The process of illegal immigrants paying taxes
Much has been said about illegal immigrants who are working paying taxes and helping out states and the government financially. The question which must be answered is if an individual is an illegal immigrant how are they paying taxes and who is receiving the credit for the taxes. Typically when an individual pays taxes they receive the credit when income taxes are filed. I doubt that the individuals for one are not filing income tax returns. In addition the question as to what records are being maintained by businesses who have illegal immigrants working for them in terms of traceability of the taxes they collect and who they are collected from through paychecks.
Our tax system is designed in such a way that taxes paid by individuals require some traceability to the individual paying them. This requirement is engrained within the system for when individuals file tax returns the form requires the identification of how much taxes have been paid in conjunction with taxes owed. We are all familiar with this aspect of filing tax returns and it is unclear how these individuals fit into this aspect of our tax system.
Our tax system also requires a Social Security Number on tax forms and in this respect it raises a question as to how these individuals file returns. Getting a Social Security number requires some proof of citizenship or birth record which illegal immigrants would not have and this raises a question which is not easily answered. If tax returns are filed who is given credit for the taxes if a Social Security Number is provided. It is an answer which can involve identity theft which raises questions that are difficult to answer.
In another aspect related to taxes there is the matter of sales taxes which all individuals pay when making purchases. The process of paying any taxes by illegal immigrants is one which surely must involve a different method. I understand the benefits of these individuals spending money and the benefits to the economies in which they are located. Keeping the identity of illegal immigrants from being discovered and yet paying taxes does not fit the normal process within our tax system. Do we have two separate processes for paying taxes one for illegal immigrants and one for citizens? We may never know the answer to this question but it is something which gets individuals to think about the immigration issue now before us with the latest action by the Executive Department (The President).
There is no question something needs to be resolved in the area of immigration and the laws currently on the books. It is hoped that the issue of taxes and these individuals will be resolved within any framework of a revamped immigration law. There are many variables involved with revising the rules of immigration and citizenship and changes to the law needs to be bi-partisan and involves common sense approaches to the issues at hand. All parties need to communicate willingly if any action is ever going to be taken.