Victimized By The Government - Leave The Drama To Your Mama
The Signs Are There
Poor victims, poor, poor victims. Life has dealt them a different hand from those who are willing to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. I have to reflect on the Occupy Wall Street Movement who claims they are the 99%. No, not really. Better classified by the 47% bracket. I have a problem myself with the 47%, some say it's 49 or 51%, who pay no income tax in support of this nation. They have no problem putting their paws out to be filled with government goodies, they use the roads and bridges that the rest of us built and in some cases breed generation after generation of welfare recipients who would never give a thought to working. Blast Romney if you care to but what he said, and a pathetic site like Mother Jones wants to make a scene about, is spot on and the truth.
Looking at the polls right now Romney is absolutely right. Right around 47% of Americans want the government to be there Nanny. Obama wants you to let him continue to be your Nanny and build his dream dependency state. Obama has the unusual title of being known as The Food Stamp President. Deny it if you want but food stamps are up to 47 million recipients. Coincidental? It has to be. Under Team Obama the Agriculture Department has been advertising and promoting food stamps hooking more people on this huge entitlement program. They'll even throw in a free cell phone when you sign up.
Before we listen to exactly what Romney said when addressing a Florida fund raiser crowd, lets listen to Peggy Joseph and exactly what kind of person Romney knows he will never be capable of penetrate her pea sized brain in the voting booth.
They Walk Among Us...If I Help Him, He's Gonna Help Me?
Those are the type of people that Romney was referencing. It's called the entitlement crowd and all of us probably know some of them. Many of us may, in fact, be related a few of them and maybe even some who are reading these words are them. What Romney is referring to was our nation moving toward economic dependency (Who's your Nanny?) and away form economic indpendence where you do for yourself. Many, maybe not all but many, of Obama supporters do see themselves as victims. They slurp down that Obama-Aid about redistribution of wealth because they feel that they are the underdog and don't have the same fair shake the rest of us have. Maybe it's because we're willing to bust a hump and do what has to be done rather than want someone else to "build it for us."
Obama talks about "fairness" while failing to mention those 47% who pay not a cent of income tax to help support this nation. Fairness seems to be one sided in Obamaville. Why should anyone expect to reap the fruits of another's labor without toiling like the provider of the fruit? Yeah, Obama's gonna pay your mortgage and buy your gas. What a crock of horse crap that is.
So here's what Romney said to that fund raiser crowd and the fact is that what he said is true. Maybe not put the most eloquent way but being politically incorrect myself I have to praise his honesty.
What the Lames Stream Media leaves out of the discourse is the fact that Obama believes, and has believed, in the redistribution of wealth. He had that exchange with Joe the Plumber in Ohio back in 2008. Let there be no doubt that Obama is a believer. I keep encouraging every one who is a citizen of the nation to go see the documentary 2016, Obama's America. The redistribution of wealth is NOT a new concept that Obama invented. It was a principle advocated by Karl Marx. Karl termed it this way and this is exactly what Barack Hussein Obama believes, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Straight up Marxist rhetoric.
Listen to this clip form 1998 in his own words.
The Roots Of Obama...
I'm known as a "facts guy" so lets talk facts, not rose colored lens stuff. 47% of "tax-filers" pay no income tax. Nothing in that sentence said Americans, it refers to tax filers. So why is that anyone who files a tax return pays zero (not a dime) in income taxes and often gets back more than they put in? Bottom line? That allows 47% of tax filers to have no a skinny penny invested in the federal government at income tax time. The argument would be that they pay payroll taxes such as social security and medicare. Save it because that isn't income tax and is not meant to fund the government, though the government has been dipping into that kitty to fund their largesse.
Much of that abuse is built into the tax system in the form of tax credits, the earned income credit (a biggie for the entitlement crowd), exemptions and so forth and so on. That's why many of us hire a CPA to do our taxes, but we still pay taxes. The flip side is are the crowd Romney alludes to. Remember Peggy Joseph above? I guarantee you that she is a "professional victim." She also fits the free loader profile who believe that we owe her something and the federal government's role is to be your Nanny. Read the US Constitution for Pete's sake.
So in reality, that thing the far left wants to avoid, who picks up the load for the 47%? Who is pulling the wagon and who is taking the free ride?
Lest The Press Forgets...
Why is what Romney said controversial at all? Does the truth sting that much? Is the truth that controversial? We just need to look at the way this nation is heading with these career, pick pocket politicians leading the charge. We are looking at The Nanny State. The government is spending about a trillion dollars a year in means tested entitlement type welfare. Fact check that one if you care to. That does not include social security and medicare which are contributory and not meant to be classified as entitlements in the first place.
So the Lame Stream Media is going to latch onto another diversion to deflect attention from the main issues of this election. Those would be the national debt, continued high unemployment without an end in sight with Keynesian economists calling the shots, poverty and welfare on the rise, and an out of control federal government. I find this latest distraction npot a distraction at all and a subject Romney needs to keep hammering away at:
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As Always,
The Frog Prince
FOOTNOTE: Since publishing this "Mother Jones admits that it has no full tape of what Romney said, and that its video is missing "one to two minutes" at the most important moment." Imagine that! A far left wing trash rag practicing selective editing? And the Lame Stream Media slurping up the koolaid like the lap dogs they are.