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The Pursuit of Power and Greed Can Lead to Revolution

Updated on March 4, 2022
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Claudette Carter, is thrilled to share the good news of Jehovah God's kingdom and its hope for the future with people of all nations.

Better Answers, Than the Pursuit of Power and Greed which Can Lead to Revolution

Imagine sitting in a window viewing the chaos in the world today. What would you think if you had never heard the words, greed, power hungry, violence or #revolution? Consider the word, "revolution" which is in the news a lot today. Revolution is, "a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving; the overthrow of a government by those who are governed. A fundamental change in power or organizational structures that take place in a relatively short period of time." The Trump presidency is riddled with constant revolution. When you consider the previous definitions, do you think that the world is going in the right direction to gain true freedom? Consider carefully, the people's revolutions in Egypt and Lybia. There are deadly clashes across both countries, hundreds if not thousands died, all for the pursuit of freedom. Once this freedom is obtained; will it benefit each citizen of these countries? Because in the end, that is what each citizen wants, "true freedom" and happiness. Inevitably, can genuine freedom be obtained if the world leaders are #power hungry and greedy? When those who are ruled by these power seeking, greedy individuals, it is normal and natural that they will rebel which causes revolutions.

Examples of Power Hungry Rulers Which Caused Revolution

Now, let's pretend you are the individual sitting in that window, viewing the chaos throughout the world. Power hungry rulers due to greed can cause citizens to become armed civilians which previously happened in a country like Lybia. Checkpoints were established where individuals could not freely roam the streets without being shot or killed. Innocent blood was poured out on the streets of Lybia because its people wanted their flamboyant, greedy and somewhat strange leader to resign. He had ruled Lybia for more than 40 years, and now they want him to go. Interviews with their leader Gaddafi,' caused him to appear unrealistic, as he expressed the love Lybians had for him. Gaddafi even believed outside forces have brought in hallucinogenic drugs, to taint the minds of his people against him. If any aspects of these statements were real, why would the citizens of Lybia, willingly give their lives in this revolution for this freedom or democracy, that they already had? People do not rebel if they are happy with their leaders. Is it also true that one of the problems the citizens of Lybia had, is the billions of frozen assets that may exist just here in the United States, owned by Gaddafi? Why did this leaders have billions of dollars and the people of his country continued to struggle to survive? Do we once again see aspects of power seeking and greed based on a leader's part? As a viewer from the window, looking at this particular example of a world ruler, answers are desperately needed.

Another major news story concerning the people's revolution was in Cairo, Egypt. Citizens fought vigorously, and some gave their lives for #freedom and liberal democracy. Many of them that were interviewed talked about hatred for their leader Hosni Mubarak. They were tired of poverty, although their ruler was a billionaire and the owner of many homes throughout the world. Is this another situation where #greed was the practice of its leader, and the citizens were tired of the abuse which eventually caused a revolution? After the resignation of Mubarak as a leader in Egypt, the people were jubilant. They rejoiced in the streets for days. Some referred to Mubarak's resignation as, "internet revolution;" where he was forced to resign "due to the pressures imposed upon by the media." The possibility of the American discovery of Facebook was also used to organize hundreds of thousands of Egyptians who brought Mubarak's regime to its abrupt finality. Regardless, of what caused him to resign, the prospect of "true freedom" and democracy is now within their grasp. If you watched the developments in Egypt, from that window, will this liberal freedom be a source of true happiness for its citizens? We pray and hope for the best regarding these citizens of Egypt.

Seeking Power Over Others Can Cause Revolutions

Within the United States, there have been activities of rebellion or revolution. Previously, within the city of Ferguson, Missouri, the death of #Michael Brown, a black youth who was shot and killed by Darwin Wilson, a white police officer. This scenario has caused chaos with daily protests, violence, and looting. Michael Brown was unarmed and shot more than six times by officer Wilson. The black community of Ferguson wanted justice for Michael Brown. Did a pursuit of power over another individual cause this tragedy to occur? Whatever caused this terrible scenario, in the end, it caused rebellion which leads to revolution because individuals felt powerless.

Workers in Wisconsin protested against the governor's budget because they were concerned about the loss of benefits. Their determination for the protection of rights was powerfully demonstrated for days. In other school systems, teachers are primarily concerned about their lack of pay and concerns for the educational system. High gas prices and unemployment is still significant concerns here in the United States. Once again, if you are sitting in that window looking at the people in America, would you say that the citizens, although they have freedom and democracy, are happy? Constant sources of disrespect and lack of appreciation for others opinions loom over Americans daily. John Dickerson of CBS This Morning, made this powerful statement under his commentary entitled Can't Argue With That: "Unless we learn to argue, we will grow dumber, be less happy and a nation of grudge holders...Above all practice humility...If you are religious, follow the first tenant of every major religion; 'treat others like you would like to be treated.'" These are powerful words that each of us should carefully consider.

There are very few humans that can say, they are free and happy. Whether they are sources of "true freedom" and democracy, happiness escapes them. Regardless of the political arrangement, people are uneasy and restless. We all desire true freedom and happiness as humans. It is not always about money because the majority of us realize, "money does not make you happy." The suicide of #Anthony Bourdain proved that no matter how much money or fame an individual may have, it does not make them happy. What is the answer and who would know what is best to make us happy and free? As humans, are we created by a Creator; who has the answer somewhere in a manual, that we have thrown away or just don't read? If this manual does exist, would it give us answers that could help us to be free and happy? We are one hundred percent infected with sin and in need of help because we cannot always direct our steps. The Bible at 1John 5:19 says, "We know that we are children of God and that the whole world is under the control of evil one." (New International Version 2010) If this "evil one" is the powerful Satan the devil, his pernicious influences do affect the thought process of some world leaders, causing such things as greed and slavery of their people. So even with democracy, humans can become very selfish and self-centered, which are traits of the "evil one."

In a recent article in The Watchtower magazine, the detailed information presented about how a true Christian, "might break their exclusive relationship with Jehovah. Note that greediness is linked to idolatry. That is because the object of one's desire, such as riches or luxuries, can become so controlling in life that it takes on the role of a powerful god." Greed can lead to idolatry and is connected to all other sinful practices. Our faith and trust in Almighty God and his word the Bible can keep us from these detrimental traits. For more information on how to protect yourself from greed and idolatry, go to www.

Our Creator reminds us, "Do not put trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirits depart, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing." (Psalms 146:3,4) Yes, #Satan is powerful but Jehovah God and his son Jesus are more powerful. That is why we need the love and understanding of our Creator, in this temporary walk through life. After all, we are here one day and gone the next. Almighty God is the only one who can restore us back to life just as he resurrected his own son Jesus Christ. That is why Jesus taught us to pray for that kingdom, in the Lord's prayer at Matthew 6:9-15. That kingdom will give us "true freedom" and happiness that will last forever because there will be "no death, sickness, pain or sorrow." What a world to look forward to, from the window of life in the future.

People who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses have noticed magazine articles are released months, sometimes years before an event occurred. Articles such as “Is Protest the Answer?” which was illustrated on the US Capitol steps. An “Awake” magazine entitled, “Terrorism-Soon to End” published May 22, 2001, by Witnesses about four months before 911. Also a major epidemic of suicide occurred in our school district. Eight months before they published “Suicide - The Hidden Epidemic.” Is God helping them?

— Angelladywriter.

Greed in the pharmaceutical industry effects the health and cost for patients. This video is featured on YouTube.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2011 Claudette Coleman Carter


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