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The European Countries Break Down; Survival of the Western World

Updated on January 31, 2015
House Swallowed like Debt is Consuming Countries
House Swallowed like Debt is Consuming Countries | Source

House of Cards Unstable

Just how long could we think that the governments of the world could keep borrowing and becoming deeper in debt? The tsunami is coming into the overseas markets to consume the people, governments and institutions with one sweep. The question is, can the governments keep the whole world from tanking at the same time? Can any one government afford to bail out Greece, knowing that there are many more countries that are in as serious, if not worse conditions, as Greece. If Greece is bailed out, where is the money coming from to bail out the other countries that will need bailing out later ?

Countries and Governments Consumed by Debt and Corruption

How long has the world been expecting a massive and total collapse of the economic system, in whole or just some countries? The news reports have been telling of events and concerns for years, trying to alert the population and voicing alarm. The old song goes, "DEEPER IN DEBT, DEEPER IN DEBT; I OWE MY SOUL TO THE COMPANY STORE". The people, the countries and the institutions have sold their wealth, paychecks and anything that they own to the elite and controllers of the world.

Have the citizens played into the hands of those in control of the economic system or is this a freak act of bankruptcy? In the real world, people who can not make the payments lose their belongings and the material belongings go to auction, going to the highest bidder, usually pennies on the dollar. Are the vultures standing in the shadows or buzzing overhead, waiting for the portions of the wealth to be dished out?

Let us say that Greece has fallen behind in the payments and they are deep in dept. The money trail that would could be traced would be enormous and winding everywhere. If the people have had enough of the overpowering government control, maybe the results could be felt around the world, possibly collapsing the economic systems of the European Union, then maybe around the rest of the world, including the United States.

Rules are made to protect the innocent and the business people, but are also made to make people incredibly rich, through the work of the lower, working class. It seems that every time the big business or big government goes into debt and bankruptcy, the average citizen and working class is expected to bail out the evil, corrupted and notorious villains that made bad decisions, bad loans and bad investments.

In the United States, the Major Automobile Companies were bailed out by the American hard working, tax-paying, middle-class and low class citizens. WHY? Who said that dishonesty, greed, corruption and failure results in a handout? The only ones that are getting the handouts are those in charge, the elite status, those on the receiving end, otherwise called the CEO's. The people running those Automotive industries should be in prison, not be given a handout. They used corruption, greed, deceit and dishonest actions to achieve that money.

So why Greece? Are the massive debts caused by the average citizen or is the cause of the government turmoil caused by the institutions, big businesses and government involvement? The causes seem to be the same all over the world. The basic morals, integrity and honesty have vanished, which are causing major upheavals in the government, businesses, institutions, colleges and families. .

Effects of the European Monetary System

Most people think that the European Monetary system does not have any effect on the Western Countries, but the fact is, that any monetary problems reflects like a mirror to the remaining countries. Back in the Reagan administration, there were planners of the future world. Heidi and Alvin Toffler were two of these and they planned for up to the next 50 years the future of the United States. Part of their plans were to have the other countries take the manufacturing and industries of the United States and let the United States be the manager's of the world. There were problems with this mind-set from the start. Taking the wealth and hard fought for jobs from the United States citizens and just give the foreign countries took getting use to. Greed from the Elite Class that controlled the money figured that there would be lower operating expenses, taxes and overhead, making more profit for the owners. The corrupt foreign governments were also trying take the newly formed companies from the United States owners or trying to get their hands into the cash till.

So what if Europe goes under, how can it affect the United States and other countries? Everything is interconnected. The currencies are interlaced, each country trades with other countries and the United States has interests around the world.

The Western World

The effects of the breakdown of the European Countries could mean disaster for the Western World or could bring some major economic relief in the form of lower prices, lower gas prices at the pumps and more jobs locally.

But on the other hand, the Western World receives many imports and trade with the European Countries. Any monetary disruption with the European Countries could, in effect, devastate the Western economy, Any company that relies on the products of the overseas market to make or produce their product in the Western World might have to shut down or have massive work stoppages. Back in the early eighties, to be more efficient and productive, the corporate leadership decided to establish a new work procedure called, "Just In Time". With the JIT, the supplies, merchandise and raw material would be delivered just in time to be sold, assembled, sold or used. The warehouses that were in the stores and companies were quickly emptied of the overstock and the money used for overstocks was used to fund the businesses and pockets of the CEO's. Now, there are now no or little back-stocks or overstocks to use in case of any emergency, whether it is a monetary break up of the European Union, an EMP strike, storm or an electrical grid collapse.

In times past, the Western World thought that a person and nation should be prepared for uncertainties and emergenices, but seems to be a point in history that nothing can happen that would slow down or stop the progress. The Western World, like the rest of the world, depends on each and every country for its support and continued growth and existence. Any disburbance can cause major problems in other parts of the world. The major factories, grocery stores and retail chains all rely on shipments and merchandise from other countries to keep thriving and to keep their businesses going. Also, the imports of food, as well as the exports of commodities to and fro keep the infrastructure in tack, so any monetary fluctuation of the value of money could mean major changes to the way that businesses buy and sell from other countries. The Standard and Poor rate the countries to being trusted, true and being able to pay back the money, but the S & P has down rated many of the countries, meaning that the country might not be able to pay back the loan or the possibility of going bankrupt may be possible in the future.

In other words, the monetary instability of the European Countries could cause havoc in the Western World because of the trade and merchandise. Another idea to consider, is that a revolution of the citizens of Greece could escalate to the other countries that are having the debt problems. If this happens over the weekend, the stocks of the world would already reflect the outcomes before the Western World like the United States would wake up. In fact, the stock market could wipe out the life savings and retirement of a portion of the citizens while they snooze and dream of retiring. Yes, the European Countries could really create a devastating effect on the Western World, including the United States !!!


There is NO way that a bail-out of Greece, other country or company by any government that the people will not have to pay. Anytime the government gets involved, there is a major expense that will have to be paid. With Greece, for the time being, it is on the bail-out list, but there are a lot of citizens of Greece that will not fair so good. These are the business people, those that have properties and those who have made a nest-egg for retirement. These are those people who most likely did NOT vote for the change because they knowingly would lose what they have worked so hard their whole lives. These citizens have a lot to lose because of the government reform. With businesses struggling in Greece and around the world, taxes would be the one plan that should not be implemented, where growth should be encouraged and welcomed. Taxes would stifle the growth and would prevent the future taxation of a departed, bankrupted company.

There are to be 7 countries that are like Greece, that are having major difficulties with the finances and will be on the monetary system's list for bail-outs also. Greece, even though the vote went through as passed, there is a major part of the population that are opposed to the reform, taxation and reduction in spending. The bail-out and reform has not worked so far and the rebellion is on the horizon for those that will apparently lose their homes, businesses and life-long savings. Ever what happens to Greece will be on the chopping block of the other financial struggling countries.

This financial crises is like a house being consumed by Kudzu, a vine that grows by leaps and bounds, entangling and covering everything in its path. The financial crises has grown from citizen to company to countries and now it is threatening the whole world. By bailing out a company or government with more created money fertilizes the ever-growing debt and worthlessness, thereby creating a more despairing, desperate situation.

Do you think that the Greece bailout will work?

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Do you think that Europe has enough money to bail out Greece?

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Do you think that a Greece financial collapse would affect other countries around the world?

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Do you think that increased taxes on businesses and citizens would help the financal problems?

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