Voting Exposed - White Lies
From Churches to Internet: What's with All the Voting Brainwashing?
"If you don't vote, you have nothing to say...what about your ancestors who died to must be out of your mind not to vote in this election..." If you didn't vote and told a relative or friend you didn't, then you most likely heard similar statements. For some,you might have experienced guilt feelings afterward, but for others, you stood tall and said, "Yes, well it's my right to choose what I want to do, now isn't it?"
Forcing, paying, threatening, insulting, and doing other things to people to get them to come out to the polls is insane when you really look at things for what they are. But why do so many do this? Oh sure, there are those who spout off rights based on the Constitution and others who quote from relatives and friends, but the real reason behind getting out to the polls is quite simple, you help your local, state, national, and international governments. Follow the money trail, people!
Let's say I needed personal information from you, would it be easier for me to ask for it or to hide what I want with statements like, "Come on out to vote...Voting is your right!"
Since you voted, let's see everyone who needs to know or would like to know what you have been up to now has your updated information. It is made public, don't believe me? Do your research, here's one link to get you started: Voter Privacy. Name, address, phone, email, etc. is in many databases across our land (see here, email addresses sold) and elsewhere depending on what allies are privy. If you are running from child support, an agency, a doctor, even a civic group, we found you! Let's see, what else does Big Brother do with your voting information? Contact you for jury duty, of course. What else? Well, he can tailor political, religious, civic messages and more in the future to tickle your ears. He can also orchestrate a new campaign that gets even more of you out to vote who didn't vote in the last election.
So my friend, you, who are sold out on voting, help big government further control the people and you help individuals and businesses collect money from voters who owe this one or that one. In addition, you just might have shook some people in hiding "to come on out." Yes, you, Mouthpiece, Citizen, Patriotic Do-Gooder, you did your job well. Follow the money trail.
Ever wonder why there is so much focus on Ohio and Florida besides electoral votes?
Who Cheated?
- When You Can't Win Cheat: Election Fraud From Coast To Coast | Addicting Info
Cheating started long before the elections. - RNC Caught Cheating Again - Forged Voter Registrations in Florida- more states to come | Peace . Gol
- Crooked Democrats Block Voter ID Laws to Cheat
- PressTV - US voter intimidation, cheating on rise
Iran's television network, broadcasting in English round-the-clock. Based in Tehran. - Democrat election workers currently cheating the vote: you’ll love federal prison | RedSta
You may already know this: there will be a reckoning. Actually there will be three. This is primarily about the third one. The first reckoning - America's
DNC Staffer Assists on Voting Twice - Oct. 1, 2012
Election Fraud
Do you believe that the President is already picked before citizens vote?
The Lengths People Will Go To Keep a Candidate Out
Obama was Picked Before You Voted
Voter Manipulations
- The Influence of Subliminal Messages | Psych Central News
Subliminal messages--messages that are processed by our brains but never reach our consciousness--really do influence attitudes and behavior, according to a new - Voter Fraud and Manipulation of Election Rules -
Partisan efforts to manipulate voting rules are worsening. - Lincoln and the Obama Comparison. Predictive Programming? | Peace . Gold . Liberty
- Stop Slogan-Voting. Stop Hate-Voting. Stop Being Manipulated. Part 8. Hate-Voting = Using the Devil&
- What Does the Bible Say About Manipulation?
Bible verses about Manipulation - Brainwashing, Mind Control, Indoctrination, Oppression, Intimidation,Legalism, False Teaching, and B
Brainwashing, Mind Control, Indoctrination, Oppression, Coercion, Intimidation, Legalism, False Teaching and Bondage in the Modern Christian Church.