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The sorcerer's apprentices

Updated on December 12, 2015

To the question which landscape was my favorite? Nonequivocally, the sea and its shores had my preference. A preference that faded away when tsunamis stroke and ravaged Indonesia, Japan. From the eye of a camera, I retained swollen dead bodies floating, undiscriminating their ages and sexes, disfigured and disembowelled landscapes. The physical and human damages left an indelible print on my retina and memory, but the direct experience, the perspective of the victims was denied to the voyeuristic, curious eye from the force of nature. The alliance of speed and pressure was later visualized and comprehended thanks to the introduction of the movie Hereafter, and made me realize the nothingness of our being challenged by, compared to nature.

In a cyclic continuum Mother Nature and its will, to the manner of ancient deities ruling from their mount Olympus, dispenses its magnanimity or its wrath. Through history, accordingly to the latitudes and the longitudes, people praised the rain as a fecundity goddess, blamed the sun for its calamity. Vikings dreaded the sky to fall upon them, islandish tribes feared the roars of anger of their local volcano, the Incas, in spite of their advanced astronomical knowledge, trembled to the idea that the sun would not rise the following day. In summary, the earth's whims were imposed upon us. As science and knowledge grew in interest and democratized, Nature and its forces are understood, are mastered. In that effect, the Netherlands built coastal dunes to prevent the caprices of the ocean on their sea level status, China erected pharaonic dams to store water to be transformed in electricity (in exchange, the earth gave way to landslides), Japan adapted its building construction to its seismic condition...

From a frantic cosmic chaos, Nature taught us a lesson of humility, that it had its own organization. The imperceptible order was synthetized by Leonardo de Vinci in his Vitruvian Man that decoded Nature's canon of proportions. How many other mysteries are still hidden? Have the magnetic field (visible from the poles through its aurora borealis), the convection currents, the composition of the core of the earth... revealed its secrets or do we need more research? The pseudo-intelligentsia experts assert that the global warming is a figment of others' imaginations but photographs witnessed the existence of glaciers, banks of ice... vanishing. The COP 21 proved the contrary. The earth is cooling. It needs CO2 to thrive.

Are global warmists experts or only sorcerer's apprentices? For years, military projects experimented subterranean, submarine nuclear bombing (nuclear tests) in Alaska, Nevada, the Marshall Islands... cracking the structure of the earth, shifting tectonic plates... For years, many have been drilling, others have been using the pressure of water to atomize rock layers... While many are destroying, others are speculating on their impact on earth.

From their cogitation, many established the theory of man-made tsunamis, earthquakes. As theories remain in their state of theory for tsunamis, the man-made earthquake theory has more substance. Mining, quarrying, fluid injection and extraction... are a reality. Is there a correlation? If not, how to explain the too numerous earthquakes? The year 2011 registered 2164 of which 1960 were of magnitude 5-5,9. Is such constancy normal? Shouldn't it be more irregular given the different geology, geography, positioning on the tectonic plates, movement of those tectonic plates...? A country standing on a seismic region like the ring of fire will be more likely stricken by earthquakes. What is the rationale behind the recent Washington, DC seism? In eleven years, from 2000 to 2011, the earth vibrated 21,521 times from an earthquake. Isn't it alarming? And if it is not, does it mean that they are classified files?

I would not be so inquisitive, if it was not possible. In my researches, I came across Tesla, a genius in electricity who electrified the world with alternating current. One of his discovery occurred in his New York laboratory, where attached to a steel pillar a vibrator provoked a consequential mini earthquake. The vibrations and its resonance had an incidence on the earth structure. The government shut down the experience at once. Following up the experience, he stated that with a magnified resonance vibration he could split the earth in half. Imagine the disaster if fallen under the wrong hands? Tesla, unknowingly, opened a Pandora box.

Project HAARP was born from Tesla's telegeodynamics. Can we correlate the incrementation of earthquakes to HAARP? It makes sense. Now, if it is possible with the continental crust why not with the ocean one? Let's just hope that to the example of Goethe's poem, the sorcerer's apprentices that are our "experts" won't realize that they can't stop the destructive power because they don't know how!


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