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The Family of a President - Can They Handle the Press?

Updated on January 26, 2020
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I write all about anything I'm interested in, from gaming and music to business and marketing advice.

The Family of a President - Can They Handle the Press?

Every election year there are a lot of questions about the future of our Country and how our President will handle his family. How far does he bend the rules when he is in a position of power?

I was curious to find out how much power the President has when it comes to handling his family. It did not seem fair that he had such an advantage over other families with children. At the same time it seemed unfair that he did not have any accountability for his actions and that he was not accountable for his decisions.

As I started looking into the legalities of this, it became obvious that the President was being put under great pressure by his family. Many Dem Charges was filed against his administration for its failure to properly manage the finances of his family. They were claiming that they could not control him or negotiate for his family and his businesses because of the strength of his family.

I have always been under the impression that the President of the United States was supposed to work towards the betterment of the country and its people. I found out a little more about the family and their financial backing when the family came under scrutiny. Many of the charges were focused on Ivanka Trump and her father. She is the only child of the President and will be the future President of the United States.

The media picked up on this angle and it became a way to attack the Administration as well as the party politics. The reporters were essentially attacking the first lady's integrity as a public figure and as a potential future president.

So as I began my research into the family and what may come next, it became clear that I was seeing the big picture as well as the small picture. When it comes to the Family of a President, they are sometimes in the thick of things. How far does the President bend the rules when he is in a position of power?

I began to do some research into this and discovered that the President's family gets involved on many levels. They come from a very prominent Jewish background and they become involved in many high-level deals throughout their lives. Their involvement in politics and business takes on a life of its own.

There is quite a bit of money at stake in the upcoming presidential election, and the real estate developers are taking advantage of that. Many in the media are saying that the Trump Organization will not be around when the President is in office, but this seems unlikely. I believe that the company will be around and probably even bigger than ever before.

This is also a business that all the "real estate developers" need. If you look at the last ten years of the building of Trump Towers and properties, you will see a pattern of success that is virtually unrivaled. They took a relatively unknown business and made it extremely successful.

When you take the time to look at all the facts and you analyze the stories about the Trumps, you will see that they are very powerful and extremely wealthy. The American public needs to understand that in this political climate.

The Family of a President should be taken seriously. We need to understand that if we are to keep our government from being corrupted by special interests and career politicians, we need to be vigilant and to pay attention to what goes on in our nation.


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