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The Enemy Called Muhammadu Buhari, 2019 General Elections and the Ukwa-La-Ngwa Liberation Project

Updated on August 13, 2018
 Muhammadu Buhari: a two-tenure President?
Muhammadu Buhari: a two-tenure President?

By Fr. Kenneth Evurulobi, PhD.


The sensitivity of the subject I have undertaken to x-ray here is not lost to me as a priest. At the same time, I am not oblivious of the fact that these issues themselves dwell at the periphery of pastoral ministry - an area very close to the border between religion and politics.

Remarkably, there is no interlocking, but a virulent discharge of contentious issues in pastoral ministry from the center to the periphery which a good pastor cannot shy away from but must resolutely address even at the risk of being clearly heard and grossly misrepresented by traducers.

As a theologian and a social justice activist, having always to address or interrogate some of these issues and events that lie at the border area has helped me to establish the link between the divine collaborative stimulus as spelt out in the Book of Amos 3:7 (Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets) and the definitive exhortation against ineptitude leadership as expressed in the Book of Proverbs 29:18 (Where there is no vision, the people perish) on the one hand, and the divine provision for liberation at the behest of divine intervention

(confer: Isaiah 45, Cyrus, the Divine Instrument) on the other. This biblical frame of mind is aptly captured and summarized by Sr. Marie Lucey, former Associate Director for Social Mission of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), U.S.A., thus:

“I believe that prophetic witness means speaking the truth discovered through prayer, discernment, social analysis, and theological reflection - speaking and living the truth even when it brings suffering, ridicule, criticism…”


Ukwa–la-Ngwa is an Igbo ethnic nationality which spans through two Senatorial Districts in Abia State - Abia South and Abia Central. The area is the ancestral home of the Ngwas who inhabit the northern area and the Ukwa/Ndokis who inhabit the southern part, and holds nine, out of the seventeen, local government areas that make up Abia State. Notably, the zone is the revenue-hub of the state and the only link Abia has to occupying a place in the list of oil producing states.

For the past thirty years after the state was carved out of the old Imo State, no Ukwa-la-Ngwa person has had the privilege of occupying the office of the governor except as things naturally came to a dead end in 2015 when Victor OkezieIkpeazu emerged the executive governor of Abia state.

In the Original Charter of Equity drawn up by the stake holders, Abia State was perceived as having two geo-political zones - Old Aba and Old Bende zones. But former governor Orji Uzor-Kalu who is from Old Bende and who rode to the exalted office of the governor in 1999 under the sponsorship of Abia Charter of Equity changed the rule at the middle of the game by dumping the charter and turned around to adopt the Senatorial Districts as a power sharing formula for the zones. It is this platform that produced Chief T.A Orji (who is from the same Old Bende with Kalu) as the governor in 2011 even as Chief T.A.Orji’s local government area of origin happens to fall under the Abia Central. Abia Central holds three local government areas fully inhabited by Ukwa-la-Ngwa ethnic group - Osisioma, Isiala-Ngwa South and Isiala-Ngwa North Local Government Areas - amongst others.

Thus, it was not accidental that, prior to the 2015 Gubernatorial Elections in the state, the three major political parties - PDP,APC and APGA - had their gubernatorial slots reserved for the zone during their primary elections that produced Victor OkezieIkpeazu, AnyimNyerere
and Alex Oti respectively as gubernatorial candidates.

The history of Ukwa-la–Ngwa people as a race has consistently suffered some cruel twists as a result of bias, prejudice and a formidable propaganda machinery expertly fabricated and consciously deployed for the purpose of discrediting, destabilizing, stigmatizing and destroying the zone and her people politically, economically and socially.

Consequently, derisive programs targeted against the zone and the deafening propaganda purposefully designed to malign and denigrate sacred traditional codifications, friendly socio- cultural heritage and vibrant personality orientations played a dominant role in producing the venom of subjugation, slavery, deprivations, humiliation and trending pogrom against the people.

Ukwa-la-Ngwa plays host to a great number of visitors from all parts of Igbo land and beyond, to the extent that the city of Aba is naturally considered a home to all Igbos. But a good majority of these visitors has been grossly misinformed and misled to subscribe to and integrate such adroit lies and stinging insinuations into their beliefs and actions in their dealings with the Ukwa–la–Ngwa people both as individuals and as a group. This has happened, not because their experiences have confirmed the insinuations to be true, but that the deceptive advertisements for the stigma have been catchy and attractive.

