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Today's The Day!

Updated on October 29, 2012

No 4 More For Obama

Mulled It Over...

Yes, I mulled it over and considered the pro's and con's of early voting. I read a few opinions lately about whether to do the deed early or stand in line on November 6th with all the other people who want to kick Obama to the curb. I reckon the reason that struck the closest to home went as follows, "What if something happens to me and I die before I get a chance to cast my ballot?" That one strikes a chord. Better to vote now than to look down from heaven on the action on November 6th and see I missed my chance to make history. Not the kind Obama has in mind I can tell you that.

Next thing I did was pull out an old video clip and knock the dust off of it where an Obama supporter went back and interviewed her 2008 self in 2012. Now that inspired me to crank up the motorcycle and seek a polling place today I can tell you that too.


I didn't fall for the snake oil routine back in '08 because I'm old enough to know a con man when I see one. I kinda like to at least examine somewhat of a record of the candidate doing something in life whenever I vote for my President. I don't consider being a community organizer working for ACORN as qualifying for "doing something in life" so he didn't cut the mustard then either. I knew deep down that this wasn't going to turn out right and it hasn't.

So as I am contemplating on going to the ballot box in a little while I am thinking of the many reasons I can't bring myself to vote for Obama this time either. If he had done what he said he was capable of doing that would be one thing. Instead I seemed to have gotten just the opposite. Reflecting back on life I know I'm not fond of liars, especially pathological ones since they have convinced themselves. I had some clown on my FB page over the weekend observe to me that all politicians lie. My only response was "not like Obama can lie." That is a lame excuse for accepting lies in the first place. I consistently have had to give Obama "Pinocchio's" whenever he opens his mouth so I had to factor that one in.

Mesmerized By The Lies Or Listening To Your Voice Of Reason?

Unlike some I read here, I don't wander into that voting booth looking for the (D) or (R) because I can think for myself thank you very much. I also don't ask for a straight ticket ballot because I don't let a political party brainwash me either. I study the candidates, their record or lack of one and the issues. I have made those decisions before I get there, not while there. That's the luxury of being a long time registered Independent. I can swing vote with the best of em.

In Obama's case I had to make a list since I couldn't the first time because he had no record to run on back in '08. It turns out that he couldn't vote "Present" like he used to do in Illinois because Presidents don't have that option. I often wonder if anyone bothered to tell Obama that after he took the oath of office. So I made my lists remembering at the same all those thousands and thousands of things he said he could do and was going to do during his first term. But sad to say those two lists ended up being diametrically opposed. And that may well be the cause of why we see the incumbent who has turned this election into small things.

What He Said Back In 2008 He Is Delivering On Today In This Case

That video shows that he at least is delivering on that promise. His lack of success is pathetic but his own doing and no one else's. So I thought I'd share my list with you knowing I may have forgotten a few details that my fellow Hubbers can assist me with before I strike out to determine Obama's destiny on the scrap heap of historical events.

He wants 4 more but I sure won't give it to him after all of this:

  1. Trillion dollar deficits (Something about cutting them in half comes to mind)
  2. Raped and tortured ambassadors (Then covering it up and not helping those folks)
  3. Military with guns but no bullets (They just supposed to go bang-bang or use bayonets they don't have?)
  4. ObamaCare (Against the wishes of the majority of Americans)
  5. Obama Tax ( Wait! Obamacare isn't a tax. He said it wan't)
  6. Begging the world for forgiveness for our exceptionalism (His Apology Tour)
  7. Concealing his birth records, college transcripts, all indemnity-related supporting documents (Everything sealed up tight and spent millions to keep them that way)
  8. Green energy going bust Obama-regime takeover of industry (Government Motors) (I don't have time to make the complete extensive list right now)
  9. Fat-cat bailouts (Green energy bets with our tax money will suffice)
  10. Shaming our military (Grrrr....)
  11. Giving guns to drug lords so they can kill helpless families (Fast & Furious!)
  12. Praising socialist dictators (His buddy Hugo Chavez comes to mind)
  13. Disarming America (He wil have more flexibility. Just ask Vlad Putin)
  14. Pushing insane Middle East policies (Muslim Brotherhood appreciates our tax $$$)
  15. High unemployment (Even with jiggered numbers still counting 23 million out of work)
  16. Destroying domestic oil drilling (Yes, he claims otherwise but fact checks say differently)
  17. Bush-bashing (Constantly blames Bush or anyone else he can finger)
  18. Failed economy (Lowest growth since when? Been to the gas pump or grocery store lately?)
  19. Gun-grabbing (His henchman Holder's focus)
  20. Federal government expansion (17% growth in this area where we don't need growth)
  21. Unlimited imprisonment of U.S. citizens without cause (NDAA)

He Didn't Deliver On Even The Easy Promises

I won't use the Dem's mantra of "Vote Early And Vote Often" but I will say "Vote And Fulfill Your Civic Obligation." For my Obama fans just remember that you get to vote on November 8th. Have a great week.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Denial Is Not A River In Egypt."

"Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November


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