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Lies and Untruths About the Safety and Sustainability of Nuclear Power

Updated on May 30, 2016
LillyGrillzit profile image

Snapshots of the evolution of environmental and work safety regulations and the reason why.

Arguments Against Nuclear Plants, and Waste

1). Yucca Mountain is Shoshone Tribal Land filled with people. This People as US History dictates has not been protected by any Governmental Organization. Many arguments for having the Spent Plutonium Repository at Yucca Mountain, is that "no one lives out there anyway".

How it can be in a time way past the Civil Rights movement, that Indigenous Peoples are still not seen as People. There are children, parents, uncles, aunts and so on. They have been riddled with cancers and other disease from the dirty use of Land assigned to them by the U.S. This is insanely criminal. There is always water underground and the area is already affected by the tons of plutonium stored there.

2). Any time hazardous materials are being shipped, there is danger of accidents, and whole trucks do come up missing product all the time. Whole truckloads are hijacked, stolen and destroyed every week. The "safety video" showing how safe hauling of nuclear waste on trucks was from the early 70's or 80's.

3).Nuclear Plants have some of the tightest security in the country precisely because they are easy targets.

In the early part of 2008 the entire Interstate 40 at the Hwy 7 Junction, was closed off due to a bomb threat less than one mile from the Nuclear Plant at Russellville, AR

3a).On 911, Middle Eastern gentlemen entered the Russellville Private Airport, wanting to take planes, and were held by local law enforcement because they are a small town. They ended up releasing them, and they were last seen by the Nuclear Plant

"A Picture is Worth 1000 Words" "Bridge of Death by Vivo(Ben)via bored panda "Bridge of Death by Vivo(Ben)via bored panda | Source
"deserted secondary school near Chernobyl" credit-mrbisson via bored panda
"deserted secondary school near Chernobyl" credit-mrbisson via bored panda | Source
Left - 1 of 5 schools w over 1000 students by Vivo(Ben)/Right 20th cent exhibit on capital hill by Anosmia - via bored panda
Left - 1 of 5 schools w over 1000 students by Vivo(Ben)/Right 20th cent exhibit on capital hill by Anosmia - via bored panda | Source

This Hub was Written in 2010 Before Japans' Nuclear Meltdowns

Today is December 17, 2011. The past two years have been riddled with environmental disasters caused by the hunger for energy from unnatural sources.

TEPPCO, a firm who handles radioactive waste, who hold active Hazardous Waste permits, in Arkansas in Region 6 of the EPA.

They are permitted to transport and dispose of radioactive waste from nuclear plants. Unfortunately, the NRC regulates themselves.

The chain of custody of radioactive waste and its handling, has not been regulated to optimize health, safety and human health.

The waste is getting into our foods and waters and we must change the way we get energy.

Lessons Learned from Yucca Mountain

Many Nuclear Plants in the US were Built in the 1970's and 1980's

4).The Chernobyl Plant, is the same design as many in the US today. The argument is that Russia did not have the money to operate the plant how it was supposed to, and there are various excuses given to the 3-Mile Island meltdown too. Most Nuclear Plants in the U.S. were built during the late 70's and early 80's. Leaks, spills, and other mishaps are documented in large volumes all over the world. Under Government Documents.

5). Russellville, Arkansas has 500 times the Cancer rate as an average in the US. The nuclear plant has a Freak Show Museum they charge money for the citizens to come and see. At Arkansas Tech University, there is an entire room of Government Documents showing all the spills, reports and mishaps. The nuclear plants do not answer to the EPA or any other Environmental Agency, they answer to themselves.

6). The cost to build a Nuclear Plant is tremendous. The amount of groundwater required to cool the Nuclear Plant are enormous, with rising global temps, it may become impossible to cool them safely. The shortage of clean water for human consumption is on the rise, so energy ideas need to use the least water possible.

7). The profit made by Nuclear Plants is outrageous. Those who work in the nuclear industry are paid handsomely for the risks they endure. This drives up the price of shelter, food and clothing. Since Nuclear plants are not situated in wealthy neighborhoods, it increases the poverty of those who are nearby residents. A nuclear plant affects the environment and human health. Anything near the High Voltage wires will die or be changed into a freak show.

Paranoid Does Not Equal Wrong

8). (This was a response to a Hub that was why arguments against nuclear power are wrong. I this was how long my answer was. I cut it, and made a Hub about it.) I am sure this comment will never be published, because it sounds like you work for a group that is pushing Nuclear and "Clean Coal" technology, and the truth is what you make it. Recently the US Department of Energy made and Mutual Understanding and Agreement with the US Military to make Nuclear,Natural Gas Extraction and Clean Coal the "security" forms of Energy. It will be a mandate to citizens to use non-renewable resource.

9). Solar and Wind will put big dirty energy providers like Nuclear and Coal out of business. Individuals can easily power their own homes even passively. With a few hundred dollars, each homeowner can convert their home to passive solar, WaterSense® by EPA, and use solar technology to be off of the grid...again, these people will protect their bottom line.

10). The costs in building, ground water, waste disposal, and maintenance far out weigh the benefits of nuclear energy.


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