A liberation project for Ukwa_la-Ngwa would, therefore, involve the evolution of an effective policy and program of action aimed at systematic exhumation of the stigma and the diagnosis of the arising pathologies while, at the sometime, serve as an authoritative medium for the articulation and propagation of necessary therapeutic measures in a framework of rehabilitation, accommodation and in-depth appreciation of our shared humanity.


Everywhere in Ukwa-la-Ngwa ethnic nationality of Abia State, the political environment is saturated with conspiracy theories these days. The rumors all involve and revolve around the 2019 General Elections, the fate of Governor Okezie Ikpeazu and their implications for the Ukwa-la-Ngwa liberation project.

The situation appears to have been triggered by the defiant and mysterious posture taken by some monuments that are products of an agreement which traditional perverts, native miscreants and politicians of the stomach infrastructure entered into with ugly colonial merchants.

Historically, power devolved to Ukwa-la-Ngwa after twenty-five event-laden years of the creation of Abia State and sixteen issue-driven years after the birth of the present democratic dispensation. Now it is reckoned that power devolution to Ukwa-la-Ngwais being sabotaged and cruelly disabled by interests of those who are mounting formidable oppositions against OkezieIkpeazu’s re-election bid come 2019.


The situation appears to have been triggered by the defiant mysterious and violent postures which some monuments that were raised by traditional perverts, native miscreants and politicians of the stomach infrastructure entered into with ugly colonial merchants - agreements that undermine the taproots of robust Ukwa-la-Ngwa family-tree and undercut every link this has with truth, peace, justice, development and progress.

One school of thought extravagantly sponsored by the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) with pockets of support extracted from some trade unions and market women associations is convinced that, going by the many laudable projects initiated and executed by the present administration within a record time of three years, there is no vacancy in the Government House of Abia State come 2019 as OkezieIkpeazu is irreplaceable.His works, it is assumed, speak for him and have endeared him to the electorate.From all indications, this assumption seems to be sustainable, at least, to a point. With due regards to sacred facts, even a blind mind or a doubting Thomas cannot dispute the rapid response with which the OkezieIkpeazu administration has confronted the strangulating needs of Abians for infrastructural development. A visit to and a drive through Aba town, to mention but a few, compels to this conviction. Laudable projects have berthed, and while many - Umule, Umuojima, former Omne, Umuatako, Aba-Owerri, Agharandu, Ibadan, Crystal Park, Brass, Faulks, Umuola, Ukaegbu and allied roads - have been fully completed, others like the Osisioma Flyover, the Ukwu Mango Drainage control, Immaculate Heart, Ibere, Port Harcourt Road, Obikabia-NgwaUkwu and Nvosi ring-roads are still ongoing. But critics assert that the pace of work in the ongoing project sites is putting a huge question mark on the resolve of the present administration to get them completed before the next rainy season, failure of which will bring untold suffering to entire Aba inhabitants and send them back to living inside infested ponds and in squalor.

Another school of thought holds the opposing view that, giving the infectious cynicism that is clearly written on the faces of many people who are naturally reacting to huge losses they sustained during the ongoing road expansion and re-construction projects especially within the Aba metropolis, the insurrection that has been sowed on the lips of civil workers and which has started to manifest in actions due to a backlog of unpaid salaries as well as the daylight siphoning of public funds by out-of-control godfathers, the hard truth is that the OVI-support base and Ikpeazu’s hope for re-election may not go far beyond the Chinedum Orji cabal and the vituperative theatrics he decides to deploy against the Abia electorate in 2019.

Remarkably, the dominant attitude that rules the majority of Abians is that, even though infrastructural development is a critical need, it does only constitute a compartment in the expansive cabinet of initiatives and challenges that define good governance and exemplary leadership.

