What Causes More Violent Crimes?
What Causes More Violent Crimes?
A Gun? A Knife? A home made Bomb?
Or the Unbridled Lust of the Nation that is saturated with Violent Video Games, Telivision Programming and other forms of Violent Media Coverage that Bends peoples minds toward paths of violence… Using any tool they can find (legal or illegal) to slaughter innocent people…
I for one am sick of hearing about the “Need of more Gun Control” from people who are Deliberately Silent on Violent Programming.
It is Not time to Disarm the people so that we cannot defend ourselves or our families…
It is time to turn around the cycles of Violence that are formed from a society that Glorifies Violence and killing in the Media.
Guns are not alive.. they do not have brains and cannot shoot of their own volition. People use guns.. for good or for bad. To Protect their families from intruders... or to murder the innocent victims. Unlike Guns which have no brains... People do have brains... and Brains, like any other form of Computer are "Programmable". Unlike the computer you type on however the Human Brain is Primarily programmed by the senses of sight and sounds. If we as a society allow the media to "Program our Children with Violence" through the Merchandising of Media.. and that programming combined with other stimuli (like alcohol and other drugs) results in the death of innocent people... then We as a society are to blame for not putting a leash and muzzle on the runaway media.
Gun Registrations and Bans are nothing more than a Scapegoat... a Diversionary Tactic to pacify the populace while the real culprits who are making the money on Violent Media are free to ply their trade and continue making money on the violence.
Back up... take a look at the larger picture.