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Trump's and Biden's Nepotism

Updated on October 15, 2019

It All Looks Bad

Joe and Hunter Biden

President Trump has been ranting about Joe and Hunter Biden, that, Hunter, is son, was paid $50,000 a month while on the Ukrainian Board of Directors at Burimsa, a natural gas firm. Hunter knew very little about natural gas, but because his father was then Vice President in 2014, the Biden name had leverage. Trump also just lies about the mysterious $1.5 billion from China regarding the investment fund, BHR, that Hunter was on the Board of Directors in 2013 and had a 10% stake in by 2017.

What Trump does not tell you is that Hunter was NEVER paid for his role, it was more of a honorary title AND he never has seen any monetary return from his 10% stake. BHR in 2014, was trying to raise $1.5 billion and one of the major shareholders was the Bank of China. While Hunter and his dad did meet once in a hotel lobby with one BHR investor in 2013, the only thing that came from it was this unpaid, honorary position. Hunter did not earn millions of dollars from this, as Trump wants you believe, but it did show leverage since his dad was Joe Biden.

Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric Trump

In contrast, the three adult kids of President Trump, who run his business and their own have earned between $29 million and $135 million just last year from their companies and investments under the highly leveraged Trump name. Ivanka, who has zero skill sets in government, hold senior positions in their dad's administration.

President Trump promised that during his tenure, his two sons would not conduct any new real estate deals. I guess the apple does not fall from rotten tree because since then (2017) Trump real estate has sold off more than $100 million in properties. One property was federally subsidized housing that Ben Carson had to approve the sale of! He is Secretary of House and Urban Development. Another property was sold in the Dominican Republic, thus was a foreign deal.

In 2017, Trump real estate sold a $16 million Park Avenue penthouse, formerly used by Ivanka, to a Chinese consultant firm that has ties to the Chinese government and military. The Chinese paid 13% more than what similar units were selling for at the time, which was 25% less.

Ivanka's West Wing position is just nepotism at the worst. Her skill set is a fashion designer. A day after Ivanka and her husband at met Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, the Chinese government granted three trademarks to sell her jewelry, bags, and other services there. In 2018, she was granted another 16 Chinese trademarks and just this year, China granted five more. All of these help her sell her brand of clothes etc., in China. Had there been no daddy in the WH, it is nearly impossible to believe any would have been granted. Let's face it, the Trump name means many things when selling. Thus, Ivanka and her brothers are greatly benefiting from their dad being in POTUS. Far more than Hunter Biden even did.

Then, still worse came, just last month, Fox news asserted that Trump's sons were no longer doing any foreign deals. Just a few hours later, Eric Trump, announced that a new development to include 500 homes, sport center and a new golf course had been approved in Scotland! Then, in 2018, Don Jr. went to India to promote and sell more than $1 billion in luxury residential units. There was so much news in India about this, selling them was not difficult because everyone knows the Trump name and who the president of the USA is.

Conflict of Interest and nepotism is just very rampant in the Trump world. Nobody really expects anything bad to happen by having it exist. So when POTUS starts to rant about Biden, just know, the door swings both ways!


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