The Art Of "The Incompetence Defense"
This is starting to border on the ridiculous and might even be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. I've never seen so much finger pointing going on in any administration than the Obama one. I even remember Carter in action and he was a choir boy compared to Obama.
Let me shed a little light on "The Incompetence Defense" so that you can adequately plug in the different scandals and mishaps that keep occurring and then understand why we never get to know what happened, why it happened and who the players were as it happened. "Glitch" Obama is a master of illusion when it comes to conjuring up this type of defense.
The defense leaves one wondering who is in charge at the White House, cabinet department or various other "screw it up" departments within the federal government such as the IRS. According to those who should be in charge, such as the President of the United States, they were clueless about what their subordinates were doing so thereof they are guiltless of gross negligence. You buying that argument?
When even the slickest marketing team, pretty rhethoric and blaming your predecessor and others doesn't hide their failure there is always the facepalm.
This whole administration should leave an intelligent person wondering about a federal government where there is NO, and I mean no, accountability. A lot of finger pointing until it seems so confusing that the actual scandal gets lost in the fog.
Evidently there are enough stupid Americans out there who gobble up that sort of goop with the help of the Lame Stream Media shoveling it into their living rooms. That's the problem now with having a dishonest, useless media who are no more than Obama cheerleaders in drag. I still have trouble with the concept that they see a bloated federal government with an annual budget of, give or take, $3.5 trillion just blasting along at full speed with no one at the helm. Then we have a supposed leader like Obama, finger pointer supreme, telling us that the "buck stops with me." He did say that. So what is it with the buck never quite getting to him?
Isn't this the man who said he was going to change the culture in Washington DC and mop up the mess that he was left? So is what we're being fed is that after 5 years sitting their preening in the Oval Office the Executive Peacock-In-Chief is just a mushroom? Mushrooms live in the dark and are fed manure (I'm using the polite word here) in case you don't get the analogy. in this case I am referring to both Obama and Kathleen Sebilius who are both aghast that the rollout of Obamacare wasn't ready! So who was minding the store you two?
Then another question pops up? Will this type of defense ever end as long as Obama is in office. Will anyone ever hold him accountable and if not, why is he that untouchable. He is driving this nation over the cliff and everyone remains a passenger without lifting a finger?
Time for America to wake up. This "Incompetence Defense" has now been puttering along since Obama took office. Fast & Furious, Libya, Benghazi, Syria, the IRS Scandal and now Obamacare have finely honed Obama's use of this defense. Will this latest deal with Obamacare be the straw that breaks the camel's back? If not how much more can this nation take of his incompetence? He is in charge though he doesn't now seem to want to be after begging twice for the job. In retrospect though he has never been in charge because he has none of the qualifications to lead. Blame yes, lead no.
What we usually see is a pack of stooges telling us that Obama just didn't know. Or Obama telling us he found out the same way many of us do - via news reports. The video below is worth watching just to hear the total rubbish that keeps getting spewed. They had over three years to get it right and blew it. Maybe too much golf, lavish vacations and globe trotting grinning like a fool leads to such incompetence as this.
What we need to see is for the federal government to get out of the health care industry business and between our doctor and us. We don't need a federal Nanny to tell us ever move we need to make in life. Some do but many don't.
Here's What I'm talking About....
The good news? Good grief woman! How can anyone in good conscience just ignore the failed tests and warnings from the designers themselves that everything wasn't ready in Oshkosh to roll this fiasco off the assembly line. So Sebelius isn't going on Obamacare because she "has insurance." She should be fired just for saying such a thing. Industry experts were shouting "don't go" and they were ignored. Why?
During that entire interview, which is on You Tube, Sebelius as much as admitted that Obama was totally ignorant that his "signature legislation" was about to bite him on his buttocks. I have trouble believing a word of that. Is that why he fought so hard to make sure the "individual mandate" wasn't delayed like he himself delayed the business mandate.? Hindsight is 20/20 huh Barack?
New Federal Holiday On October 1st
Maybe "political loyalty, which by the way is usually detrimental to the American tax payer these days, will be the torpedo that sinks the USS Obama and his signature legislation. I'm sick of watching foil after foil get thrown under the Obama bus to protect his incompetence. I know I know this was also all the Republican's fault. Obama played that card again the other day in his speech.
They didn't write the law, not one of them voted for this train wreck and it would have been wise for Obama to have delayed the implementation for at least a year. Instead he fell on his sword and let us go through a government shut down to make people who knew what they were dealing with look bad and use his tired rhetoric once again.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "If you can't trust the government to build a simple website, do you really want it overseeing your open heart surgery?"
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As Always,
The Frog Prince