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The 4th World

Updated on August 13, 2024


A failed state is one where the central government is weak or so corrupt that the standard of living declines for the majority of its citizens.

There are states which proceed backwards. What existed forty years ago is of a higher standard than what exists today.

A 4th World nation is one that moves backwards. It is not developing, it is not recovering. One can expect revolutions, civil war, and migration.

Explanations as to How

Many states were colonies of another nation, or ruled by a particular system which no longer exists.

In some cases, one ineffectual and/or corrupt regime after another gains power, until the state falls apart. There is no effectual governance.

In other cases, an area is invaded by another group which imposes its own culture and governs. The conqueror institutes administrative protocols to enable it to manage the territory.

The Invader may give the area a special name, may institute a government, may include the area as a province in its empire.

The Invader may kill the local inhabitants, may import its own or other populations to the area,

When the Invader leaves, or when the Empire behind it collapses, the area is left somewhat on its own, often incapable of creating a stable government.

Example 1 .. Once There was...


Once Somalia was a commercial centre. It was the ancient Land of Punt.

It existed for centuries and during the Middle Ages the Somali empire dominated regional trade.

In the late 19th century, the British and Italians gained control of parts of the coast of the nation and established colonies; British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland.

There was war. In 1920 the British defeated the Somalis in their territory. Italy acquired control of the northeastern and southern sections.

Italian occupation lasted until 1941.

The two areas were united in 1960 to form the Somali Republic.

In 1969 there was a coup. In 1991 a Civil war..

Somali is a failed state, a place in which there is no real government.

Somali is 4th World. It is a place which will never organise into anything resembling a coherent state save if it is invaded and reorganised under very strict rules.

Considering the 'unimportance' of Somali today, this is unlikely

Example 2 - When Massa Gone

Various European powers colonised parts of the world. Unlike Somali, which was never elevated to a colony of the powers, other places were.

To be a colony of a nation means that one is 'part' of that nation. The language of the coloniser becomes the standard language, its culture becomes the dominate factor, whatever is standard in the 'mother country' is imported.

Colonisers reside in the colony, have various facilities, and may exterminate, enslave or utilze the indigenous population, bringing them into the 'fold'.

At some point the colony seeks to be 'Independent'.

They may fight a successful war, and become their own country; i.e. the 13 Colonies becoming the 'United States'. In others, they may gain Independence by voting i.e. Jamaica.

Where an ex-colony remains on good footing with their previous 'master' and continues to maintain the infra-structure, they are successful; i.e. Barbados.

Where the ex-colony gains its Independence by war and seeks to remove the influence, it becomes a failed state; i.e. Haiti.

Successful ex-colonies are those which maintain 'Massa system' and whatever ethics and protocols were in place to prevent corruption.

Weak and Corrupt

A 4th World nation may have stepped from its colonial past with everything intact.

The colonists who ran the system often remain in place, training their successors at least for a few years before retirement or departure.

The locals step into the positions with the background and capability to manage.

The political system functions as the Colonists created it.

Over time less qualified and capable people move into the realms of civil/political service. The better candidates seek to migrate.

In Jamaica, for example, if you have to apply for a position you won't get it, because all positions of any value are earmarked to the friends/family/political cronies of those who make appointments.

The level of corruption increases.

Hence where in 1962 when 'Independence' is taken, the infra-structure remained as it had. The standards continued. By 1980, where most of those who were trained by the colonizer are gone, those that they trained step in with less ability, less commitment, and a greater sense of self-aggrandizement.

By 2000 those who manage the infra-structure are poorly trained, interested only in self-aggrandizement. They have gained the position through corrupt means.

A health care system which functioned in 1980 deteriorates so that by 2000 there is virtually no health care. An educational system that functioned in 1980 collapses by 2000.

Money is used to fill the pockets of those who gain power.

Hence one does not run for office to serve but to be served.

The Increase of 4th World

The reason so many states move from the 3rd World, that is 'developing' to the 4th, that is failed state is based on self aggrandizement coupled with the 'slave' mentality.

Just as the slave broke Massa's hoe so as to get out of work, the politician steals funds as if they belong to 'Massa'.

Although they may sing their own National Anthem, (if they know the words) and repeat slogans and so-called 'patriotic' chants, those in power are there to do whatever they can to gain as much as they can.

The very worst people aspire to political office because the very best are aware of the dangers of confronting those in power. Simply put, if this guy wants his wife to hold that seat and you run against her, unless you have as much power as he does, your relatives collect on your life insurance.

Haiti was subjected to various penalties when it became the First Independent Black Nation in the New World. But what is the excuse today?


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