Therefore, as the liberation struggle unfolds and engages the 2019 General Elections in a resolute confrontation, two disturbing pictures assert themselves. In the first place, having an acutely deformed imbecile figure that is a creation of the executors of a plan of genocide against the people of Ukwa-la-Ngwa occupy the office of the governor in the name and on behalf of the zone is the easiest and most effective means of actualizing the plot by way of confining the person to a compartment in the expansive areas of policy formulation and project execution that will eventually coalesce and finally transform into self-destruct constructs. In the second place, a usurpation of the office itself in the name of and on behalf of the zone by someone from outside it would generously provide an impostor with effective weapons with which to carry out the ignominible agenda.

While a shared experience of slavery and struggle for self- preservation ruled the attitude of the average Ukwa-la-Ngwa person as Abia State went to the polls in 2015, the 2019 General Elections has placed an inescapable demand on the people of the zone with regard to emerging realties.

A consistent policy blueprint, together with a roadmap drawn up in accord with the dictates of justice, peace and equity, which is made to resolutely and realistically engage scare resources for the delivery of democratic dividends in terms of proper utilizations, adequate monitoring and provision of quality services for the benefit of the greatest number of peoples - this is the definition of a successful and credible political leader. Providing effective political leadership for the Igbos based on this would require the founding of an indigenous political party that has the capacity to co-ordinate the chaotic interests of the geo-political zone, while, at the same time, remaining undistracted in the pursuit of the Biafran cause. As an alternative, APGA could be adopted and upgraded to serve this need. But as long as this has not happened – and to avoid being trapped in the cobwebs of illusions that translate to electoral failure - Ukwa-la-Ngwa must have to be led by the hand and shown how to become realistic about the challenges which the elections next year present to her both as individuals and as a group.

Until this happens, and with Alex Oti being positioned by party stalwarts to usurp the APGA platform without any considerations given to the effusive trajectory of concern, sentiments and commitment we all share as indigenous peoples of Biafra, it may well turn out to be that APC presents veritable and worthy alternatives to the OkezieIkpeazu debacle.

Again, the audacity of a leader to toe the lonely but inescapable path of confrontation with the powers that be for the purpose of advancing the cause of liberation and making bold statements in self-actualization is, despite the risks involved, an added advantage to the poor and oppressed Nigerian masses in their quest for good governance and exemplary leadership. This credit belongs to powerful freedom fighters like Dele Giwa, GaniFahwehnmi, Dim OdumegwuOjukwu, Ken SaroWiwa, NnamdiKalu and – in the unfolding drama of delivery of democratic dividends – RotimiAmaechi. Senator EnyinnayaAbaribe is yet to make the list.

Abrasive interpolations spewed out from a dark corner of the National Assembly inhabited by a dwarfed and myopic clique of Federal Lawmakers on rampage do not serve and cannot serve the interests of the people of Ukwa-la-Ngwa. At the end, there is a tragic discovery that the many defections and cross-carpeting especially by those holding political offices from one party to another are not about the advancement of democracy, national development or the interest of the places and people they represent, but about ideals so weird and misleading, ambitions so atrocious and pretentious, methods so crude and cruel, interests so selfish and criminal, and attitude so arrogant and intriguing.

To what extent, or how long and under what circumstances, can anyone or a race rely upon a senile and criminal political will floated by infernal dwarfs and notorious predators of social norms to serve as a propagating tool for healthy and legitimate agitations that have been endorsed by and placed under the sponsorship of truth, justice, peace and equity? These off-beat summizations are monumentally significant for Ukwa-la-Ngwa liberation and the emerging renaissance.

Friday Nwosu: The New Face of Leadership for Ukwa-la-Nqwa?
Friday Nwosu: The New Face of Leadership for Ukwa-la-Nqwa?


Former Governor of Abia State, the Ibere born Orji UzorKalu, played deaf and dump to the strangulating need for the reconstruction of Obikabia-Umuene-OkpualaNgwa trunk road on the excuse that Chief EnyinnayaAbaribe, his Deputy as at then betrayed and insulted him riding on the popular support of his Ukwa-la-Ngwakinsmen. As a result, not only the Obikabia-Umuene-OkpualaNgwaroad, but all the trunk roads in the zone were abandoned to the weight of infrastructural decay except, perhaps, the patchwork that was done in the Old Umuahia-Obikabia, Ntigha-Mbawsi and Umukea-Umuene roads. And what does anyone have to say about local access roads that have long transformed into ancestral bush paths owing to total neglect by successive state and local government administrations till date?

