The Same Amnesty Lie Told Over And Over
Joseph Goebbels had it right when he said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
That is exactly what has been going on during the entire time Obama has been in office. Even when he is caught in lie after lie he keeps repeating the lies. But what does one expect when the person involved in this lied his way into office and had enough sheeple believing him to do it twice? That's some serious wool pulling for low information voters for sure.
A prime example of this principle is what I am about to inform the masses about. It has to do with pulling on the heart strings primarily of the uninformed among us and repeating the illegal immigration lie ad nausea.
The argument (lie) that has been repeated over and over again is a simple one although not verified. It has been said over and over again by the left and it goes, “Immigrants will do the jobs that Americans won’t do.” There is also the "$8 dollar head of lettuce argument" that is a lame statement too." That's another one of those statements I attribute to the loons of the left. The problem is that it is also being used as the chief talking point by some pro-amnesty Republicans. Yes, those critters exist and their eye is on the political side of the argument and not reality.
Since they have joined the loon army of talking heads, also called Democrats, I have to question a few things myself. Where are the statistics that back up such an assertion? For years the Democrats have parroted each other and never offered a shred of proof. The lie has been swirling for so long that no one can say exactly what its origination is. But they have used it as fodder for low information voters since I can remember without any proof. It is just so because they said it is so. Is that information top secret for their eyes only?
So who are these Americans and where are they? Produce a few for our inspection. I've witnessed Americans in my life time doing some disgusting labor that I won't mention here but it involves the word feces so let your imagination run wild. The critical question in the argument for the left, and the dizzy Republicans signing on, is also a simple one. Is granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens the answer to solving the problem they contend exists? Did it work when Ronald Reagan let the loons of left bamboozle him into believing them?
So is what I hear them saying that granting them amnesty again is the only answer to solving the issues we face? It didn't work the last time it was done so why now?
Once upon a time I thought Congressman Mick Mulvaney from South Carolina had a clue. Turns out he is a Republican moron who thinks rolling over on this issue is going to have his party gaining significant numbers of new voters. Think again Mick. Here's his spin now:
“There are jobs that American citizens will not do. There are jobs that American citizens will not do. We can talk about why that is. We can talk about how our welfare state is broken, how we encourage people not to work, but that doesn’t help the farmer pick his peaches this summer.”
Is he talking about migrant workers or illegal immigrants? Next he'll be spouting that $8 a head for lettuce nonsense. There is no doubt in my mind that our welfare state is broken and needs a serious overhaul. Why don't we start by fixing the system that encourages folks not to work Mr. Brilliant Congressman? When you have to work to eat guess what happens? You work and I encounter those Americans every day as a small business owner who tell me they'll do anything now to have a means to make some money. Surprised? Don't be.
As usual politicians focus on their own agenda of getting reelected to solve a problem. They are usually the problem so think about that. If Americans won't do certain work lets not reinvent the wheel thinking that a short term amnesty fix is the fix. I don't believe it in the first place because I'm out here at times on the mean streets. They obviously aren't. If that is, in fact, the issue then focus on the real issue and not the feel good one.
It's called entitlement reform and it's out of control. So do you want to act like a Democrat or a spineless Republican and choose the strawman "illegal amnesty" fix which does nothing for this nation? It might insure their reelection but if that is their focus do they really need to be holding an office that requires integrity and honesty? So lets do that and make it look like we're doing something when in fact it will only serve to make the entitlement morass even worse than it already is.
The idiots we keep sending to Washington DC need to knock it off and do the hard things it will take to turn around the easy fixes they have chosen in the past thinking we were stupid and they are brilliant. We're stupid for continuing to send many of them back to do more damage. That they clearly see.
I Leave You With This Act Of Lawlessness
We now have thousands upon thousands of children, without adult supervision, being dumped over our southern border in anticipation of receiving amnesty. Who is going to pay the expenses associated with that practice? It's totally out of hand. I lay the blame where it belongs. It belongs to Obama and his Democrat minions who are worried about voter bases and not the good of the American citizens legally here.
QUOTE OF THE DAY BY RONALD REAGAN: “Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.”
Will I mind if you share these observations with your family and vast array of friends? Not at all. Please be my guest and help inform.
As Always,
The Frog Prince