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The Barr Report

Updated on April 5, 2019
Abecedarian profile image

Trump has lied over 9,000 times in 2 years, so I could not take his word for no collusion, like everyone I wanted to see the Mueller Report.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a fighter

Donald Trump grew up in New York, he talks like a mobster, he gets even with people when sometimes there is nothing to get even about. When Donald Trump ran for the Presidency in 2016. He said what he wanted and he did what he wanted and his supporters ate it all up. He faked magazine covers to make himself seem more important than he was. He lied about his wealth, how he became wealthy and how he used our own laws to get away with paying taxes and filing bankruptcy over and over again, leaving someone else to take care of the debt.

In the end though, he didn't have the popular votes to win, so he basically was appointed by the electoral votes. Since taking office, over 2 years ago, he has run the United States of America like the bully that he is in life. He has bullied other world leaders, he has the country in a state of chaos.

It's now 2019, jobs are still frozen, positions are shorthanded in Border Security, Homeland Security, Treasury Department. He's called a "fake" national emergency to take money from America's military men and women to pay for his wall and give his supporters something he promised them while campaigning. And through all this he's had the Republican Party covering for him and protecting his every move.

America has become numb to his over 9,000 lies in 2 years and maybe that is what they are hoping for. And for 2 years one of his most repeated lines was "no collusion", because almost from Day 1 in office, his administration and his campaign people have been under investigation for collusion with Russia. Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate and when he released his report, Donald Trump had just appointed a new Attorney General, whom he knew would shield him from what was to come and William Barr has done just that, by taking an investigative report on Donald Trump and Russian Collusion and written his own report to protect Trump.

Left to Right: George Papadopoulos- Advisor;Paul Manafort, Campaign Manager; Rick Gates, Campaign Aide; Michael Flynn, Administration; Michael Cohen, Attorney "Fixer"; and Roger Stone, Associate.
Left to Right: George Papadopoulos- Advisor;Paul Manafort, Campaign Manager; Rick Gates, Campaign Aide; Michael Flynn, Administration; Michael Cohen, Attorney "Fixer"; and Roger Stone, Associate.

Indictments and Lies

During the course of the investigation, the one thing that Donald Trump has in common with all of those indicted, is that they all lied. It seems that no-one in Trump's inner circle can be trusted to tell the truth to include Donald Trump himself. The Mueller investigation not only indicted these Americans, but several Russian's as well.

The Barr Report, pg. 1 The yellow highlights is where Barr refers to himself.
The Barr Report, pg. 1 The yellow highlights is where Barr refers to himself.
The Barr Report, pg.2 The yellow highlight is where Barr refers to himself. The green highlight is how many times he says Trump is not involved.
The Barr Report, pg.2 The yellow highlight is where Barr refers to himself. The green highlight is how many times he says Trump is not involved.
The Barr Report, pg. 3. The Yellow highlight is where Barr refers to himself. The Red highlight refers to Robert Mueller.
The Barr Report, pg. 3. The Yellow highlight is where Barr refers to himself. The Red highlight refers to Robert Mueller.
The Barr Report, pg. 4. The Yellow highlight is references from Barr.
The Barr Report, pg. 4. The Yellow highlight is references from Barr.

The Barr Report vs the Mueller Report

As you can see, the Barr report is 4 pages long. The Mueller Report is speculated to be closer to 400 pages. It took William Barr less than 3 days to go through 400 pages and submit this 4 page document to Congress and the world.

In recent days, it has come to light that this report is sugar coated at best. That Robert Mueller had created a report to go to Congress and instead William Barr created his own report.

America deserves to know the truth. Polls have been taken and as expected, 77% of Republicans believe that he has been exonerated. However, 80% of Democrats and 58% of Independents feel that Trump and Barr are hiding something. Trump said he had nothing to hide and they would release it, but since has since back peddled.

America can't go on the word of Donald Trump or William Barr because Trump and those in Trump World have proven that they can't tell the truth.

They must release Mueller's report. It was Donald Trump who said, that he could shoot somebody in the middle of the street and he'd still get elected. So what does he have to fear?

The Barr report said they could not find anything tying Trump to the Russian investigation, but they had sourced information to other investigations. That does not say "No Collusion" and it also did not "Exonerate" him from Obstruction of Justice. That was done by William Barr and Rod Rosenstein after 3 days of having the report.

So, in Trump fashion, when he say's he's cleared of everything, He's lying again or is that still?

Do you think they should release the Mueller Report

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© 2019 Lady Liberty


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