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The Fear of Unknown Virus Make People to Consume Less

Updated on March 9, 2020
Beata Stasak profile image

Beata works as a qualified primary school teacher, a councillor for drug and alcohol addiction and a farm caretaker for organic olive grow.

The fear of unknown virus when people consume and waste less make dirty energy companies truly unhappy

as the demand for their oil slow down their profit suffers while the nature can flourish for a short time again

The fear of unknown virus

make people to consume less

which make them to produce less waste

it gives an overexploited nature a breather

a little cleaner waste less place

for our environment to heal…

The fear of unknown virus

when people consume and waste less

make dirty energy companies are truly unhappy

as the demand for their oil slow down

their profit suffers while the nature can flourish

for a short time again…

Let me tell you a story of Canadian tar sands and USA shale beds

In Canada the premier of oil-rich Alberta argues

that his province should be free to develop an oil project

within his border even on a new pristine blue river

in the middle of an untouched wilderness

destroying a native settlement if he chooses to…

Unlike Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister,

who has struggled to balance oil interests with environment

and refused the arrogant Alberta’s premier request,

Donald Trump simply ignores conservation and the climate,

he has allowed drilling on federal lands and eased rules

for planet-cooking methane emissions

and yet shale beds of the USA are not in less trouble than Canadian oil sands…

Imagine the world in which rich oil companies will bribe their national governments

just like it is happening in Alberta now to battle more restrictive federal governments

Imagine the world in which they win their battles and they exploit even the last bit

of our natural heritage and wilderness?

It is not hard to imagine is it?

Let me tell you a story of Canadian tar sands and USA shale beds

The fear of unknown virus when people consume and waste less

dirty energy companies are truly unhappy

who will they bribe now to make their profits grow

like before?

Even Donald Trump’s encouragement to drill and destroy whatever you can,

does not help, where is no demands there is no will for the political bribing in place.

Low gas prices prompted a Texas regulator to propose to curb

the demands of Chevron and Exxon Mobil, the global energy giants

to pump capital into vast America’s Permian basin and exploit it more,

in this uncertain times it makes more sense to preserve it.

In spite of Donald Trump’s push to destroy the Appalachian Trail,

America’s longest hiking path for a new shale-gas pipeline that would cut beneath it,

The Supreme Court blocked it with the conclusion there are priceless natural treasure

which would be senseless to destroy for a short lasting uncertain profit.

Canada should learn from America, because America is learning from Canada:

Cracking a virgin shale bed is simpler and cheaper

than tapping new wells of thick Canadian bitumen and processing it into crude.

Therefore most international oil firms have fled down to cheaper more profit making America in this oil uncertain times.

The latest firm to retreat is Teck Resources, the global oil giants do not care about what they leave behind, all they care is their own profit and how to make it fast.

More exploitation and less responsibility for mess they leave behind suit greedy oil giants better.

A Texas regulator knows this and watching the Canada’s plight they refuse to go the same path.

Low gas and oil prices have hurt America too.

An analysis of the top 39 public shale oil companies by Rystard

An energy data firm found that cashflow

from operation exceeding capital spending at just one in four firms in 2019.

Now American companies start to behave more like Canadian ones.

They have realised the ruthless cut throat rush for a quick money

with a motto, rush in, conquer, destroy, grab what you can and move out,

is not working in a new world right now.

Investors urge oil and gas local companies to grow more slowly,

Take consideration of the environment

and return more cash to shareholders.

Pioneer Natural Resources raised its dividend and said it would pursue more modest growth with the consideration for an environment.

Concho Resources and Devon Energy, two companies with the assets in the Permian,

told investors that capital spending would be lower this year but the cost of the preservation of the natural environment around higher. The companies also raised their divident 60% and 22 % respectively.

The fear of unknown virus when people consume and waste less

The dirty energy companies are truly unhappy as the demand for their oil slow down

their profit suffers while the nature can flourish

for a short time again…

Let me tell you a story of Canadian tar sands and USA shale beds

Imagine the world in which rich oil companies will bribe their national governments

just like it is happening in Alberta now to battle more restrictive federal governments

Imagine the world in which they win their battles and they exploit even the last bit

of our natural heritage and wilderness?

It is not hard to imagine is it?

Well wait, the fear of unknown virus

when people consume and waste less

dirty energy companies are truly unhappy

who will they bribe now to make their profits grow

like before?

Imagine the world in which a rich head of the federal government with the personal interest in the dirty energy will bribe the national governments who are more restrictive and environmentally conscious to exploit more and they refuse like Texas defies Trump now…

Imagine the world in which they win their battles and they save even the last bit

of our natural heritage and wilderness from the greasy greedy hands of their president.

It is not hard to imagine is it?


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