Thoughts On The 2020 Nevada Debate
If you missed it....
Granting that there are no self-made billionaires (or millionaires)….their employees were mentioned, the February 19, 2020 Nevada political debate had a lineup of a billionaire on the left side for whom the other Democrat candidates had each sharpened their knives.
The billionaire on the left, coupled with a young chap second from the right, meant that the would-be nominee field had two mayors as candidates for their party's nomination, along with two senators representing the women of their party, one senator from northern New England (who at last count did not represent any of the men of his party), and a former vice president representing the most recent Democrat who had actually occupied the White House.
The young chap on the right seemed most dedicated to eliminating the competition from the woman senator to his left. The other woman senator seemed determined to protect her colleague, if for nothing else than to have company in the powder room. The billionaire seemed determined to be rid of them all, and the other two white haired males seemed determined to lead the lineup, while arguing over which of them should actually lead.
The most prominent topic seemed to be who had the biggest, healthiest heart for the struggle, with four stents being mentioned, and every candidate's medical records and tax returns being jousted.
Next most prominent was which candidate could actually find the funds, other than the billionaire, to pay for the grand proposals they promised to implement were they to actually be nominated and elected.
The only topic they could all agree upon was their determination to defeat the re-election of the current president. After all, if one of the bunch of them couldn't, then no one of them would succeed no matter how hard they might try and how much they might spend trying.
Having watched the debate from start to finish, I found the senator from Massachusetts the most sincere and determined, perhaps because she actually was.
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