Let me start out by saying I’ve been involved in politics at one level or another for a LONG time. I’m from a very Democratic state (Rhode Island) but I grew up in a Republican family (my father was an alternate delegate to the 1952 Republican Convention. I have a picture of him with Dwight Eisenhower.) I got interested in politics at a young age - the first conventions I watched on TV were in 1956. By 1964, I was convinced I was a “middle-of-the-road” Republican but then I read “The Conscience of A Conservative” by Barry Goldwater and it made me see things in a whole new way. (I met him once and got his autograph - he was a great guy.) I joined Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) and became a lifetime subscriber to National Review.
So now you know where I’m coming from, as that rather trite expression goes. So you must know as well that I am not a fan of the current administration. Being on one side or the other in an election is obviously no big deal except that this election, I believe, is different. It is not just Republican vs. Democrat, conservative vs. liberal, etc. This election will decide whether America is restored to greatness, or it accelerates the current decline into mediocrity. This election will decide whether America returns to following the Constitution, or continues to ignore it whenever it becomes inconvenient. This election will decide whether America brings itself out of the morass of bloated government, huge deficits, and more and more taxes and regulation, or becomes another, European-style welfare state. And, perhaps most important, this election will decide whether America restores its leadership position in the world, or subordinates itself to the whims of the (useless) United Nations, an organization which has the likes of China, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, and Uganda on its “Human Rights Council.” A few facts:
In 2008, candidate Barack Obama stated that the debt left by George W. Bush was “un-patriotic” Well, When President Bush took office, the national debt stood at just under $5.8 trillion and it was $10.6 trillion when he left. That’s an increase of $4.8 trillion in eight years. Obama has been president for three years and 2 months and the national debt now stands (as of time of writing) to just under $15.5 trillion. So Obama has increased it by almost 5 trillion dollars in three years. Five trillion. Now who is more “un-patriotic?” Update - it's early September 2012 and we are about to cross the $16 trillion mark - right at the beginning of the Dems convention!
He promised to “fix” the health care system. We got Obamacare, the virtual government takeover of one-sixth of the economy. How did he do it? Remember the Democrats had both houses of Congress when this monster bill was passed but they still barely got it through. It passed the House of Representatives by a handful of votes and they had to change the rules to get it through the Senate (not to mention virtual bribes to a few moderate Democrats to get them to vote for it). Health care costs have gone up and the worst is yet to come.
He spent hundreds of billions of dollars on the “stimulus” package which stimulated nothing. It just added to the deficit.
He went around the world apologizing to world leaders for America’s “missteps” in the past, in essence, apologizing for America defending itself against terrorism.
He has greatly undermined our support to Israel, our only true ally in the Middle East.
President Obama did nothing when there was a perfect opportunity to influence events in Iran during the protests against fraudulent elections in that country, which were savagely put down by the Ayatollahs. Now he stand idly by and makes grandiose statements about “not allowing” Iran to have nuclear weapons, but what has he done to stop them?
He has curtailed religious freedom by forcing religious organizations to help finance practices contrary to their beliefs (and, no, there is no Republican “war against women.” That is a big lie).
He intends to reduce our nuclear arsenal to about 300 warheads, making our nuclear deterrent a joke. He also gave up our missile defense shield in Eastern Europe at the behest of the Russians and got virtually nothing in return.
In Iraq, he has announced pulling out our troops even though it is far from certain our mission their has been fulfilled. (Indeed, he has shamefacedly taken credit for the results of the Bush-surge, even though he was adamantly
against it at the time.)
Oh, he did get Osama bin Laden. But what he did not tell you was the reason we got the guy was mainly because of policies and procedures initiated by his much-maligned predecessor, George W. Bush. (By the way, Mister President, you’ve been in office for over three years. Don’t you think it’s time you assumed responsibility for the mess we’re in?)
I could go on and on but you get the picture. I don’t know if any of the current Republican candidates is the “perfect” replacement for Barack Obama, but they could hardly be any worse. I hope and pray for the sake of the nation that he loses big, and the Republicans retake the Senate and increase their majority in the House.
Many politicians have stated that the future of America depends upon their election but, this time, that’s no joke. It’s for real.