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Trump Plays Politics With Affordable Care Act

Updated on April 4, 2019
Abecedarian profile image

I followed Trump on ACA because I have an existing illness that before ACA made changing insurance very hard.

It's not about health care, it's about politics

March, 25th, 2019. Trump says he's going to repeal Obamacare, the actual name of it is the Affordable Care Act (ACA). He accomplished what he wanted. He got everyone listening.

The Democrats were ecstatic with excitement because he handed them a great attack point for the 2020 elections.

The Republicans were overwhelmed with fear and appealed to him to change course because it would annihilate them during the 2020 elections.

The Trump base, was second guessing support due to a shift in stance because they don't think all parts of the ACA are bad, they actually now think that the ACA just needs tweaking.

What did Trump get from this? He got his jolly's from seeing the Democrats excited only to come back and let them down. He also saw how much support he was going to get from the Republican Party on his repealing of the ACA.

Then a week later, he changes his mind because it's unpopular and says, "I never said I was going to repeal right now". He even tweets that he hadn't even spoken to Mitch McConnell about it.

So, why wait until 2020 to do anything about health care. Because he will use it as his wedge with his followers. Follow me and vote for me and Republicans in the Senate and House, take over again and I can repeal it.

This could actually backfire on Trump because those that have preexisting conditions or family members with preexisting conditions, now know that it is his intention to do away with it all together, even though he claimed over and over that he would not. American's with the need for that provision in the Affordable Care Act, may decide that Trump's policy on this is something they cannot get behind and vote against Trump and the GOP in 2020.

Trump is talking to you

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

March 25, 2019--Trump calls for complete repeal of Obamacare.

What happens with the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

In 2017, Trump removed the tax that American's were to pay if they didn't carry insurance as well as stopping payment to Insurance companies that were getting funding to keep costs down for those American's that needed insurance through the Affordable Care Act.

Because of those changes, the funding for those with insurance through ACA may have to pay higher prices to keep their insurance or may lose their insurance all together. Why? Because as people leave the plan, insurance companies raise plan costs to make up the difference.

If Trump and the Republicans repeal the ACA it would be disastrous to Americans. First of all because they have no plans on what they will replace it with.

To just do away with a Health Care Plan, over 29 million American's that have paid for insurance through the Affordable Care Act, would be left without insurance. And most of those are in the "red" states. Also, over one million jobs would be lost.

Thirty million American's or more will be affected by the repeal of ACA. Those American's who rely on the preexisting portion of ACA or keeping their children on their insurance until they turn 26 should be thinking long and hard about the fact that their livelihood is being used as a political tool for the 2020 elections by Donald Trump, who was elected because he claimed he would "Make America Great Again".

American voters have over a year to think and worry about what it will be like without insurance coverage should Trump and the Republicans take hold of the Presidency, the House and the Senate.

And meanwhile, they will have to put up with Trump's interference in American citizens signing up for coverage. Since 2017, he cut the sign up time from 90 days to half of that, 45 days and shut down the website on Sundays, so those that were off on weekends and could sign up only had one day to get it done.

In 2019, however, American's are still signing up for the Affordable Care Act plan even though they are no longer required to; 4.1 million of them to date. Makes one wonder, if its that bad for America, then why are people still doing it?

Trump "No I won't repeal until after 2020"

© 2019 Lady Liberty


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