?


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