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The Depression of Watching Newscasts

Updated on May 24, 2011
Michael Adams1959 profile image

Pastor Michael has been in the ministry for 10 years. He currently is pursuing his Master's from Andersonville Theological Seminary.

Man I hate being home, laid up not able to work. Though the remote works well and I have a kajillion channels to choose from it all seems the same sometimes. Of course there is MSNBC, CNN, FOX NEWS, etc, plus all  the local news it all seems the same. 


 Our local news has been saturated the last few weeks with the trials of a baby murderer, a wife murderer both of whom had several trials that have been in the news for over three years each. Over the last week we have had a story of a deputy sheriff killed on duty. 

 We have had all the flooding issues both here in Ohio and throughout the Mississippi River area. Thousands of people having there homes destroyed. It is all so sad. My heart goes out to these people involved in each case. The news is definitely not for the depressed to watch. Now we have this crazed man calling for the world to end saturday, we were planning on going to the grocery I guess we will put that on hold (eh hem). Constantly it is how negative the news can be. One channel took the approach of reporting only positive news as much as possible. It fell so far in the ratings they had to stop. So is the negative what we long to hear? Our governor in Ohio is upset, that made big news. He is upset that his renewed license is pink. Now he ( supposedly jokingly) wants to change the color. Street preachers were arrested for reading the Bible in public. They went to the BMV to read the Bible aloud. Seems like a good place with people coming in and out. But, from the security guard to the police to the street preacher it all got out of hand and resulted in 3 preachers being arrested. Our local news is nothing but those type stories over and over. I think I need to get some dvd's to watch. I mean all tjhe reruns I have seen so much I know the entire dialogue of the shows. It all seems so out of control, I mean the depth of man's sin. How many murders, drug dealers, and such can be on the streets? Negativity has a grip on the world and is not letting go. People long to see the terrible and rarely care when there is positive news to report. 


 Jesus said," Surely I come quickly," which the Apostle John closed Revelation with," Even so come Lord Jesus." We have a blessed assurance that Jesus is coming to redeem His people. He is coming to take us home.  My prayer," God give me the strength to spread Your Word, giving hope to a lost and dying world, God give me the endurance to run the race for You Lord, God let the ears and hearts of those needing salvation through Your Son Jesus Christ be opened to hear and accept the blessed salvation of Grace You have given And as John recorded in Revelation God we pray as John, even so come Lord Jesus, and it is in His name I pray, AMEN!


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