We, Three Kings, of ...............
The three kings rule their walled off kingdoms with their iron fists.
What about the rest of us?
The rest of us for them is nothing more than significant military areas, consisting of insignificant humans that need to be divided and conquered by any means possible.
Once upon a time, there was a Russian king called Putin who won his first still democratic election with a promise to make his Russia ‘great again’. His fearful and poor people, who had been part of the mighty Communist Soviet Union before, were now on a new path towards capitalism, democracy and freedom of speech. They dream of prosperity and peace.
Over time, Putin put the Russian type of capitalism in place, bringing prosperity to himself and his followers and taking freedom of speech away. When people started to protest, noticing that they had lost their voice again like in Communist times, he picked up his white Russian nationalistic card and shouted: ‘Russian people invade other countries because we are stronger and better than others. Let us make the mighty Soviet Union great again. If you let me rule you the way I want, I will make Russia great again.”
Today there are no more democratic elections in Russia, only Putin’s elections. There is no more free speech in Russia, only Putin’s speech. There are a few extremely rich Russian oligarchs living in Petersburg and Moscow who own a number of worldwide luxurious businesses and properties, who need to keep their mouths shut and serve their king Putin. The rest of the population just needs to keep their mouths shut and serve their King Putin.
Russia has become a worldwide threat, invading other countries and helping tyrants all over the world to kill their own populations if they disobey. Russia is now a world leading expert in cyber warfare, meddling in American and British elections and government affairs. I can't talk freely with my friends that I made in Russia while studying there in my youth, because they're not allowed to talk freely anymore. They just send me images, if they're lucky to have an internet connection - images of the bleak world that they live in, surrounded by commercialism and gadgets that they can't use freely.
They're imprisoned in their capitalist-like Russian state. Their king dreams to make the mighty Communist country a superpower again. Their king has a brain and all the power a king can get. Russia is an autocratic state.
King Number 2:
He persuaded the Communist party to let him rule forever with the promise to make China great again.
With his belt and road initiative, he decided to buy the world, not invade it, like Putin. The developing world owes money to Xin Jinping now and he owns their trading posts. He decides how they trade and with whom now.
The Chinese in his Communist state never have had freedom of speech and never will. The rich middle classes live in prosperous polluted cities surrounded by all the gadgets and commercial goods that one can get. They're encouraged constantly to consume, buy and waste and buy more. Like perfect consuming machines, to keep the circulation of money and business booming in China. They're encouraged to buy as many gadgets as possible, to digitally connect in China with Chinese, the way they're ordered by Xin Jinping. At the end of the day, all of the gadgets that they buy, lead them to only one connection: Xin Jinping.
Xin Jinping has found the way to control his people: by their mobile data and their digital profiles, that all belong to Xin Jinping. The Communist party knows every movement of every Chinese, their way of life and way of thinking and way of feeling. There's nothing that any Chinese can hide from Xin Jinping. Their bodies, souls and minds belong to Xin Jinping from their cradles to their graves.
The Chinese friends that I've made in Australia, while they studied and did business here, are not allowed to talk to me freely over the phone or the internet while they are in China because Xin Jinping is listening. Always. Even if they're here in Australia, they keep their mouths shut. They always praise China. They're ordered to.
Xin Jinping uses his brain to rule, and his unlimited power to keep his Huan Chinese prosperous by taking land from Uighurs - locking them in concentration camps and giving that land to his Huan disciples. He took over Tibet and put his Huan disciples in a place of absolute power there. Xin Jinping broke the agreement between England and China to keep Honk Kong independent from China. Now Huan disciples rule there too, in Xin Jinping’s name. Xin Jinping expands his territories in the South China Sea. He's now the second biggest player after Russia in the cyber warfare.
