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The Benghazi Lies Continue And Al Qaeda Is Being Defeated

Updated on May 28, 2013

Obama Has To Be In Denial

I have to shake my head and wonder just how stupid Obama thinks the American public is. Or maybe how much superior he is to the common man. I'll go with the latter because of Obama's narcissistic personality disorder. Or is Obama that naive about terrorism? I wouldn't think so.

As the scandals continue to swirl around him he took to mugging before the cameras again telling us that Al Qaeda is in defeat and the War on Terrorism is over. Do the terrorists know that Obama? He's back to beating the drum about closing Guantanamo. I just don't have that happening. Where is he going to send them? Home so they can join the jihad anew?

How many more Benghazi's does Obama care to foster and then cover up by blaming everyone else but his incompetent self?

Release Them Now To Go Back And Rejoin The War

If there has ever been a fruitcake sitting in the Oval Office Obama is it. So why don't we "reset the policy" on the war on terrorism so that we can have how many more Beghazi's? That makes perfect since since the last time he made his grand proclamations about Al Qaeda all hell broke loose across the Middle East. I guess when you're up to your ass in alligators you create another crisis to divert attention away from the swamp.

Probably the only bigger fruitcake we could ever elect to sit in that chair would be one Hillary Rodham Clinton. it now has every appearance that Hillary lied before the Congressional panels she appeared before. So "what difference does it matter now" Hillary? To those with ethics and morals it makes a big difference.

So lets watch a video lickatey split like.

Buried in last weeks news was the revelation that Hillary Clinton spearheaded this so called "Independent Review Board" that they keep citing as definitive proof that everything in Benghazi was on the up and up. It wasn't, isn't and never will be. This information has come to light by another whistle blower named Raymond Maxwell. It seems that Maxwell was removed from his post and placed on administrative leave without explanation. Here's the inside skinny:

"Raymond Maxwell was placed on forced “administrative leave” after the State Department’s own internal investigation, conducted by an Administrative Review Board (ARB) led by former State Department official Tom Pickering. Five months after he was told to clean out his desk and leave the building, Maxwell remains in professional and legal limbo, having been associated publicly with the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American for reasons that remain unclear.

Maxwell, who served as deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs from August 2011 until his removal last December, following tours in Iraq and Syria, spoke publicly for the first time in an exclusive interview with The Daily Beast.

“The overall goal is to restore my honor,” said Maxwell, who has filed grievances regarding his treatment with the State Department’s Human Resources Bureau and the American Foreign Service Association, which represents the interests of foreign-service officers. The other three officials placed on leave were in the Diplomatic Security Bureau, leaving Maxwell as the only official in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA), which had responsibility for Libya, to lose his job."

He has stated that he had no involvement to any degree with decisions on security and the funding of security at our diplomatic mission in Benghazi.

About That Review Board Hillary? You led it?

This placing people on administrative leave is becoming a pattern with this administration. Hide em to shut em up seems to be the watch word.

Maxwell was on of those 4 individuals Hillary mentions in her response to Senator Paul. She keeps citing the ARB as proof of this administration's incompetence. So if the ARB was indeed spearheaded by Hillary Clinton, which she seems to feign ignorance of, how transparent is that report? And now here we have Obama claiming that Al Qaeda is on the path to defeat?

So coupled with cover-up we have Obama lifting the ban on sending 90 Yemeni's back to their terror haven called home from Gitmo. Look for Yemen to become the next hotbed for Al Qaeda. They're already firmly entrenched in that country so lets just send more back home to join the war on terror that is not in existence. At least in Obama's twisted Muslim mind it is over.

Congress needs to keep the pressure on Benghazi and Obama. He's squirming like a worm on a hot rock. With all the scandals swirling around him I don't find pleasure in telling anyone this but I will. I told you so years ago. We need Hillary Clinton like we needed another hole in our heads like Obama.

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As Always,

The Frog Prince


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