A Few More Tidbits
It seems like I raised quite a stir when I posted the original article, “Why November 2012 is the Most Important Election of Your Lifetime.” Some of the comments dismissed the article as “regurgitated boilerplate of the Tea Party-Koch-Corpratism Gang,” “Fox Kool-Aid,” and something about “group-think” and “agitprop.” (This last commenter must have confused my hub with the Democratic Party website.) Of course, what I stated was a list of facts (not “opinions” as someone said). One would think he has done enough to disqualify President Obama for reelection but, of course, there’s more . . . a LOT more. Here we go:
TAXES - Obama wants to raise our taxes by allowing the “Bush tax cuts” to expire, well some of them anyway. Apparently anybody with a gross income of $250,000 is “rich.” They will have their income taxes raised and, if the “Buffet Rule” passes, capitol gains taxes will rise as well. Know what will happen if these things take place? Thousands of small businesses will have to tighten their belts, let some employees go, and probably raise prices. Some of them will probably close their doors. With respect to the proposed capitol gains increase, this would discourage investment and have a next negative impact on the economy. Economist Don Luskin has estimated that allowing this to happen will cause a 30 percent collapse in the stock market. (Phil Kerpin column, Fox News, 9 July 2012). Besides, raising taxes in a recession is a bad idea. You know who said that? Barack Obama in 2009.
“OBAMACARE” - Speaking of taxes, conservative pundits are calling “Obamacare” the largest tax increase in American history. Well, it turns out it’s the tenth largest tax increase in history (see Ezra Klein’s “Wonkblog,” 2 July 2012), and that’s large enough for me. Of course, the Obama administration argues the mandate was not a tax when they were arguing for the bill, then the administration’s lawyers turned around argued it WAS a tax before the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court said, yup, it’s a tax! If it looks like a duck . . .
FAST AND FURIOUS - What can I say about this? The Attorney General has been held in contempt of Congress (and Obama has injected himself into it by declaring "executive privilege"). Stay tuned - this could get worse - far worse.
INTEL LEAKS - This one really irks me - I spent almost 40 years in jobs with high security clearances and to see these kind of leaks coming out of the White House is alarming to say the least. I know, all administrations selectively leak intelligence for political reasons, but this one seems particularly egregious. We now have major leaks of classified information from the administration negatively affecting our national security, and the Attorney General appoints a couple of Justice Department attorneys to “investigate” the leaks. Naturally any results won’t be known until after the election.. Someone needs to hang for this.
“DREAM ACT” - So the so-called Dream Act could not pass Congress, so Obama basically enacts it by executive fiat. He is ignoring the Constitution (and the law) by essentially granting an amnesty to over 800,000 illegal aliens. There is a much better way to address this issue but this is NOT the way to do it. The states are trying to cope with this problem and the federal government keeps thwarting their efforts. My grandparents came here in the late 1800s legally and had to go through all the wickets to become citizens. Why should hundreds of thousands of people who entered the country ILLEGALLY get these benefits without going through the system?
WELFARE REFORM - One of the few good things Bill Clinton did right was to sign the welfare reform act back in 1996 (thanks primarily to Newt Gingrich and the GOP congress). Now Mr. Obama has essentially gutted it by choosing to waive the work requirements for able-bodied people that formed the backbone of the act. So much for welfare reform. This is one of the worst of all Obama’s economic decisions and undoes sixteen years of good results from the landmark legislation.
“YOU DIDN’T BUILD YOUR BUSINESS” - Obama’s speech the other day about the role of government in business and in our lives shows his true colors. Yes, he didn’t actually say businessmen did not “build” their own businesses, but the implication is clear: you couldn’t do it without us. So “us,” being the government, is benign and helpful and don’t worry if it keeps growing, gets more burdensome, consumes more of the GNP, and we impose more regulations, etc., etc. This guy is a statist, pure and simple. I agree with some of the pundits that are saying the president gave Romney a gift with this one.
2ND AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION - Secretary of State Clinton supports the UN’s “Small Arms Treaty,” an onerous act that, if we ratified it, could seriously curtail our 2nd Amendment rights. Luckily, the US Senate will never ratify this piece of dung but it is disturbing that this administration would support it. Disturbing, but not surprising. By the way, gun owners, can you imagine what may happen if he is reelected?
Oh, and before I forget, he’s gutted the Defense of Marriage Act, this after he stated quite plainly a couple of years ago that he was against gay marriage. Those of you who voted for Obama 4 years ago, ask yourselves these questions - do you really think he deserves reelection? Do you really want bigger, bloated government? Do you really wish to see a further erosion of individual liberties? How about a bankrupt economy? Think about it. And then do the right thing - vote this president out of office.
Update - 11 June 2013
Well, I must say the 2nd Obama administration is even worse than I thought it would be! Scandal after scandal and quite a few people are calling for his impeachment. (President Biden? Ugh, what a thought!) Now we have scandals at the IRS, DOJ, and NSA. Some liberals maintain each has nothing to do with the other but they are clearly wrong. These scandals are indicative of the nature of our government: a huge, bloated bureaucracy aggrandizing more and more power, and practically the opposite of what the Founding Fathers envisioned. Now one of the excuses coming from the White House is Obama knew nothing of these things. If that's true, then we have an out-of-control mess with minions doing what they damn well please. If that turns out to be NOT true . . . well, what does that tell you about Obama?
Phil Kerpin's Column
- Obama's tax hikes for the 'rich' plan is a disaster | Fox News
President Obama has done nothing to cut federal spending. It's a safe bet that every dollar of his new tax hike on the 'rich' is almost certain to be spent on more wasteful spending.
Ezra Klein's "Wonkblog"
- No, ‘Obamacare’ isn’t ‘the largest tax increase in the histo
No, ‘Obamacare’ isn’t ‘the largest tax increase in the history of the world’ (in one chart)