The general expectation was that Senator EnyinnayaAbaribe would utilize his privileged position – remarkably, as the Chairman of Senate Committee for Information - in the then PDP-dominated Senate and his rapport with the then PDP-led Federal Executive to attract attention to the plight of the people of the zone but this never happened. As it stands now, many people in Ukwa-la-Ngwa are beginning to entertain strong fears about the activities of Senator Abaribe on the floor of the Senate regarding especially the kind of reprisals that might arise to hunt the zone in the event of the re-election of President MuhammaduBuhari on whose support and shoulders Abaribe rode to launch the strongest opposition to Orji-UzorKalu in the 2003 gubernatorial election as an ANPP candidate. If MuhammaduBuhari was right then but wrong now; and if Abaribe was right then, is right now and always right, it is now time to ask the question; has there been a point in his political history when Abaribe has been wrong and overbearing? If Senator Abaribe speaks, first of all, for Ukwa-la-Ngwa before he speaks for the Ibos, then an assuaging template of liberation for the zone cannot fail to relate to the Federal Government in terms of Ukwa-la-Ngwa interests which, however, cannot also afford to subvert the overall interests of the Ibos. But if Senator Abaribe blatantly refused to raise alarm about the menace of terrorism, corruption, infrastructural decay that dotted the Federal and State PDP administrations and played deaf and dumb to the urgent need for the adoption of the decisions of the 2014 National Conference convoked by the Jonathanian administration which was a widely acceptable option and of a more rewarding diplomatic approach to the Igbo agitations, then one is compelled to observe that the “Enemy called Buhari” is a mere echo in the woods which Senator Abaribe has never cared to ascertain its true and original source and a self-destruct construct to which he has unreservedly subscribed.

If Biafra was, and still is, a worthy cause for which we were ready to pay the supreme price in 1966, at no other time in the life of our people and in the history of Nigeria has this demand for a price for this noble cause been real and urgent than now. Therefore, whether in the context of one Nigeria or outside this bracket, Biafra is real, and remains the only official language that Nigerians cannot fail to speak and understand in their search for justice, peace and development especially in reference to the much expected Referendum, or the convocation of a Sovereign National conference (SNC), or the adoption and ratification of the decisions of the 2014 National Conference convoked by the defunct Goodluck Jonathan’s administration. However effective measures deployed to contain a hemorrhage against our people and bold steps taken in the course of the pursuit of a noble cause must be separated from subversive manipulations which a self-serving senator employs to oil the discredited wheels of a mischievous political party. These are rather symptomatic of a cage-fight where two opposing “agbeero” groups engage themselves in an arrogant show of greed for the acquisition and exercise of raw power.

The story at the home front does not seem quite rosy either. Powerful indications that continue to emerge on a daily basis raise further complex questions and fuel credible suspicions about the real owners, planners and executors of the overriding political will in Abia State and the final destination the Ikpeazu administration will eventually take if he succeeds in his re-election bid – a people oriented administration or a mere garnishing sarcastically designed to launder the image and credentials of a thieving-father and his killer-son by, first of all, entertaining and then, latter on, bamboozle and dupe the Abia people? While the general perception on the outside tilts towards the notion of a people oriented administration, the texture of facts inside seems very repulsive, humiliating and unacceptable.

The truth is that the domineering influence and out-of-control activities of the Chinedum-Orji-Cabal have reduced the office of the present governor to that of a mouth-piece of corruption and transformed equity agitations by Ukwa-la-Ngwa into a vehicle of slavery against the zone, thus creating the OVI personality and his much touted achievements into a poor and ugly advertisement of whatever he professes and represents. For instance, unverified sources claim that Chief T. A. Orji awarded the contract for the re-construction and asphalting of Port Harcourt Road in Aba to a phony company in which his son Chinedum Orji has substantive shares at a scandalous cost and there was nothing to show for this. It is not only that the trend has been adopted and legalized by the present administration, but father and son have been built into influential idols and are helped to usurp a senatorial seat and occupy the sacred chambers of the State House of Abia State respectively.Orjirism is now the official religion for Abia State.

