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The Bout of the Century: Republicans vs Democrats

Updated on October 12, 2012
Democrats ("Communists") vs Republicans ("Nazis")
Democrats ("Communists") vs Republicans ("Nazis") | Source

In the red corner, weighing in at 11,000 lbs: The party that "can't do anything but disagree with the Democratic Party." In the blue corner, weighing in at 230 lbs: The "Communist" Party.

Doesn't it feel like watching a political debate is like watching a boxing match or at least the weigh in before the fight? Maybe it's just me, but you can't disagree, when it comes to political campaigning, the two major parties let the got ya b**** and metaphorical punches fly.

The more and more I watch from both sides of the aisle the more and more I can't stand watching the news. Can anyone honestly say they enjoy watching the news when, one party claims 'the presidential candidate of the other party is a murder?' Then, you have others who call the President of the United States of America a "communist" out to destroy the country he has sworn to protect and defend. All this does is further divide the country and turn the knife in our gut a little bit more. Whether you're a Democrat or Republican is irrelevant, you're first and foremost an American.

Scene at the signing of the Constitution.
Scene at the signing of the Constitution. | Source

The Founding of a Nation

A wise man once said that 'political parties may become powerful engines, engines in which men with no principle will be able to divert the power of the people and government for themselves. In doing so they will destroy the very engines that raised them to such great power.' The same man was involved in two wars, which defined and formed this country. That man, as a British Officer, got out of the military, but when his country called and needed him the most, he answered. He was the first president of these United States. That man was George Washington.

George Washington saw the problems political parties created in those volatile first years as he and Congress tried to create a unified country out of separate colonies. They succeeded, but Washington, in his fair well address, heeded the above warning for future generations. Yet, his advice fell on deaf ears.

The political parties have changed, but their ability to skew politics and pit the citizens of this country against each other has not. Times change and political parties rise and fall, but would it really hurt to give the words of George Washington some thought? Just think for a second what this country might be like without political parties.

Imagine a U.S. Without Political Parties

Without political parties maybe then people will judge an individual on merit, by what they believe and stand for, and whether or not they will serve the best interests of the country as a whole. The political affiliation next to their name will no longer exist denying voters to judge the ability solely on that fact.

Candidates of all political offices are lumped in with the party they associate themselves. Rarely justified and mostly baseless, this creates an environment not conducive for real work to get done.

When it comes to voting on local leaders, a lot of people base their votes on the individual that belongs to their political party. Not everyone can be spoken for, but a lot of people take no effort in getting to know who is running their schools, court system, city hall, etc. Without having an affiliate group, people would be forced to understand their local leaders' policies.

Those That Disagree

People that have often disagreed with this view have said that the voters will remember with whom the politicians previously associated themselves. This is true, but over time, no longer will someone be deemed a Democrat or Republican. Also, the new and up coming leaders of the country will be able to bring themselves out onto the national stage without being branded one or the other.

Not only will new politicians not be branded, but there is the potential for more leaders to rise that don't want to be associated with a party. The political environment would be given a chance to change and grow with new and innovative policies without having to follow a particular party and the banter that comes along with them.

Democrats Are Communists

Video Source

Will Republicans Work With Obama?

Video Source

Unite Under One Name

Instead of the pointless name-calling and party backing lets squash the whole idea of political parties. Lets get rid of Democrats and Republicans and call us what we are, Americans. Under one name, voters will be forced to look more into the policies of each individual and choose the candidates that will get the job done, not boost party power and dominance.

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© hockey8mn, 2012. All Rights Reserved.


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