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Explaining the New World Order Agenda

Updated on September 21, 2014

The Great Seal

The Great Seal of the Illuminati
The Great Seal of the Illuminati

Henry Kissinger restated the call for a New World Order as he cited several world events as evidence for such a need. He reminded of the civil war in Libya after being liberated, the Islamic State's efforts to impose a caliphate in the Middle East, the tension between nations and their relationship with Russia and China, and the global economic condition.

The International order faces a paradox according to Kissinger. While the economic system has become global, the political structure remains based on the nation-state. Its prosperity is dependent on the success of globalization, but he is concerned that the process produces a political reaction that often works counter to its aspirations. In other words, he is fearful that the political reaction to the International order is negative to the agenda.

Perhaps because the nations don't like the idea of a ruling board over their government. What compliance with a New World Order requires is a surrendering of sovereign nationality and independence in order to equalize with the globally centralized government. This would assimilate any compliant nation into allegiance to a One World Government.

A global government is not intended at once, claims Kissinger. It is necessary to first divide the world's people and nations into regions. Then provide conditions within the regions to establish a concept of order.

However, this has not come easy. Leaders will not accept World Government without the need. So Elitists like Kissinger use crises in order to drive towards acceptance. Chaos in the world has a tendency to create a need. Warfare in troubled regions cause the desire of peace. And peace require assistance by the agencies of the New World Order.

George H.W. Bush announced on September 11, 1990 that he endorsed a New World Order for the purpose of peace and unity and global compliance. A few months later he addressed the public about the New World Order in which he informed that a credible United Nations will govern. In the meantime the public still question the credibility of this agency.

So what is the New World Order? That depends on who you talk to and what agenda they support. Overall it is promoted as global governance and compliance with International global control over the peace, harmony, and unity among nations. Its also vows to manage global sustainability.

The selling point is the chaos of the world condition and the Global Elitist's anticipation to solve it. Order Ab Chaos is its slogan. Many do not realize this was adopted by Freemasons to explain their plan to use the chaotic conditions of the world to offer peace. Several incidents can be used for this purpose:

  • War – both civil and Internationally
  • Pestilence
  • Economic turmoil
  • Tension and oppression

Some believe this chaos is deliberately provoked by creating tension between people, between nations, and across ideologies. A situation drives people towards solution. War creates tension and the desire for peace. We wonder if the Global Elites can accomplish such task. My podcast Organized Chaos reveals the possibility.

Banker James Paul Warburg confidently declared to the United States Senate on February 17, 1950:

We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.

Planned chaos is not new. Neither is the New World Order. The concept for a New World Order was first planned by Adam Weishaupt after he organized his Ancient Illuminates Seers of Bavaria, called the Illuminati, in 1776 adopting the ancient Egyptian and Kabalah practices into a Luciferian concept. The New World Order was a means in which to establish a One World Government.

Adam Weishaupt was an occultist who used his influential persuasion to occupy and hijack the Freemason Lodges to use as a recruiting center for his Order. In it he shared secrets that he claimed were only for the highest intellectual Elitists worthy to be Illuminated. They believed Illumination was given by the Illuminated One, the Light-Bearer, in Latin which is Lucifer.

Weishaupt's plan was to consolidate all sectors and world powers under one Elite Oligarchy to rule over. His declaration was stamped as the Great Seal that the United States incorporated for the design on the back of the dollar bill. On it are the words “Novus Ordo Seclorum” – New Order of the Ages.

My YouTube videos on the background of the Illuminati and the symbols of the Great Seal illustrate this.

A book published by John Robison in 1798 called “Proofs of a Conspiracy” revealed the plans of the Illuminati and goals of the new World Order. In it Robison exposes Weishaupt's documents that was shared with him. The plan had six main purposes.

  1. Abolish monarchies and all ordered governments
  2. Abolish private property and inheritance
  3. Abolish patriotism and nationalism (for the cause of One World Government)
  4. Abolish family life and the institution of marriage
  5. The establishment of communal education for children
  6. Abolish religion (Christianity)

The One World Order was developed to set the stage for a coming Messiah that Luciferians await. This New Age Messiah is Antichrist as the Bible reveals and is the one that the Bible predicts will come to unite the nations under the Beast (Revelation 17). But the Bible also predicts that his kingdom will not stand and will be taken down by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, who will bring His kingdom here on earth.

For further information, hear my podcast on the New World Order


Globalist Kissinger outlines NWO

Proofs of a Conspiracy


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