The ‘Q’s Phenomena/Epiphanies….
The Q; Military Intelligence; President Trump; Deep State; Pedophilia; Andrenochrome; Hollywood; Suicides and CEOs Resignations; Discernment; Red Pilling; Sheep
The ‘Q’s Phenomena/Epiphanies….
I could have taken the time to ‘big-up’ America on what is her coming, auspicious birthday -- but I will instead take the time to enlighten the audience about the ‘Q’, a phenomenon that is taking the Internet by enlightening storm and doling out epiphanies about the Deep State… the latter being the bad actors who once held domestic and international political sway. It is true that the Deep State is made up of members of both Democrats and Republicans and that they are, allegedly, responsible for God-awful deeds that shortly, I hope, will come to disinfecting light. If you have not been following the ‘Q’ -- simply go to You Tube and input ‘Q Anon’ and you will be privy to all the ‘Q’ members have to say concerning the CIA, NSA, FBI, celebrities, foreign governments, CEOs, and politicians.
The ‘Q’ are said to be members of Military Intelligence who have decided that under President Trump… because the latter could not be bought or controlled… to go public and make the general public aware of the sheer wickedness, as perpetrated by the Deep State, at home and abroad. In perusing the ‘Q’ board, one will notice that the word ‘Red-Pilling’ is regularly used for those of us who have and are becoming aware of what the Deep State has done and is stilling trying to do. Note too that the phrase Red-Pilling was culled from the Matrix’s movie, whereby, Neo, the messiah-like main character, literally takes the Red Pill and received life changing epiphanies, as to what is really happening… in the world.
You may ask that how does one know what the ‘Q’ members are saying is true? Those of us who place credence into what the ‘Q’ members have to say on a given subject can prove it. The ‘Q’ members have a constant refrain: ‘future proves pass’… in that they tell you something ahead of time before it takes place, and when what it is they have conveyed comes to fruition, the ‘Q’ members then remind us when they said it in the pass. Anyone can prove this by looking at the Q’s old posts and he or she will know what it is I speak of….
Some in the CIA, NSA, FBI, celebrities, governments, Democrats/Republicans -- all members of the Deep State are in it for the money and power. It is alleged by the ‘Q’ that the relatively recent resignations of many of the CEOs, politicians, and celebrity suicides -- with much more to come -- because the ‘Q’, and presumably President Trump, have the evidence of their respective vile deeds. What you say would cause these mass resignations and suicides: apparently, and allegedly, some of these people were corrupt… with some engaging in the trafficking of children, which is much, much, more lucrative than even drug trafficking. This is so because there are potentially three streams of revenues that can be had in Child Trafficking: revenues from those who engage in pedophilia; revenues from those who use the children in Satanic ritual; and revenues fomr those who sell the organs after the children are murdered in these Satanic rituals.
To foster this child trafficking and the other attendant crimes, the ‘Q’ members have said that this is why the Deep State -- with assist from the CIA/NSA/FBI, celebrities, Democrats, and Republicans -- is trying so hard to frame President Trump with the specious Russia-gate investigation; it is also why the intrepid efforts to stop President Trump from building the wall on our Southern Border where most of the lucrative trafficking of these children is taking place.
So certain were the members of the Deep State that Secretary-of-State Hillary Clinton was going to win the 2016 Presidential election, that said members of the Deep State did not bother to hide the evidence they have used to Blackmail many in our society… who are allegedly corrupt and those who have and are engaging in pedophilia -- now all that sick evidence is in the hands of the members of the ‘Q’ and President Trump. In the very near future, you are going to hear much about the ‘Q’ because what will be revealed by them is going to sickeningly shock the world and go viral, not only in America, but the entire world. The mouth-pieces for the Deep State, the media/Hollywood, are going to tell the public at large that the members of the ‘Q’ are ‘conspiracy theorists’, because said media/Hollywood are allegedly caught up in not only conveying fake news… but corruption and pedophilia… too.
Once again, keep your eyes on the mass resignations of CEOs and politicians and the visibly, exponential uptick in suicides among our noted citizens of the world. Keep an eye also on the venal media, the vainglorious celebrities of New York/Hollywood, and the Progressives who are going to engage in yeoman’s efforts to try to normalize pedophilia… due to that vileness -- child trafficking that supplies the pedophiles; Satanic rituals where children are murdered for Andrenochrome; and the subsequent selling of these murdered children’s organs -- about to be revealed. I truly hope that more of the Sheepdom becomes aware via being Red-Pilled and that America becomes that fair Republic the Founding Fathers envisioned.
I end by boldly noising the refrain of Maranatha to my Traditional Christian brothers and sisters, hoping that the Hezekiah Reprieve, as manifested by President Trump’s Divine elevation to the seat of power, has Christ Jesus’ longevity. The tidings, that is part of the spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)…, that are about to be revealed should not be a surprise to those of us who are Traditional Christians and who have been bestowed by Christ Jesus with the gift of Discernment…. Case in Discernment point, I tell you a mystery that in the Summer of 2016, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that He was, in essence, placing Donald Trump in power to cleanse America and that Mr. Trump will be akin to King Cyrus, as recorded in the respective Biblical books of Isaiah, 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, and Daniel. Incidentally, during that faithful Summer of 2016, my support then was for Doctor Ben Carson, President Trump’s current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
As it is my custom, I have used music, here, William Murphy’s version -- You Are My Strength -- to help flesh out the themes of this blog… so drill down into the hyperlink to follow and enjoy.