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The Week In Review

Updated on June 6, 2011

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It's Been An Exciting Week For Obamacrats

This past week has been a bit hilarious as Weinergate rose up its ugly head (no pun intended), Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the new head of the DNC made a fool of herself and stuck her foot in her mouth at least twice, Obama stayed confused about how to fix the economy, but don't worry Obamacrats ACORN has the answer. Then we had the Lame Stream Media chasing Sarah Palin's bus like rabid dog's who hadn't eaten for weeks. Hope the exhaust fumes choked a few of them along the way.

Of course our liberal trolls on the internet are delighted hitting the "Vote Down" button as various writers, including The Frog Prince himself, reported the sordid details. The truth can be such a pesky thing that gets in the way of their fairy tales.

I'm running a little short of Kleenex due to having to wipe the tears of laughter out of my eyes. If you run out, may I suggest you use the sleeve of the T-shirt you bought at Goodwill.

Recapping Weinergate gets a bit complex. He dominated the news even though he didn't do much for his BVDs. He was interviewed tirelessly but no answer has been forthcoming as to whether that is Weiner's wiener or not. But the breaking news is that Whining Weiner has delivered the goods that Obama couldn't muster up. He delivered us change we can believe in. On a recent flight, the TSA xray scanners captured the image below. The first picture below is the unsolicited picture he sent his young love interest. The one beneath that is the xray of the real goods. Now that's change we can believe in I tell you!

So then new DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz flew in under Whining Weiner's smoke screen to make two profound announcements. I saw these but considered the source as I was zooming by. Have you ever really listened to this obvious Obamacrat as she screeches her pronouncements? First was her charge that if the Republicans had had their way, we'd all be driving foreign cars. Some one beat me to the punch and found out old Debbie The Clown was the proud owner of what else? A car manufactured in Japan. Naturally, she cried foul ball as the press actually pointed out her faux paux. Speaking of hypocrites Debbie Doodle,.this week's official Moron Certificate is proudly presented to the "Infinity Queen."

But wait gentle readers, she wasn't quite through. Her next pronouncement was that, scratch her little dyed blonde brain as she might, she didn't understand why illegal immigration is against the law. Are you people down there in her district paying attention to this woman, or are you really just as brain dead as she is? Here I thought Alan What's-His-Name from Orlando was over the cliff but he ain't got nothing on this one. She railed against the Republicans for this injustice and miscarriage of justice. How dare they!

I'd give her a second certificate but I'm running a short supply line lately.

Poor Law Breakers! Huh Debbie?

Then, lo and behold, Sarah Palin had her bus tour and the Lame Stream Media (LSM) Paparazzi reminded me of the hounding of Princess Diana. We all know how that turned out. They were just besides themselves that Palin had the gall to not let them know when she was going to take a potty break. Besides, the people on the bus caught a reporter taking his on the side of the road. Tomorrow's Hub will report the most outrageous charge that I've read lately about the injustices that Sarah perpetrated on the LSM. After the way they treated this fine patriot and her family since the last campaign, I'd tell them to go piss up a rope myself.

But wait! As the bus tour came to the end of the road, who should pop up but Howard Dean. Wasn't he the last chairman of the DNC before Wasserman-Schultz came aboard to steer the USS Obama? He had a proclamation to make: PALIN CAN BEAT OBAMA! Now wait a minute Howey! The way things are going Bozo The Clown could beat Obama!!! The economy is heading for a double dipper old boy. And the Obamacrats are crying foul to anyone who will listen. But to hear the libber lips talk, they want Palin on the ticket. Be careful what you wish for Progressives. We got you in our sights now just like we had the last Progressive to occupy The Whine House. Remember Jimmie Carter? He's a bit relieved.

Now I know the Obamacrats must be chomping at the bit waiting to see what comes next. This whole past week the news was dominated by Democratic hypocrisy. They were a bit disheartened that they couldn't scare the wits out Grandma and Grandpa accusing the Republicans of wanting to do away with Medicare which IS NOT what Paul Ryan's budget proposal is all about.

MEDISCARE? Who needs it with the circus that pulled into town for our entertainment pleasure last week. I'm thinking about making this a weekly feature. What do you think? It will give the liberal trolls a chance to hammer away at the "Vote Down" button without providing an explanation to Hub staff as to why. Something to think about. I never have been fond of spineless jellyfish.

So let me close with a video by my friend Ben Crystal. He's much better at satire than I am. But isn't it strange how close satire comes to being the truth. All you have to do is blend the two and dish it up!

The Weinermobile Or The Debbie Clown Car. You choose!

Y'all have a great week and let your Senators know that it would be nice to pass a budget with the spending cuts the majority of us called for in November 2010. You know, just when they can get a "Round Tuit."

Have you received yours yet?

See you on the flip flop.

The Frog Prince

Here You Go! Have one on The Frog!!!


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