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The Subject Is Food Stamps (AKA SNAP)

Updated on October 23, 2013

Now why would those meanie Republicans want any able bodied person to actually work for food stamps? Heavens what are they thinking? At least to Pelosi what are they thinking. Why does her name keep coming up in the national media? Is she that much of a media whore?

Here's her quote about the proposal to cut a meager $4 billion from the SNAP, "Maybe I’m just hoping for divine intervention, but I really do believe that there are enough Republicans that will not identify themselves with such a brutal cut in feeding the American people.” some how Nancy I don't see divine intervention coming your way since the Vatican just said you are to be denied communion. The jig with you and the church is up lady.

Though on your side of the argument Pelosi, I am sure that there may be enough Republican squishes to provide some intervention though it won't be divine. Pelosi being on the far left side of Progressive aisle, I'm sure that divine intervention is way down the pecking order of the government is never to do less to help those who need to help themselves.

Except for low information voters , who usually care less, the average citizen should be concerned with what they are not being told. In the case of this story the Democrats and Squishy Republicans won't tell you that the cuts are extremely targeted. Obama has expanded the program to unbelievable boundaries and it is high time to give a good push back.

So who do they apply to? They are targeted at those able bodied individuals who zero dependents other than themselves. Well just imagine that Bill Clinton was incensed about people who wanted to collect entitlements back in 1996 but he was. the welfare reform act back in the day required recipients of welfare assistance to work to receive that benefit. Lord don't remind Nancy Pelosi of that. she'll tell you that she didn't want anything to do with an individual having their free time and leisure interfered with, including her own I might mention.

How shocking and mean spirited can one get even when Clinton was pushing it? Oh and just in passing in case you haven't noticed. Regardless of the bill that leaves the House of Representatives Harry Reid will make sure it never sees the light of day in the US Senate. Are you noticing the pattern here by any chance?

Need I Say More?

What the Democrats aren't telling you is that able bodied people need to get off the duffs and go to work to "earn" food stamps. They are claiming that children and the elderly are being targeted. Are you beginning to recognize that familiar refrain? Why should anyone be able to sit on the couch watching day time soaps and expect to receive SNAP benefits? Because Obama said it's okay and has expanded the program to keep a boot heel on as many people's pie hole as he can?

The other thing the Dems aren't laying on the line is that cut is over a 10 year period. Obama's expansion was that by one half. Just so you are better informed here are some of the provisions the House passed in the Farm Bill:

  • "Allowing states to pursue retailer fraud through a pilot investigation program and deters retailers most likely to engage in benefit trafficking by requiring them to stock three of the four major food groups to qualify as vendors.
  • Prohibiting USDA from advertising SNAP on television, radio, billboards and through agreements with foreign governments.
  • Ensuring illegal immigrants, lottery winners, traditional college students, and the deceased do not receive SNAP benefits.
  • Allowing states to conduct pilot projects that adopt TANF work requirements for able-bodied adults to remain eligible for SNAP benefits, with the exception of those with a disability or with sole responsibility of a child under the age of one, or under age six if no child care is available.
  • Allowing states to conduct drug testing on SNAP applicants as a condition for receiving benefits.
  • Ending eligibility for SNAP for convicted violent rapists, pedophiles and murderers.
  • Removing the ability for states to get waivers for the work requirement for able-bodied adults without dependents.
  • Allowing states that adopt TANF work requirements in SNAP to receive the 50 percent match for employment and training activities."

Everything I see there seems reasonable to me. So the Democratic whiny babies, as usual, need to stop crying and buck up. We saw what happened with SNAP cock roaches in Louisiana and other places when the computer system to read their cards went ddown. They became common thieves. Yes, it is past time to start reforming the SNAP program of government dependency.

Time For Everyone To Tighten Those Belts

Also on the SNAP benefit front is a 13% decrease Beginning in November. Many American families have had to make sacrifices as Obama's reign continues and incomes continue to drop as fuel prices rise. Welcome to reality SNAP recipients. The country is going broke so you need to pitch in and help turn that around too. The average stipend for a family will go from $275 a month to $239 so they'll have to adjust like many of us already have had to and not riot in the grocery stores like they did in Louisiana.

Part of what has been propping up SNAP was Obama's stimupork bill and that well is dry in SNAPville. While some in society have been talking on their Obamaphones and seem fixated on reality TV and eating their Cheetos and probably haven't paid attention to the coming cuts. We'll see how they react when the real "reality" light comes on.

Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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