The People Who Write Our Laws Now
Happy Independence Day
The Founding Fathers Were Wise Men
I am often assaulted with words about how the US Constitution is a dead document whose time has passed. I contend that such talk is entirely rubbish as we once again celebrate the independence of this nation. The founders were wise enough to use brevity which is a word not understood by our current law makers sitting on Capitol Hill.
Lately it seems like they think we pay them by word count or pages printed without regard to the insufferable complexity that even they can't understand. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a prime example The administration just delayed one of the major provisions of the law by a year because supposedly it was too complex for businesses to ascertain for implementation but not individuals who are still under a mandate? Seems like utter foolishness to me since the real apparent reason for pushing the date is the coming mid-term elections and Democratic party's fear of losing the Senate on top of the House of Representatives. Everything Obama dos, or doesn't do, is guided by political motivation and that alone.
Lets take a look at the documents that set the stage for the founding of this nation and got us where we are today kinda sorta since our elected representatives have now placed politics before the law of the land. The US Constitution itself was penned on parchment - 4 pages worth and contained the guiding principles of law to rule this nation. Take it a step further and add the Preamble and 27 amendments and the sum total amounts to around 20 typed pages. Bear in mind that originally there were but 10 amendments, not the twenty seven we presently use. Scratch the signature pages and amendments and the total shrinks to 11 typed pages.
Looking at amendments is a lesson in brevity our current elected geniuses should emulate. The First Amendment itself uses 45 words to cover a myriad of freedoms that we enjoy, or maybe use these days. Many of the amendments are written with one sentence and take up less than one page.
The four (4) pages of parchment contain approximately 4,500 words to govern our nation then and should be good enough to serve the same purpose now. So lets think about those 2,700 pages of Obamacare and now the recent Senate version of immigration reform which amounts to another 1,200 pages of all kinds of goodies packed in that version. Did you hear about Obamaphones? Imagine, if you will, Obamacars. It's in there. Congress for some time now has written volumes to confuse, not to govern. The people are usually perfectly capable of governing ourselves thank you very much.
I suggest that you wake up to present reality and the damage that has been done by Congress and the Judicial Branch working in concert to destroy the US Constitution rather than enforce its intent. If they can run helter skelter with just those 4 pages on parchment think about what they are capable of doing with an immigration bill and a health care law that by sheer volume will gag a ton of maggots.
I've read the US Constitution and it takes about a half an hour from start to finish. I'd be willing to bet that many of the people siting in Congress have never read the law of the land. They just want to make it up now as they go along. It should be required, monitored reading before they can take any oath of office. How many words in our Declaration of Independence? Yes, this is a quiz. It has 1,458 words with all those signatures of the founding fathers. See you learned something today. How long does it take to read the Declaration? Since it's the 4th of July weekend why not pick up a copy and time yourself?
One writer surmised that probably not one single member of Congress has actually read the Affordable Care Act and the now proposed Immigration Bill start to finish. Folks that is what we pay them to do. They need to read any law before it is voted on, not afterward. To heck with this, "We need to pass the law to find out what is in it" garbage.
We needs to now pen a new law that is simply put. Maybe an amendment would be a good idea. The people we elect to write the laws don't write them. You do know that I would hope. They never provide a list of names because theirs wouldn't be included on that list. We didn't elect these scribes to write our laws so why are they writing them? The Founding Fathers penned their own laws by which we are supposed to be guided. The same needs to apply to our present day elected bobble heads.
Here's how to make them do their job - maybe. I propose a law that all laws must be written by the individuals we elect to go to Congress to write said laws. That is why we elect them and why we pay them so much money to perform what amounts to a part time job.
Have a splendid 4th of July weekend and don't eat too much. Remember "why" we celebrate this holiday and how easily they seem to keep chipping away at your freedom and liberty while you are either not paying attention as you should be or have your partisan political blinders firmly in place blaming everyone but yourself. I remember is something about, "We, the People..."
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As Always,
The Frog Prince