Chinese people are now divided between the rich middle class that is money driven, and the rest of the poor, that wish to be money driven. Chinese are encouraged to think about nothing else but money. Xin Jinping will provide for them if they're Huan Chinese and if they promise to serve him from the cradle to the grave. They're selling their bodies, minds and souls to Xin Jinping. They're showing off their Huan Chinese yellow cards, letting Xin Jinping kill minorities and invade other countries so that they can buy more gadgets, even buy the whole world.
America Before King Number 3
History will treat him well for that. Obama inherited a depression in America and conflict in Syria.
He was not ready to invade. Everyone remembered only too well, the Bush Junior fiasco in Baghdad. Bush Junior invaded Iraq on the lie that Saddam Hussein was harbouring weapons of mass destruction. He then massively destroyed the whole country. Iraq is destroyed, while Bush junior is enjoying a peaceful and luxurious retirement, painting idyllic countryside pictures in his beloved Texas, apparently.
It was in post Bush Junior Iraq, that Islamic freedom fighters were born - protesting against Bush Junior and his invasion of their country. They're fighting the world to this day. Obama inherited the Islamic freedom fighters and their fighting in Syria. Putin sent his army there instead. Syria collapsed and it was the end of the country as we knew it. Three quarters of the Syrian population fled to find refuge in the West. The walls that collapsed when the Berlin wall crumbled down in the nineties, were put up again. The West didn't want to share their riches with the poor from different cultures and origins. It would make the West weak and poor again, if they were afraid.
The Self Coronation of King Number 3 – I Am Trump, Who Is Greater?
The rise of 'Trumpists'
The white middle classes, consisting mainly of old evangelicals, follow him as their new God, after their own Jesus Christ. He speaks their language of power of money. He tickles their pride in being white and proud of it, because it means to be above the others, right? He promises to build a wall to protect their mighty American kingdom from the poor and not white and not evangelicals, because the majority of Americans are white and rich and evangelicals, right? So who cares about the rest? Welcome to the kingdom of the white evangelical ‘Trumpland’ with the self-imposed king Trump as it's head.
He watched Putin and Xin Jinping and he tried to follow in their footsteps: silence journalists, replace anyone in your government who disagrees with you, promote your own TV station: Fox News and make your own propaganda to feed the people every day with your own news: Trump tweets are important, just like Communist propaganda. Label the truth as fake news to confuse people. They'll stop believing others and start to believe you: Trump truth.
Unfortunately for Trump, there are other people living in America - not only his old white evangelical disciples. They're usually poorer and not so white, not all of them anyway, often more educated and decent. Trump doesn't value education nor decency, but no dictator or bully ever did. So no one expects him to understand that America is not Russia nor China. He can't proclaim himself to be a dictator for life and not change the constitution, as the two other kings that he admires have done.
Trump can use his Trump white nationalistic card successfully only for his own old white evangelical bunch. I have a few good friends in America who are his followers. Through them, I try to understand how someone so goodhearted and such a good judge of character, can ever follow or admire someone like Putin or Jinping. Someone who does not have even their brain power, just a lust for power.
I came to understand that their admiration for Trump lies in every core of their evangelical belief, that they were raised with by their mother, from their cradle to their grave. Like the Chinese or Russians are brainwashed by their kings, they're perfect ‘Trumpists’ who were just waiting for him to come along. When I visit their churches or listen to their sermons, where greed is celebrated as a God given right, white colour is celebrated as a God given gift and power is celebrated as a God given right to defend your way of life by taking other lives, just protect what you believe in. Use your gun, hallelujah. It is all allowed by God and God given and God celebrated. Long live the Trump! Give him a bible, even upside down, give him a gun, give him an army. And let us sing Amazing Grace now. They sing, thumping their big white chests and holding on to their white Trump cards…
America is not Russia or China and never will be. There, black lives matter and other nationalities and cultures matter, democracy matters, human rights matter
Do you think they'll go?
Of course not. They value their American democracy and freedom of speech way too much. They just have to learn that there are others in America who have a right to it too. Not only them and their Trump!