The Outcome of Jussie Smollett's Hate Crime Allegations
A Television Role Model
Though his career arguably began during his childhood, Jussie Smollett became a recognizable figure due to his portrayal of Jamal in the hit FOX show Empire. Through his character, Smollett depicts a perceptive, well-educated, highly talented, and successful musician. Other people see his character as a paragon of minorities. After all, Jamal is a homosexual African American man.
The "Attack"
On January 29, 2018, Smollett was allegedly attacked by two masked men, somewhere between his apartment and a Subway restaurant in Chicago, Illinois. Smollett stated that the two men yelled racial, homophobic slurs at him, and they also verbalized their support for President Trump. Before the "assailants" ran away, one of them allegedly put a "noose" around Smollett's neck.
As a person with an educational background in criminology, I instantly noticed a few red flags. I'll provide these to you in question format so that you can answer them yourselves.
- What time was it?
- What was the temperature?
- How did the "assailants" know Smollett was at Subway?
- Why was nothing caught on camera?
- How did Smollett not realize the assailants were black?
- How did Smollett hold on to his cellular phone and his sandwich, when he was viciously attacked and allegedly fought back?
- What agenda would Smollett have in fabricating this whole story?
If answering these questions doesn't make the situation seem sketchy to you, then you're probably answering them incorrectly.
Smollett's motive can be easily determined. He wanted to create his own backlash towards President Trump. He wanted the minority communities to have another reason to not support President Trump; he wanted to instill a sense of fear that did not belong; he wanted to further draw attention to racism; he wanted to reprimand African American Conservatives who were President Trump supporters, such as Candace Owen.
What Do You Believe?
Was Jussie Smollett attacked?
If Smollett fabricated this entire incident, he arguably committed fraud. Legally, a fraudulent act must include an omission or false statement that was made knowingly and/or intentionally, with a negligent disregard to the truth.
Smollett knew the truth and intentionally made a false statement that disregarded the the truth. His actions were clearly negligent. He caused harm to the United States, the citizens within it, and more specifically, the police department and citizens of Chicago, Illinois.
This is clearly more than a case of filing a false police report.
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.
© 2019 Kerri Rowland