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Great People ---- U can see What makes them Great (Rania)

Updated on June 1, 2011

Here I have list of TOP 10 POWER GIVERS to share with you. Report is based on data collected in 2008. This list is about those people whom you know in some way other than they should be. The reason is that we all know some of them as an actress, a member of royal family or something else but in actual they have made a great contribution not only in making the bottom class of this world prosperous and happy but also in empowering the world. They have donated so incredible amount of money to this world individually that cannot be donated even by a community. These donors blend generosity with thoughtful activism to make contributions that count.

Here I will start with 10th place.


George Soros
George Soros

10. George Soros

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

He is a Hungarian-born businessman but his work is for almost 60 nations. He is placed 10th.

Cause: Supporting open societies across more than 60 countries through philanthropic organizations and foundations within the network of his Open Society Institute.

The efforts and donations of the Hungarian-born businessman and his network encompass a breadth of philanthropic work, from $100 million for an Internet infrastructure for regional Russian universities to $50 million for the Millennium Promise initiative to eradicate extreme poverty in Africa.

Impact: Soros' network has spent $742 million in the U.S. alone, and Soros, 76, has given away more than $6 billion during his career.


Gordon Moore
Gordon Moore

9. Gordon Moore

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

He is 9th in the list.

Cause: Conservation.

Moore and his wife Betty distributed more than $50 million last year for conservation projects, drawing on the more than $5 billion they set aside in 2001 for their environmentally focused foundation. Sample gift: $23 million for Conservation International's Center for Applied Biodiversity Science.

Impact: Studies funded by the Moore Foundation have validated new approaches to conservation, including a "catch sharing" technique for restoring endangered fish populations.


David Rockefeller
David Rockefeller

8. David Rockefeller

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

By the virtue of his work, he is placed 8th in the list.

Cause: Art and conservation.

Carrying on a family tradition of generosity, Rockefeller pledged $100 million each to the Museum of Modern Art and Rockefeller University, both in New York City. He has also funded many conservation projects.

Impact: The Rockefeller family has supported the Museum of Modern Art since its inception. The recent gift to Rockefeller University, the largest in the school's history, is aimed primarily at scientific research.


Pierre & Pam Omidyar
Pierre & Pam Omidyar

7. Pierre & Pam Omidyar

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

Smart couple, Great work. They are 7th.

Cause: Enabling the economic self-empowerment of individuals.

In 2004 the Omidyars started Omidyar Network, which allows the microfinance sector to access private-capital markets in for-profit and not-for-profit ventures. The Network operates by helping connect people who want to give with those in need.

Impact: Since 1998, the Omidyars, both 39, have donated more than $623 million, about $66 million in 2006 alone.


Li Ka-shing
Li Ka-shing

6. Li Ka-shing

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

Li Ka-shing lies at the 6th position.

Cause: Empowerment and community building through education and health care.

The charitable foundation that Li calls his "third son" donates to hospitals and universities worldwide. The Hong Kong powerhouse grew from a humble start in plastics to a $23 billion fortune via conglomerates Cheung Kong and Hutchinson Whampoa.

Impact: His donations exceed $1 billion, and he recently pledged one-third of his wealth to his foundation.


Sir John Temleton
Sir John Temleton

5. Sir John Templeton

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

5th position in the list is for Sir John Templeton.

Cause: The pursuit of spiritual understanding, often through scientific research.

The native Tennessean, 94, began awarding the annual Templeton Prize in 1972. Valued at more than $1.5 million, it is for those who exhibit "progress toward research or discoveries about spiritual realities," from philosophers to physicists.

Impact: The John Templeton Foundation grants more than $60 million a year for research into the sciences and religion.


Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal

4. Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

He is 4th in the list and a well-known personality as the representative of Islam in America.

Cause: Fostering a better understanding of Islam.

With his $20 billion fortune, he has endowed American studies at Middle Eastern universities, given $40 million to underwrite Islamic studies at Harvard and Georgetown and helped fund the construction of an Islamic wing at the Louvre in Paris. He has also given nearly $25 million to tsunami and earthquake victims.

Impact: Alwaleed has helped raise the profile of Islamic history and culture around the world.


Yu Panglin
Yu Panglin

3. Yu Panglin

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

He is 3rd in list and belongs to the highest populated country "China".

Cause: Medical care for China's poor.

In giving away hundreds of millions in recent years-$250 million in 2005 alone-Yu, 85, has funded vital treatments for needy Chinese, including cataract surgery for more than 40,000 poor villagers. The Shenzhen-based hotelier earned his fortune developing properties.

Impact: Rated China's top philanthropist in the Hurun Report, which assesses local donors, Yu has drawn attention to rural health care.


Queen Rania
Queen Rania

2. Rania al-Abdullah

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

She is on 2nd place in the list. Being a Muslim, she gives a shine to the love of Islam for humanity.

Cause: Economic empowerment.

Queen Rania has been an advocate for micro lending, launching the Global Endowment for the Poor to provide crucial loan capital to those with little income, particularly women. She recently became UNICEF's first-ever Eminent Advocate for Children.

Impact: Through her Jordan River Foundation, the Queen has helped address income disparities in Jordan. Her calls for international philanthropic collaboration have inspired new partnerships.


Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie

1. Angelina Jolie

Report Created By Jeremy Caplan and Coco Masters

She is at the top of our list and should be so because she deserves it.

Cause: Helping refugees, disaster victims, orphans.

Jolie, began work with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees in Sierra Leone in 2001, the year she became a goodwill ambassador. She has put her time, influence and millions of dollars into helping people in Sudan, Chad and Thailand.

Impact: She donates one-third of her income to charity, and her three adopted children-Maddox, Zahara and Pax-are examples of her continuing commitment to helping those in need.

Here the list ends but the work of these such a wonderful personalities is still going on. If u liked them, just leave a comment in their favour.

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