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The Media is Distorting the News and Plainly Lies; Survival of Truth

Updated on August 16, 2015
Brainwashing, lying, Distorting the Truth and  Manipulating Facts are What the New News Reporting is About
Brainwashing, lying, Distorting the Truth and Manipulating Facts are What the New News Reporting is About | Source

Time Line of Media and Government Lies, Untruths and Coverups

All down through the ages, people lie, misguide and mislead people. The media and the government have been doing it for years. Even during the times of the Indians, the government officials took blankets that had smallpox virus throughout and gave them to the Indians, knowing that they had little or no resistance to the virus. Later, starting in 1932, the government of the United States gave the go ahead for human experiments consisting of radiation exposures. After this, the government started programs to experiment of humans with biological agents and viruses to see the outcomes and how it would be spread.

The cover-ups, media distorting the truth and government lies continued into the 1930s and during the WWII with putting the Japanese Citizens of the United States into concentration camps during the war. These were citizens of the United States, but were treated as enemies of the state.

The a-bombs or atom bombs that were dropped on Japan were dropped on men, women and children and great public propaganda was introduced by the government, media and other sources to justify the use of such diverse means. Never before nor after has any country or nation killed with such disgrace and without conscience. Still the justification and propaganda keeps pouring out on how the United States thoughts were rationalized in doing such. On August 6th and August 9th 1945, two bombs were dropped, killing and cooking untold thousands of men, women and children.

How would a country justify killing thousands of innocent civilians, including children? What could the history books states that could rationalize the action? What could the media report and distort the truth to make it look like the United States was protecting the citizens of the country?

We go to school to learn, to see and to know what is right and wrong. Sometimes we are told things and shown things that go against our learning processes. One of these events that was on the television was the moonwalk. The Russian space program reported over and over that the venturing in space had been a failure because of the immense heat, cold and radiation outside our Van Allen Belt, which protects the inhabitants from those elements. The Russians showed pictures of dogs and chimpanzees that had been charred and burnt to a crisp that the Russians had sent into space.

The scientist say that it is very cold and very hot outside the protection of Earth Atmosphere and with severe storms of radiation that would surely kill any human or animal without proper protection. The inhabitants of Earth have a major problem just keeping cool at 90 degrees F. and keeping warm at 30 degrees F. Outside our protection of the Earth's Atmosphere, the temperatures can get down to more than 400 degrees below zero and the heat could reach different degrees of high temperatures depending on the reflective or absorptive value of the material.

The technology of the space program, if protecting the people in temperature of these temperature ranges, could surely be useful on Earth. The people on Earth are having enough trouble keeping warm below 50 degrees F and keeping cool during the summer months.


Chemtrails | Source

The next items or events happened and for some unknown reasons, were covered up, mis-represented or presented as lies or diversions. These events were reported to the public over and over, each time being presented differently.


December 7, 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor

November 22, 1963 J.F.K. Murder and Assassination

November 18, 1978 The Jones town Massacre


August 1992 The Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge

April 19th 1993 Waco

April 19th 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

July 17th 1996 Flight 800 / U.S.S. ROOSEVELT

August 31, 1997 Princess Diana of Wales

March 19th 2003 Bush Promotes the war of Iraq

May 31, 2003 Eric Robert Rudolph

August 28, 2003 Erie, Pa Collard-bomb Bank Robbery

September 11th 2001 The 911 Twin Towers, New York

Sept. 16, 2008, Nov. 10, 2008, March 2009 AIG BAIL-OUTS

2008-2009 AUTO BAIL-OUTS

September 2008 Fannie Mae/ Freddie Mac Bail-outs


These events were reported but there are unknown questions at to what, when, who, why and the purpose. More than this, the media kept changing or covering up the physics, characteristics and information relating to the the events surrounding the incidents.

Some of the events are not possible, the physics was impossible or the technology was not available at that time. Some of the people that were portrayed kept changing in their descriptions and availability.

The cover-ups, brainwashing or the direct lying by the media or the government keeps coming to the surface even years later. These have become to be called conspiracies, but answers to the questions still have not come out. The rockets, planes, holes, bombs, or whatever questions about these have been pushed to the side and covered up. Many of these conspiracies are still in circulation and new technologies and research are proving that these events in history have been reported and written in history as lies and cover-ups.

These events have questions that are left unanswered and need finalized as truth.

Now, as we venture into the future, the events will keep happening. The economy of the World is failing and some think that a NEW WAR with Iran would be the way to start-kick the economy. As with the Iraq war, the ones that benefit are the ones that own the bomb plants, the nuclear plants, the reconstruction companies and the oil companies. The ones that actually benefit from war are those who are rich already. These are the ones that are making the laws, spending the tax money and these are the ones that control the population. The old saying keep coming out of those who are rich, get rich and those who are poor, get poor.

With the Internet, the people who know about these events have the instruments in their hands to present the truth about these events. There have to be the by-standers and those that had first hand knowledge about these events. Who saw, who designed, who worked, who cleaned up, who sailed, who heard, who sat in the control room, who edited the news feed, and who took pictures could come forth to make a difference in the direction of America, presenting the truth and correct the history.

Lies, lies; more lies

Why do the politicians and government officials keep lying and distorting the truth? It has become part of greed and wealth, as well as power and status. More and more taxes must be collected each year just to keep up with the growing need to continue the growth of greed.

The programs have grown like a pyramid with the politicians being on the top with the tax payers on the bottom, working to make the elite wealthy and prosperous. By telling the truth, it would possibly ruin the status of the politicians and the elitists. As long as the tax rates can be raised, more and more money can be confiscated and used by the politicians for their agendas, their families and to invest in activities for themselves.

Also, there are events that have happened to turn the viewpoints and mentalities of the masses to change the long term directions of the governments. As with Hitler, “a lie told long enough, becomes truth”, becomes the track of the direction of the future. With the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms, it gives the civilian the power to defend itself from a overbearing and domineering regime. When looking back through history, those masses and people that did not have weapons were captured and placed in slavery or evacuated from their homeland. Without power of the people, those in charge can easily control those people who can defend themselves. When the agenda is to remove any objections to disarming the public, the security of the freedom of the people is in jeopardy. Lies and mistruths, even fake events that lie or distort the truth could turn the thinking of the people from keeping their basic rights and the right to be secure and safe.

The people must be able to trust the government, but when big government becomes too big, that lies about where your tax money goes, lies about government programs, experiments on civilians, undermines the constitution of the United States, lets the government officials become lawlessness and unaccountable, track the citizens and hide the statistics, is when the Nation is really in trouble. The citizens must always consider what is reported by the government or media lies or untruths.


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