Simply put, Orjirism is a religion for decrypt and ostentatious mindsets. The only qualification for being a believer in or the Chief Priest of Orjirism is an insulated mentality that celebrates mediocrity and rejoices at every event or occasion of humanity’s depreciation. And its overriding dogma is an encrypted syllogism that dwells on the fringes of a survivalistic instinct and inaudibly talks about itself in terms of a recuperative pill against a kwasiokor attack.

In fact, under a correct assessment exercise that passes the test of validity and sincerity, it would not amount to an exaggeration or bad will to describe the much touted democratic dividends of OkezieIkpeazu administration as a “rotten apple” especially when placed in the context of the twenty years of PDP governance of Abia State.

Generally, Abia State has never been served well and meritoriously by the successive PDP administrations. She has been, instead, placed under a situation of stress that results in bouts of cardiac arrests, treated to cosmetic re-constructions that peel the original skin and other features that give her that unique character as God’s own state and then handed over to heartless rapists and their satanic collaborators who are determined to drain her of the little blood that is left in her system. And Ukwa-la-Ngwa has been at the receiving end of this experiment in terrorism, corruption and bigotry-politically, economically, socially and spiritually.

In reference to OkezieIkeazu and his involvements with an enslaving party structure, one can only say with Alexandra Bracken that, “a snake could shed its skin, but never change its color.” And this does not augur well with the liberation project.

In an interview with the defunct TSM magazine’s acting editor, Comfort Obi, published on October 31, 1993, Tam David-West, Professor of Virology and former Petroleum Minister authoritatively asserted, concerning the mission of his successor, Don Etiebet in the Petroleum Ministry, thus:

“I am not sure if my friend Don Etiebiet would be allowed to go the whole hog. He would not be allowed. He has his heart at the right place, his legs in the right direction but his neck would be made to turn the other way so that his face will be at his back”.

This is all the more true for a governor whose godfather is the ambitious killer-son of a thieving-father who has his eyes fixedon the throne.


Personally, I am of the strong conviction that there are some appearances or hallucinating pictures one must make genuine efforts to eschew and erase completely from one’s mental compartments. It is only after this difficult but rewarding exercise that the person can establish valid contacts with reality itself and be unpretentiously permitted to access the promises and confront the challenges it holds for existential decisions and actions.

All that the opposition parties need to do to deflect and diffuse Ikpeazu’sincumbency is to highlight the two dead ends at the Federal and State levels against Ukwa-la-Ngwa and then turn around to stand on polished and influential anti-Ukwa-la-Ngwa propaganda to push forward a hostile agenda come 2019 electoral year.

Some of such destabilizing fireworks have already been deployed. For instance, in a post in the social media few days back, Maxwell Nwadike, in a manifest effort to shore up Alex Oti’s credibility and willingness to serve Abians better than what is in place now, pointed out the struggles to reconstruct some roads that have become impassable due to total neglect and many other empowerment packages which have been undertaken by the prospective APGA gubernatorial candidate, and then compared this effort to the contributions Senator Abaribe has made to the development of Abia South Senatorial District in the last fifteen years of active political engagement. According to Nwadike, Senator EnyinnayaAbaribe was Deputy Governor for three years and a distinguished senator for twelve years, yet he has not been able to attract a single Federal Government project to his constituency. He decried the fact that insulting Mr. President is the only constituency project dividends we can get from a self-serving senator and his likes.

In as much as this does not purposefully and intentionally reflect the whole truth about the person and engagements of Senator EnyinnayaAbaribe, it can readily lend itself out to be used as a very sharp blade for cruel castrations against the testicles of Ukwa-la-Ngwa fertility, or permit itself to be employed as a fulcrum of action for the sequestrations of her hard earned credentials.

The challenge presently is to translate issues and events in the liberation time-table into valid votes for Ukwa-la-Ngwa come 2019 General Elections. And the OkezieIkpeazu project may not reach that benchmark. Paradoxically, a strong opposition against incumbent OkezieIkpeazu launched by a candidate from the zone– whether this opposition comes from within PDP or outside it - could possibly be the real and only formula for victory for Ukwa-la-Ngwa.

The possibility of providing strong antidotes against electoral failures in 2019 would depend on the ability of the zone to convince or prevail on major opposition parties - APC and APGA - to field authentic and credible Ukwa-la-Ngwa candidates during the election scheduled to hold next year.

