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The Importance of Pakistan in President Trump's Visit

Updated on March 9, 2020
mehfooz ul hassan profile image

I am a student of political science and international relations. I got my master degree in political science from the University of Punjab.

President Trump's visit to India:

Two recent trends were seen in India during President Trump's visit to India. On the one hand, the Indian government made very extensive arrangements to make the visit a pleasant one, while on the other hand, in some areas of Delhi, in the city of President Trump. Extreme riots continued during his presence. The Muslims were the target of these riots and suffered a huge loss of lives and property in the meantime. President Trump's official visit was not affected by the riots because the areas where he was known were well protected by security agencies while the president himself remained silent about the riots. President Trump's visit is part of an American effort aimed at promoting cooperation with India in defense and security matters. India and the United States are not only cooperating with each other in security matters, but also in the two countries in Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

South Asian and Indian Territories:

The US believes that powerful India is important not only for security and stability in the South Asian and Indian territories but also in the region of Asia-Pacific and the South China Sea. In South China, the United States does not recognize China's claims on some of the smaller islands, and they are ready to give China open waivers in the region. India's importance in US policy regarding Asia Pena and the South China Sea is due to its problems with India and its desire to challenge the significant Chinese position in the region. The joint statement issued following President Trump's visit talked about enhancing cooperation in security and strategic issues in the region. The two consider co-operation as the key to furthering their own security interests in the region. India knows that the United States should provide it with modern weapons and equipment. India also wants to increase its chances of acquiring a missile shield system from the United States. The United States will support India on the issue of a permanent seat here following a proposed extension to the UN Security Council.

In addition, the United States will also support India's involvement in the Nuclear Supply Group. This current form of collaboration has its roots in the 2005 framework for Frando US Defense. The purpose of this framework was to promote cooperation between the two countries in the areas of security and defense. Later on, the United States did this. He agreed that it would provide fuel for nuclear reactors that would be operated to generate peaceful electricity. The major contracts that followed are the Defense Technical and Trade Initiative 2012 and the Underviews Declaration on Defense operation 2014.

During President Donald Trump's visit, Pakistan came up with two aspects. In his statement, President Trump tried to please Pakistan and him or both, but at the end of the visit, India's negative sentiment towards Pakistan was supported. Pakistan's Official and None. Government circles were thrilled when President Trump spoke about the Kashmir issue in his press conference. While emphasizing that dialogue between Pakistan and India was necessary on the Kashmir issue, he once again reiterated his offer of mediation between the two countries. They also mentioned this. That his relations with Prime Minister Imran Khan are good. And Pakistan is moving towards tackling terrorism. He also applauded the Pakistani role in the bilateral dialogue between the Afghan Taliban and the US. Most of India's leaders took great pains to declare that Trump supported Pakistan

On the other hand, President Trump also confirmed India's position on terrorism in a statement issued at the end of a visit to Indian leaders and media. In spite of cross-border terrorism, President Trump agreed with India that Pakistan should not allow its territory to be used in terrorist attacks.
The joint statement said that the Mumbai attacks of 9/11 and Pathankot attacks.
Planners should be brought to justice: He demanded that all terrorist groups, including Al-Qaeda-ISIS, Jaish-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Taiba,
Hizbul Mujahideen Haqqani Network Movement should take concrete action against Taliban Pakistan D Company and its affiliates. This is quite clear from the statement contained in the joint declaration. President Trump is not satisfied with Pakistani achievements against terrorism.

The groups I mentioned are no longer active in Pakistan. ISIS has never existed in Pakistan. Hafiz Saeed has already been sentenced by a Pakistani court, which makes it clear that Pakistan has changed its policy regarding Jamaat-ud-Dawa and Lashkar-e-Taiba. The TTP operates out of Afghanistan and is funded by India's secret agency opinion. The Cassidy Company does not exist in Pakistan and the Haqqani network is now operating from Afghanistan. However in this statement India. I have no mention of the February 2007 bombings in the Samjhauta Express in which the majority of the passengers killed were Pakistan.

The United States called for peace and stability in Afghanistan:

The Indian government has freed the Indian citizens involved in the attack.
President Trump's endorsement of India's position on Pakistan admits that he agrees with this point of view, but he refrained from making a bold statement in this regard as the United States called for peace and stability in Afghanistan. Pakistan's help is needed to extract the forces from there. Pakistan facilitated dialogue between the Afghan Taliban and the US Pay, Therefore, President Trump did not directly criticize Pakistan.
They used India to indirect pressure on Pakistan from India. The potatoes were straightened too. Trump's stance and views on Kashmir did not take place in a joint statement because the Indian government opposed it. It has also revealed that President Trump is not going to go beyond the rhetoric on the Kashmir issue. Pakistan needs to ask President Trump to mediate on Kashmir. Take concrete steps regarding statements. The US may approve a UN Security Council resolution to hold talks between Pakistan and India on the Kashmir issue, but that is unlikely to happen because President Trump views India as a strategic ally in its agenda against Asia-Pacific and China. Let's see. Pakistan's importance to the United States lies in the current Afghan peace process and in the fact that it does not engage in a traditional war with India


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