The whole world revolves around Roti Sabzi Chai Pani as the planet revolves around the Sun
In our society and the whole world from the beginning of life till death one basic, urgent and the standard issue necessity is food. The disputes arise for management of kitchen, ration and cooking. When we go outside firstly we think about meals and how to pack it.
When marriages are settled the first and formost question is that if she knows cooking super. When she step into the in laws house after wedding every one's expectations are to take from the bride's cooking food. If the bride is perfect in cooking she is respected by in laws. But here's another point for exploitation. Every one demanding good quality no one accommodates. They only want delicious meal and calling her extra vagent. This is the main problem for middle class families.
When someone comes into the house firstly serves water and after that tea with snacks and Sweet's is served. What time it may be the tea is served in honour of of guest. If someone can't do these performances he has to be ashamed and it is said that he or she has no sense of respecting, whether she or he has shortage of money. The para meter of our society is the wisest is that who respects with all these performances.
The happiest family is that whose members have honest earnings and spend and manage their expenditure on food and remain happy with their children. If you remain happy and take your meal with satisfaction then you will find inner and outer peace every where. The children's career will also be bright.
If you are doing job and have good friends then you can enjoy the food with good company and energetic feelings. You can enjoy the lunch break with sweet gossiping and heavy burden of official work will also be released and you can do the remaining work with energetic way. Without the feeling of tiredness with positive mood you can come back to your house and give positivity to your family members.
If we remain quarreling the bad effects of this quarreling will be told upon on the family members' health and they will not be made progress and failures will be met in every field of life. So at the time of lunch quarreling should be avoided and be ready to make the environment full of happiness and positive energies.
Through the good feelings with lunch and dinner we can get every success in life.So we can say the whole world revolves around Roti, Sabzi, Chai and Pani throughout life till death. All the problems and disputes arise with meal and also finish with meals.
- How to make happy and healthy family guidance for all family members and newly wed couples - YouTube
How we can make happy and healthy family
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata