The Stupid People Theory
There actually is such a theory so Google it if you won't take my word for it. I always research when I write and was astonished to find that I wasn't the first to postulate such a theory
As I watch Obama, his minions and sheeple scramble right now as Obama's continual lies start really catching up with him I think we might want to start a Society of Stupid People in this country. I reckon I should Google that now too. It amazes me that Obama lied and it's okay with a particular group of stupid people. The man is the President of the United States and isn't shooting straight with the people. After having reelected this incompetent twice I'm not sure why I would expect more but I do.
I think the most preposterous thing I heard recently was a user claim that Obama needed to lie so that the Affordable Care Act could be passed. First of all, it was unpopular then and is even more unpopular now.
The "Stupid Masters" have been entrenching themselves in our nation's Capitol, some of them for decades on end. They know that there are enough stupid people that will continue to reelect them because they aren't paying attention. They tell you what you want to hear just prior to an election then go back knowing you were stupid enough to believe them.
The argument about if Obama hadn't lied is circular. Why? Because, as far as I can see, every government program I see created is based upon a lie. So lets move forward with a look at stupidity.
I have seen with my own eyes, and heard with my own ears, the ultimate in rationales as to why something like Obamacare needed to be created. Obama pushed this theory forward the other day in Boston. I'll show the video in a bit so you see what I am talking about. His lie was based on your ignorance of what is best for you. he knows better, his Democratic buddies know better and you don't have a clue. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or not. You don't know squat about what is best for you. If you accept that then I call you what you are - a sheeple.
That theory advances the fantasy that your money is best spent by the federal government and not by you. In Obama's case he sees it that most people need to be taken care of with other people's money and has expanded the entitlement society to show us how right he is.
Listening to Obama's speech in Boston this is part of what I heard. There were dummies in society who were happy with inferior plans. They were so stupid they were clueless about what was good for them. So he had to sell them some more snake oil in order to bring about the greater good. Now that amazes me because that advances another bad idea which we see constantly in politics. "The end justifies the means."
There's a link at the end of this article to a previous analysis where what he said in 2009 and 2010 doesn't match up to what he just spun in Boston.
Still Spinning Along To The Stupid Among Us
The problem facing our society is that the federal government has become our Nanny. We let that happen and let those power hungry pick pockets make us believe that we can't live without them. Since it's our money I think we can. Remember Julia? Cradle to grave care for a woman was what they were advancing. Does any self-respecting woman buy into that? Our educational system has been turned upside down where stupidity is teaching more stupidity and propagating the species. It's like a cancer.
I fail to understand how people want self-imposed slavery. To what - a large bureaucratic money munching monster? I fault the Democratic Party more than the Republicans for this attitude that the federal government is the answer to everyone's prayers. They both had a hand in it but the Democrats were hijacked by the Progressive Movement long ago.
If you want some interesting reading try Schlossberg's Idol for Destruction. He puts things into perspective quite well. He isn't an advocate of Hillary Clinton's It Takes A Village. You see Hillary is a stone cold progressive. We don't need to abrogate our role as parent to the state. That is being done.
The alarming thing is that what we see going on makes our lives their business rather than our own. Something to think about as we watch the leader of the free world lie at will, change his entire story when he is caught and then grin at the camera.
President Barack "Bystander" Obama
What is equally disturbing is The Stupid People Theory uses hatred and bigotry to help its enlistment efforts. I see it often enough in the comments section of blog articles including my own. The closed-minded bigotry is boggling as the truth is ignored in favor of what? Stupidity is the answer. My advice is that if you want to come on a thread and act stupid be prepared to be shut down. Others may be trying to learn something and have an intelligent conversation.
I've been accused of being a racist, scum and some other words I would rather not print because I happen to call stupidity and stick to the actual facts. Don't think of people telling you the truth as bad people because of your close-minded attitude that the person is a racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic conservative extremist, In most instances that isn't the case. You probably don't have any idea who that person is and their station in life. They might just be Americans concerned about the country and the course it is on. Looking at recent polls that would be the majority of people you might encounter.
The reality is that, looking at this latest Obamacare fiasco and the amount of outright lying involved, They became so enamored with Obama that they would believe anything he said., Some still do even after being confronted with the truth. It's easy to believe what a consummate liar has to say and continue to believe it up until the very moment the light finally comes on and they know they've been duped.
From The Nixon Era
People who hang their star on any politician or political party ideology seem targets for deceit by those very entities. Politics should not be a profession but it has become one. We need common people running our government and the turn over needs to be constant. That way no one becomes entrenched in the mire and stench that emanates from our nation's Capitol.
Stupidity is often self-imposed. Take the time to do some critical, logical thinking. If something doesn't seem to make any sense it usually doesn't so try not to buy into it because someone is so charming. Charm and a buck fifty will buy you a cup of coffee in your local diner.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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As Always,
The Frog Prince
Spinning A Web Of Deceit
- Listen Up Sheeple! Daddy Obama Is Spinning It Again!
Where I come from "period" means "period." With so much disarray swirling around his signature legislation it appears that Obama has again lost his memory about what he said. Period.