Global Warming. Climate Change. The business case for saving the Planet
The business case for saving the Planet
Global Warming. Climate Change. We are reminded over and over again that we need to do more much more about ameliorating the effects of climate change. Last November the global forum on Climate Change in Copenhagenwas an attempt to do that. It faltered on political grounds; As some countries wanted to do less than others and others do nothing at all ,because they believed 'wrongly' that 'climate change' was bunk. Below is a video which beautifully puts forward a more than compelling case for business to take action on climate change. I commend it to you for your viewing. Of course we no than everyone has a propensity or inclination to resist change. This is especially the case when the change looks at first blush like costing the person making the change money or another potential loss. Hunter loving in this YouTube Video says there is money to be saved in the long run on making ones business more green and adopting green technologies.
The business case for saving the Planet
In this business address Hunter Lovins an expert in climate Change and sustainability for business explains to the audience how most of the large multi nationals already are incorporating sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint. not only are they saving the environment and money in the process but they see it as essential in competing for business in the future.