It suffices, however, to observe that - against stringent colonialist insinuations and protracted senile hacks targeted against the serene environment that houses the imposing edifices of patriotism, citizenship rights and broadened democratic initiatives - the cruel usurpation of Ukwa-la-Ngwa identity which the silhouette of Alex Oti’s ambition exemplifies against the background of equity, justice and manifest hospitality, together with the reticent but corrosive programs that have been lined-up in an effort to hide the credentials of an impostor and the ambush he has laid against a people he considers as inferiors and a means only to the actualization of some sinister projects, must be disabled and totally demolished.Every Ukwa-la-Ngwa followership built on and around these concatenations must re-align immediately, otherwise – and under whatever circumstances – OkezieIkpeazu has no rivals.If Alex Oti is an Ngwa man, then APGA owes a strongly worded apology to the former gubernatorial aspirant, Chief Reagan Ufomba to the point of restitution and restoration of his candidacy.

In other words, the ability of APC and APGA to play down on the candidacy of money–bag politicians and their resolve to address the chronic need for credible equity candidates from Ukwa-la-Ngwa that have the capacity to coordinate the diverse interests that litter the Abia State landscapes would serve a strong advantage against whatever criminal fireworks any frustrated bystander might deploy on the Abia electorate and put Abia on the list of States where free and fair elections took place come 2019, even as such a resolveis deployed as a liberative template for Ukwa-la-Ngwa peoples and land. The gubernatorial candidacies of Barr.Friday Nwosu and Barr.Chudie Oracle Nwala of APC and APGA respectively continue to authoritatively assert and impress themselves on the consciousness of Abia electorates.

The All Progressives Congress (APC) may have been a product of an incestuous marriage involving the good, the bad and the ugly. The political transplants and ideological cross-breeds that Nigeria witnessed at the threshold of the 2015 General Elections aptly explain why the nation has Mr. MuhammaduBuhari as the president without practicing Buharism. Mr. MuhammaduBuhari is an estranged political polygamist with a good number of his wives coming from corrupt, terrorist and morally decayed family backgrounds - a marriage that has produced a president under siege and a nation in limbo. It is very unfortunate that when his original and faithful wife, Mrs. Aisha Buhari who comes from the family background of authentic change (that is, Congress for Progressive Change, CPC) raised the alarm about the invasion of Buhari’s political family house, many regarded it as being merely jealous and overbearing.

Buharism can only take place when the resolve of the electorate for good governance and exemplary leadership meet with the right and expected response from a shocked, betrayed and stranded President MuhammaduBuhari.

Now that the invading vultures and hawks have returned to their natural habitat – the nest of killers (apologies to Prof. Wole Soyinka) – and as the few old layers that remain have not been given the slightest chance to build new nests or practice their old trades in APC, the electorate must be educated on the need to see the vacancies created by the fleeing vultures and hawks as an invitation to active participation and an opportunity to consolidate on our democracy and in this way, trace the part to good governance and exemplary leadership.


In a patent mood of evocation of requisite imperatives that define alliance, collaboration and support for and on behalf of a nation in coma, an Igbo race in a just wae and an Ukwa-la-Ngwa in search of liberation, it needs tobe pointed out that “the Enemy Called MuhammaduBuhari” could be the one to donate the key to authentic nationhood, national development and self-actualization.

Other doors may open to betray vibrant fields of alliance, needful collaboration and genuine support. But influential leaders of thought in the liberation struggle now agree that winning the gubernatorial slot in Abia State by the zone will require more than a patchwork of small initiatives. A policy blueprint and a roadmap are critical requirements.

Indeed, the 2019 General Elections compel all authentic, practical and productive Ukwa-la-Ngwa gladiators and serious-minded politicians to admit that at no other time for this exists than now. After all,“taa m budigbuo!”And, moreover,“alaasaala!”

  • Fr. Kenneth Evurulobi, PhD is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Aba and the President of MarysRose/Indigenous Confederates of Nigeria for Authentic Nationhood (ICNAN).

Chudie Oracle Nwala: Can APGA be realistic this time
Chudie Oracle Nwala: Can APGA be realistic this time
Mrs Aisha Buhari decried political polygamy and strongly shielded herself from it
Mrs Aisha Buhari decried political polygamy and strongly shielded herself from it

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