The Greatest Of Pretenders
He is the best at doing nothing other than blaming other people for his screw ups. He also pretends well. It's actually a bit amazing how highly he thinks of himself as his ratings in the polls are down in the tank. I had a liberal recently write about "not respecting the President." Respect is earned, not granted by any position. I respect the "office" of the Presidency but not the current occupant. I'm not the Lone Stranger in having that opinion of Barack Hussein Obama.
He has set some records. There are a record number of people on food stamps making the dependency factor greater. There is a false unemployment rate being consistently these days of hovering around 7.3%. Isn't that just an accomplishment? Then there was the fiasco of a lemon roll out of his "signature" piece of legislation we know not so affectionately as Obamacare. Have you noticed he stopped calling it Obamacare since that failure? Hopefully he may have learned now how to make lemonade.
Video time before we move on.
Classic case of narcissistic personality in any President of record. Isn't that an accomplishment? So the way it went down was at a recent Democratic fund raiser out there in Beverly Hills, home of the hill billy's, he had the gumption (he seems to have an unlimited supply of that trait) to tell his grazing sheeple how he and the other Democratic leaders of late that his administration has been the most productive in history. Now I just cited some productivity figures above for you.
He has a bad habit of comparing himself with some of the real leaders in American history who have occupied the Oval Office. Old Sliced Bread-In-Chief has his administration surpassing Abraham Lincoln, the Republican who ended slavery, and Franklin D. Roosevelt who lead the nation through the Great Depression and World War II. The second helped end the first there by the way.
He expounded on how he "saved us from another Great Depression. There is absolutely no proof off that. He singlehandedly revitalized the auto industry and they have come roaring back. Has anyone told him how much the tax payer''s are losing on that deal? He claims to have doubled our exports? Really? And oh our dependence on foreign oil is down, but really no thanks to him and his policies. Where's the XL Keystone pipeline Obama? Why have gas prices doubled during your tenure Barack? He gushed on and on about every social topic near and dear to a Democrat but left out his abject failures having to do with a wrecked economy and a stagnant recovery. OH I forgot! Five years into it and it's still Bush's fault.
There was no mention of the list of failures in that video. Now there's an accomplishment. Ignore the obvious truth once again.
Out There Still Campaigning Instead Of Leading
Obama might be the only one ignoring the polls but that seems doubtful since their are some noted internet trolls who seem to still be koolaid drunks staggering around accusing people of being racists because we see what they deny seeing. He's a failure and one should have seen that coming. He trumpeted how successful sanctions were on Iran. Experts seem to agree with that but he just gave away the farm to Iran and its enrichment programs rather than bring them to their feeble Islamic knees where they belong. The sanctions should have been ratcheted up, not down Obama. There is wide spread agreement that the supposed deal, which really has no teeth, is a farce.
All that during one private fund raiser at $16,200 a head. Can you imagine who comprised that audience? Now according to Obama he is the best thing since sliced bread. I don't know what polls he is following or news sources he is reading. I don't think he has a pulse on the real American mood rather than his Hollywood adorers.
So as I read his trumpet call to Hollywood I read other more factual things like how people are rating his performance compared to other modern day Presidents. Folks he rates at the very bottom. When asked the question below you can see the results.
The one redeeming factor Obama has it that he is still in office and your rating generally gets better when you are finally out of office. I'm just wondering how much lower Obama can go before it really sinks in. But maybe it won't. In his narcissistic mind he can do no wrong. Everyone else out here in working America might have it wrong about him but not he himself.
One of the things Obama should be thankful for during this season of giving thanks is that he still has a job and hasn't been impeached. He makes Bill Clinton look like a stack of Bibles as he looks into any camera he can capture to tell his next lie. Most leaders would have reversed course long ago but not Obama. His failed ideologies mean to much to him for him to bite that bullet.
I'll give you a link to an article about the results of the poll. It covered Presidents of the last century and Obama was anywhere near the top. He is dead last.
- Presidential poll: Ronald Reagan's the greatest, Obama the worst |
Former President Ronald Reagan has edged out Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy as the nation's greatest president in over a century, and President Obama was rated the biggest failure by a sizable margin over George W. Bush, Richard Nixon and
A Segment Of The Interview
Now I have to admit that Barack Hussein Obama is a legend in his own mind. Well Moochelle still believes in him as witnessed by her gushing accolade in the Barbara Walters interview when she told the nation, "He keeps his promises." Where has the woman been lately? She must be talking about him hanging the curtain rods for her and not leading this nation. So why didn't Walters call them both on their hypocrisy during that interview? You can watch the entire interview on You Tube, Google "Obama Barbara Walters" and grab some popcorn and your favorite beverage. Maybe have a barf bag handy just in case.
It's unfortunate that an individual with Obama's narcissistic personality disorder, combined with being a pathological liar and deceiver, was suddenly thrust into the national limelight without being properly vetted. The media lost its moral compass long ago and let that happen. Obama was an unknown and remains an unknown.
So my holiday quiz for this season is for you to use the chart below and see how many of the traits there you see in Barack Hussein Obama. A mental health expert made this graphic for me back when and gave it to me thinking I'd find a use for it. I have.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince