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Trump and Joe Biden's Election Battle: How World Sees It?

Updated on August 19, 2020

The uniqueness of the US election is that people from other parts of the world are more interested in it than Americans


Elections in any of the world's democracies are an internal affair of that country, and it is rare for other countries in the world to take a keen interest in elections. But the uniqueness of the US election is that people from other parts of the world are more interested in it than Americans. That's why the US election on November 3 this year has been the talk of the media around the world. However, on November 3, American voters will make the final decision on whether Donald Trump should stay in the White House for another four years. The electoral vote of American voters will in one way or another have a direct impact on the political future of every individual living in other parts of the world. They greatly affect the political and administrative interests of each country. So whether it's the Republican President Trump or the Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Surprisingly, not only in the United States but also in the world, there is a sharp division between the two candidates.

Is Donald Trump's slogan "America First" has a special appeal to some conservative Americans, but to fully adhere to this slogan means to confine a world power like the United States to the borders of the United States


Democratic nominee Joe Biden has been an integral part of US politics since the 1970s, but in the recent election campaign, his main reason has been his reputation as the vice president of former US President Barack Obama. It is hoped that the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, will resurrect the same policies when he takes office as US president after winning the US election. Were common throughout. In other words, "change" was the slogan on which Barack Obama managed to reach the US presidency. Although the slogan of "change" was not fully implemented in his administration under any circumstances, many countries in the world still think that the Obama administration is one of the best administrations in the world. At that time, the United States was particularly interested in the internal and external affairs of every country in the world. In contrast, since the Republican candidate Donald Trump came to power, the United States has been gradually disengaged from international politics. Is Donald Trump's slogan "America First" has a special appeal to some conservative Americans, but to fully adhere to this slogan means to confine a world power like the United States to the borders of the United States. Nothing could be further from the truth. Besides, the slogan "America First" is a source of grave concern and concern for those of America's allies, who for years have been completely dependent on the United States in political, administrative, and defense matters.

As of 2016, Hillary Clinton was far ahead of her rival candidate Donald Trump in the poll results and she also got almost 3 million more votes than Trump. But she still lost the US election

This is very important in the context of the rapidly changing global situation. Who will be the next President-elect of the United States? As US Election Day approaches, polling stations in many other parts of the world, such as the United States, are asking the general public which candidate they support. The information obtained as a result may be somewhat helpful in estimating the expected successful candidate, but it is by no means possible to know definitively about the winning candidate based on the poll criteria e.g. As of 2016, Hillary Clinton was far ahead of her rival candidate Donald Trump in the poll results and she also got almost 3 million more votes than Trump. But she still lost the US election because the US uses such a unique and bizarre Electoral College system, in which getting more votes does not mean that your favorite candidate will win the election. Interestingly, Joe Biden is currently ahead of Donald Trump in the national referendum in the United States and his popularity has been up to 50% for most of this year. On some occasions, he had a ten-point lead over President Trump, but in the last few days, Donald Trump's popularity has also begun to rise. It would be very foolish to believe in victory because in the US election, it is not the results of the referendum but the states that decide who will be the winning candidate. As Hillary Clinton realized in the 2016 US election, more important than the number of votes you get is which state you win the vote in. Since most states are strongholds of a single political party. Therefore, there are only a few states where both candidates have an equal chance of winning. These are the most important states where elections are won or lost.


According to the latest reports, the global gambling market is being given a rate of three to one for Trump to win. The global gambling market cannot be ignored in terms of predicting the expected outcome of the US election.

In the US election, these states have the status of the real battlefield. At the moment, the position of Biden in the polls of the Battle Ground states seems to be much better than that of his rival candidate Trump. According to the latest poll, Biden Currently, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have the upper hand. These three industrialized states were won by Donald Trump by a narrow margin of 1% in the 2016 election. But the states where Trump won by a large margin in 2016. Iowa, Ohio, and Texas are the three states where Trump won. Had a clear lead of 8 to 10 percent, but now the results of the polls in the same three states are predicting a contest between the two candidates. But the national opinion to estimate the expected US president. In addition to the census, there is another scale and that is the global gambling market. According to the latest reports, the global gambling market is being given a rate of three to one for Trump to win. The global gambling market cannot be ignored in terms of predicting the expected outcome of the US election. That the gamblers in the gambling market are far more influential in world politics than the national voters. So if there are indications in the global gambling market that Donald Trump will be re-elected US President, it simply means that the powerful circles in world politics want to see Donald Trump re-elected US President.


Russia and Iran are among the countries trying to influence this year's US presidential election. China, in particular, does not want to see President Donald Trump re-elected, while Russia wants to field Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

Our view is further strengthened by a recent statement issued by William Ivanina, head of the National Counter Intelligence (NCSC), a US intelligence agency, in which he said: Russia and Iran are among the countries trying to influence this year's US presidential election. China, in particular, does not want to see President Donald Trump re-elected, while Russia wants to field Democratic candidate Joe Biden. It wants to sabotage the campaign, and to that end, Russia is working hard on social media and on Russian television to sway public opinion in favor of President Trump's victory. In addition, Iran is undermining US democratic institutions. President Trump is spreading misinformation and anti-American material online to root out the country before the vote. Iran is doing all this because the Iranian establishment thinks that if President Trump is re-elected, American pressure on Iran could increase to an incredible extent. However, William Ivanina, the head of the NCSC, said: "All security measures have been taken to make it completely safe from foreign interference."

If people in other parts of the world are expressing their full interest in the US electoral system, then the American people and American institutions should be proud that the world is changing any way in American politics.

William Ivanina has no doubt that the US election will not be an easy task to be systematically influenced by rival countries. But it is very difficult for us to agree with them that if other countries of the world are interested in the US election, then this behavior of the world could harm or harm the interests of the American people in the future. Unlike William Ivanina, our view is that if people in other parts of the world are expressing their full interest in the US electoral system, then the American people and American institutions should be proud that the world is changing any way in American politics. Considers it a cause of gain or loss for itself. As far as President Donald Trump and Joe Biden's candidacy in the US election is concerned, the final decision will have to be made by the American people on November 3, and of course, whatever the American people decide will be decided by any country in the world. The situation cannot change. Therefore, everyone in the world is requested to continue to provide moral or practical support to their favorite candidate and allow the election war to turn into a real war in any case.


Who is Winning the US Election 2020?

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This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2020 Rao Muhammad Shahid Iqbal


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